Therefore, after walking around this place for a full day, Huang Zhong couldn't find any way to go up the mountain, so he had to retreat angrily.

That night, the sullen Huang Zhong frantically wrote and reported what happened here to Liu Ke.

This is a practice formed by Liu Ke's army. When troops are sent out, they still need to summarize and submit battle reports every few days.

Although in this way, the road will be delayed for a while, but it can also enable Liu Ke to clearly grasp the movements of each army.

In order for him to make flexible adjustments according to the situation at the time.

Today, Liu Ke's base camp is stationed in Chencang, where he directs the battles in Liangzhou and Yizhou.

Going down the Wei River, Huang Zhong's battle report was delivered to Chen Cang the next day.

However, Liu Ke has now ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor, and he has a lot of opportunities to deal with every day. Naturally, the general battle report will not be handed over to him immediately.

And all of them were gathered before Prime Minister Zhuge Liang's case.

In addition to the battle report from Dasanguan just sent back, Zhuge Liang compiled the movements of all the troops into a memorial and hurried to Liu Keyu.

"Your Majesty, the battle reports for the last five days are out, and Rong Chen will report them one by one!"

Liu Ke nodded and began to listen.

Liu Ke is quite satisfied with the battle situation, and all fronts are making good progress.

Especially on Zhang Yun's side, Liu Ke was very happy when he went to eight cities in Liangzhou, and immediately offered generous rewards.

Afterwards, upon hearing Huang Zhong's situation, Liu Ke frowned slightly.

"The other party burned the plank road and blocked it at a high level. It is indeed a difficult problem. I wonder what good strategy Kong Ming has?"

In fact, Zhuge Liang had already started thinking after seeing the battle report.

However, this dilemma does make him a little tricky.

So Zhuge Liang said truthfully: "Reporting to the emperor, I have already understood that General Huang is trapped in Longwanggou.

Although Jiang Wei, the young player blocking the opponent, was not well-known before, it is said that he is also after Hanchen.

His father, Jiang Jiong, died fighting against the Qiang Hu, so he was able to take up his post..."

"Wait! Kong Ming, who did you just talk about?"

Zhuge Liang was talking when he was suddenly interrupted by Liu Ke loudly.

He was so scared that he thought he had said something wrong.

But when he heard Liu Ke's question, he quickly replied: "Your Majesty, the Jiang Wei I just mentioned..."

"Yes! Is it Jiang Wei, Jiang Boyue, Tianshui Qilin?"

Liu Ke's words made Zhuge Liang more and more confused.

However, he had already inquired about Jiang Wei's identity. Jiang Wei, courtesy name Boyue, was from Ji County, Tianshui.

Then he replied truthfully: "Your Majesty, this person is indeed named Boyue, but I have never heard of the title Tianshui Qilin'er."

But after getting Zhuge Liang's affirmation, Liu Ke's face was already full of excitement.

This expression was like seeing a peerless beauty.

Zhuge Liang couldn't help but slander: "Who the hell is Jiang Wei? How could His Majesty be so ashamed?"

Liu Ke was overjoyed, but couldn't help but said to himself: "Yes, yes, yes! It should be him! Why do you think I almost missed him!

It's been really slow recently!Shouldn't, shouldn't. "

Liu Ke, who is familiar with the Three Kingdoms, naturally knows the value of Jiang Wei. The other party has maintained the Shu Han for decades by himself.

Even after Deng Ai smuggled to Yinping and Liu Chan offered the city to surrender, Jiang Wei still had the ambition to restore the country.

Even almost succeeded, even if it failed in the end, he still used tricks to kill Deng Ai and Zhong Hui, the two culprits who destroyed Shu.

It can be described as the most dazzling general star in the late Three Kingdoms period.

Therefore, upon hearing Jiang Wei's name, Liu Ke immediately regained his spirits.

I saw Liu Ke rubbing his hands excitedly and said: "Kong Ming, you don't know something, this Jiang Boyue is a great talent! I swear to get him!"

Although Zhuge Liang didn't know what talents Jiang Wei had.

But following Liu Ke for so long, whenever he sees such an expression on the other side, there must be an outstanding talent who will be favored by Liu Ke.

It doesn't matter if it's Zhang He, Gan Ning, Lu Meng, Le Jin, Guo Jia, or Xun Yu.

Liu Ke continued to add: "Kong Ming, hurry up to Linwei to join General Huang.

This time I don't want you to attack the city, I only have one request, and that is to subdue Jiang Wei!

Although it involves secrets, I can't tell you clearly, but this person has a deep relationship with you, so you must do it yourself! "

Zhuge Liang was even more confused when he heard it now.

No matter how he talked, he talked about himself again.

However, Liu Kaicai's performance cannot be faked, and the clever Zhuge Liang naturally understood what the other party was thinking.

So he quickly got up and took the order, and accepted Liu Ke's arrangement.

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