As the mountains on both sides became more and more slow, Huang Zhongcai finally breathed a sigh of relief without being discovered by the enemy.

Then I found a shoal and landed.

Huang Zhong's subordinates hid the speedboat, while he reached into his arms and took out the first kit from Zhuge Liang.

"After landing, march quickly and arrive at Shangbei before Chenshi.

Soldiers approach the city without fighting, bluffing and majestic, so that the enemy does not know how deep they are.

It was declared to the outside world that Jiang Wei surrendered to the enemy and cooperated with the enemy to pass, and threatened to attack the city as soon as the army arrived in the near future! "

Seeing the contents on the kit, Huang Zhong was still a little confused.

However, out of his trust in Zhuge Liang, Huang Zhong could only execute it unconditionally, and immediately led his troops to trot forward.

Huang Zhong hurried on, and the sky was getting brighter and brighter, but in the early morning, a thin layer of mist rose in the air.

Although it does not affect the action, but a hundred meters away, there is nothing to see.

In fact, this is the normal weather in early autumn in Liangzhou, Zhuge Liang just wanted to use this fog to achieve the purpose of bluffing.

"My lord, look, the city wall!"

The soldiers exploring the way at the front shouted excitedly.

Huang Zhong raised his head and saw the dark city wall not far away, half hidden in the mist, like a dormant giant beast.

"Quiet, everything is carried out according to the prime minister's request!"

Huang Zhong immediately ordered, and everyone immediately started to split up.

At this moment, the sun had not yet risen from the mountain, and with the mist shrouded in it, everything was hazy when viewed from the city wall.

At this moment, a burst of drums and horns sounded, which suddenly alarmed the defenders on the top of the city.

The defenders followed the sound and saw a group of soldiers and horses faintly appearing under the city. It seemed that the banners were densely covered and the momentum was huge.

They thought that the reinforcements had arrived, and immediately said excitedly, "Who is the general?"

"Hahahaha! I am Anxi General Huang Zhong, so please open the door quickly!"

The defenders didn't react at first, so they ordered to open the door.

However, Yin Shang, who happened to be on duty, passed by and asked who was coming, and the defender hurriedly told the truth.

Unexpectedly, when Yin Shang heard the words, his complexion changed instantly: "Hurry up, meet the enemy! It's not reinforcements, it's enemy troops!"

With an exclamation, the city was immediately thrown into a panic.

After all, General Jiang Wei just took orders a few days ago and went to Longwanggou to stop the enemy.

Yesterday's battle report also said that the enemy army was unable to retreat, so why did they already approach the city early this morning.

Let alone ordinary soldiers, even Yin Shang was a little surprised.

Moreover, seeing the shadows in the city, he couldn't see the reality of the place clearly, and he didn't dare to make a decision lightly.

After all, he is only a small chief bookkeeper so far, he is only in charge of guarding, and he has no right to even mobilize troops.

So Yin Shang could only order the defenders at the top of the city to take precautions, while he hurried to report the news.

As soon as he ran down the city wall, he happened to see the prefect Ma Zun walking there.

Ma Zun gets up very early on weekdays, and walks around every day as exercise.

He naturally also saw Yin Shang, who was Ma Zun's supporter when he was in Ji County.

Now that Ma Zun saw that Jiang Wei was about to gain momentum, he naturally wanted to win over the old department.

"Master Yin, where are you going?"

Yin Shang followed the sound and hurried forward to salute respectfully.

"Prefect, something serious has happened. The enemy army is approaching the city. I am going to report to General Xiahou!"

Ma Zun's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and after Yin Shang finished speaking, he hurriedly left and was about to continue to report.

Ma Zun became more and more suspicious now, and even worried that General Yin Shang's plane would fly directly to Xia Houyuan, and he would also climb on his head.

Therefore, he suddenly pulled the opponent back.

Faced with Ma Zun's obstruction, Yin Shang's face was full of anxiety and bewilderment.

But Ma Zun quickly explained: "Boss Yin, don't panic. I'll go to the city first and then talk about it.

If you read it wrong, there are only a small group of troops under the city, wouldn't it be a lie to report the military situation and offend the governor of Xiahou, but military law is required to do it! "

Yin Shang is an honest man, Ma Zun was deceived repeatedly, and immediately turned pale with fright.

In fact, just now Yin Shang rushed to report the news just after seeing the identity of the people in the city.

I didn't even see how many people there were on the other side.

At this moment, after being reminded by Ma Zunyi, he knew that the situation was serious. When he heard about the military law, Yin Shang was so scared that his face turned pale.

"Prefect, this, how can this be done?"

Ma Zun finally said at the right time: "In this way, I am also the general seeking captives now, and of course I can't just sit idly by when I hear about the military situation.

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