On the second day, Zhuge Liang put down all the work at hand, rode a fast horse and rushed to Linwei.

After a few days of destruction, more than half of the plank road built by Huang Zhong has been destroyed.

What is left is not that the other party is benevolent, but that it is beyond the scope of the attack.

Just when Huang Zhong was frowning and puzzled, a person outside the tent walked in slowly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why is Han Sheng so sad?"

A hearty voice came from outside the tent, Huang Zhong looked up and saw a person with a feather fan and a scarf walking in slowly.

Seeing the person coming, Huang Zhong's face instantly showed surprise.

"Kong Ming, why are you here? Once you come, the old man will be saved!"

It's no wonder Huang Zhong was so excited, Zhuge Liang was resourceful and quick-witted, and when he saw the other party, Huang Zhong finally had a bottom line in his mind.

I saw Huang Zhong hastened to meet him, enthusiastically took Zhuge Liang's hand, and was about to present him to the seat.

However, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan and said with a smile: "You are welcome, General Huang, but this time you may be disappointed.

Because His Majesty sent me this time, not to help you defeat the enemy, but to have other arrangements! "

These words made Huang Zhong stunned on the spot.

It's like a person trapped in the desert, hungry and thirsty, suddenly saw a bottle of water.

However, the outside of the water is blocked by bulletproof glass windows, so that they can only look at it, but cannot quench their thirst.

I'm afraid it's better not to have this kind of torture at all.

This is Huang Zhong's expression at the moment, with an indescribable discomfort on his face.

However, Zhuge Liang suddenly burst out laughing.

"Han Sheng, don't worry. As long as I complete His Majesty's arrangement, your plight will be solved!"

As soon as these words came out, a smile finally appeared on Huang Zhong's face again.

He hurriedly pulled Zhuge Liang, and said sincerely: "Kong Ming, don't make fun of me, an old man.

As long as you come, the old man will rest assured!I beg Kong Ming to give us a strategy to defeat the enemy! "

Facing Huang Zhong's entreaties, Zhuge Liang remained unhurried.

"Don't worry about Han Sheng, take me to Longwanggou to see the terrain before we talk about it!"

Huang Zhong heard the words, and immediately actively led the way, leading Zhuge Liang to go there.

In the past few days, Huang Zhong did not continue to build the plank road, but Jiang Wei did not dare to be careless, and still placed everyone on the mountain, ready to attack at any time.

But Zhuge Liang and Huang Zhong were still a little far away from the attack range of the mountain top, so the other party could only see someone shaking, but they could do nothing.

Seeing the terrain here, Zhuge Liang also sighed sincerely: "This place is so steep, it really is a dangerous place!"

Seeing Zhuge Liang's expression, Huang Zhong's expression became even more worried.

"Prime Minister, then, is there still a chance?"

Huang Zhong was very anxious. After all, he had been trapped for several days, and it would be troublesome if he delayed the joint attack with Ma Chaojun.

Because Ma Chao went into the deep mountains to explore the way, it was naturally impossible to bring too many troops.

So he actually only has more than [-] people in his hands.

Even if these people successfully passed through the deep mountains, they arrived at the foot of Shangyu City.

Facing the strong army, it is useless, and even suffers from it.

Therefore, Huang Zhong must speed up.

After reading the situation here, Zhuge Liang didn't continue to speak, but turned around and went back to the camp.

Huang Zhong, who was in a hurry, followed Zhuge Liang's side all the time.

But afraid of disturbing Zhuge Liang's thoughts, he could only walk up and down beside him, indescribably anxious.

"Hehe, I said Han Sheng, you should stop walking around and take a rest!" Zhuge Liang said with a smile.

"Cough! Prime Minister, how can I rest in the mood! Now that I don't defeat the enemy, I won't be able to sleep all day!"

"Oh? That's it! Then I have a task for you!"

Huang Zhong's eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Is it a plan to defeat the enemy? Tell me, Prime Minister, I will definitely implement it unconditionally!"

"Han Sheng, I see that you have a lot of wood in your camp, which is just for use. Since the plank road can't be built, it just happens to be used for shipbuilding."

Huang Zhong thought it was a clever plan, but he was immediately disappointed when he heard that it was shipbuilding.

"Prime Minister, I also thought about attacking by boat. It's just that when the Wei River passed through this valley, it suddenly became turbulent.

Moreover, there are many hidden reefs and countercurrents under the water, so big ships can't do it at all. If you use small boats to transport people, when will you be able to transport people there! "

Zhuge Liang listened, but still unmoved.

Instead, he said to himself: "General Huang, you don't have to worry about anything else. I just ask you the truth, can you build ten speedboats within two days?"

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