Huang Zhong had no choice but to answer after hearing the words: "Yes, Prime Minister. I will definitely complete the task! However, if you still can't retreat from the enemy, then..."

Huang Zhong didn't continue to say the following words, but the meaning was already obvious.

Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan lightly, with a determined expression on his face: "Old General Huang, as long as he completes the task, Kong Ming will naturally not let you down!"

"A word is settled!"

Before Huang Zhong finished speaking, he rushed out of the tent in a hurry, and went directly to tell the craftsmen to act immediately.

In fact, such a change did not delay much time.

The wooden piles originally used as supports for the plank road can be directly used as keels, masts, and even oars after a little processing.

And those wooden boards used for laying are nailed together to become ship boards.

That is to say, the raw materials have been prepared, as long as they can be used directly.

Huang Zhong was anxious at first, but now that Zhuge Liang was so determined, of course he would not lose the chain.

Therefore, under his supervision, the craftsmen are very fast.

In fact, this task is not impossible to complete. What is to be built is a speedboat, not a building boat.

So, just after two days, Huang Zhong's work was finally completed.

"Hahahaha! Prime Minister, you have fulfilled your mission, ten speedboats are ready!"

Huang Zhong was very excited and rushed directly into Zhuge Liang's tent.

Zhuge Liang seemed to have expected it long ago, not surprised.

He said directly: "Old General Huang, since the speedboat is built, there will be no delay, and the enemy will be defeated today!"

"Today? But it's already evening, Prime Minister, how about tomorrow morning!"

"Hehe, is it possible that General Huang is not in a hurry now?"

"How is it possible? It's just that it's going to be dark now, and the terrain in front of me is complicated, so I'm afraid I'll miss it."

"It doesn't matter, let me say that today is today! General Huang Lao will lead five hundred tigers in person, and go upstream on this speedboat and go deep behind the enemy's rear."

"What? Only these [-] people?" Huang Zhong heard this, with a worried expression on his face.

But Zhuge Liang said with a smile: "Could it be that Old General Huang is afraid?"

"How is it possible? This old man dared to face Cao Jun alone. But what's the use of these five hundred people going?"

"Hehe, Old General Huang, Liang has his own idea. There are three kits here. After you cross the Longwanggou, open the first one.

At this time tomorrow, open the second one.Another day, open the third!

The above has already written how to do it, as long as you follow the above, you can easily defeat the enemy! "

Huang Zhong took the kit with a suspicious expression, very curious in his heart, he was about to open one by accident.

But Zhuge Liang's lupine immediately hit his hand.

"Han Sheng, looking at it now, the plan will not work!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Zhong, who wanted to watch, was slapped by the other party, and after listening to the other party's words, he immediately withdrew his hand.

Since Zhuge Liang said so, Huang Zhong didn't dare to play games, so he had to put all the three kits back in his arms for the time being, and kept them carefully.

Afterwards, Huang Zhong was about to leave immediately.

But they were stopped by Zhuge Liang and ordered them to leave later.

Huang Zhong didn't understand, but since he had chosen to trust the other party, he could only follow the rules.

At three o'clock in the morning, it was already very late, and the other soldiers had already rested.

At this moment, Huang Zhong and the previously selected five hundred tigers also gathered on the shore.

Now it's time for Zhuge Liang to set off.

After Huang Zhong bid farewell to Zhuge Liang, he resolutely boarded the speedboat and led the crowd into the water.

The moon and stars are thin tonight, and it is even a little bright outside.

However, the high mountains on both sides blocked the moonlight that was supposed to shine on the river, leaving only a shadow.

Against the backdrop of the surrounding moonlight, it seemed even darker.

But Huang Zhong's speedboat scraped against the stone wall and paddled upstream quietly.

The reason why Zhuge Liang chose today is because he is proficient in astronomy and calendar, and he is sure that today is the day.

At this time, although the earth was illuminated very brightly, the water surface sandwiched by the mountains did not get a trace.

So it will not attract attention, just in line with the saying that it is dark under the lamp.

Moreover, there is still an east wind blowing today, and the wind drives the sails, which just offsets the water force of the upstream.

Therefore, Huang Zhong and others can drive the boat through this water area as long as they paddle with a little force.

Sure enough, in less than an hour, Huang Zhong finally walked through Longwanggou.

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