You take me up there to have a look first, if the enemy army is powerful, it is not too late to report to the governor of Xiahou.

If there are not many enemies, the general will be able to repel them now!When the time comes, the great achievement of defeating the enemy will naturally be indispensable to you. "

Upon hearing this, Yin Shang couldn't take care of so much anymore, and followed the other party directly back to the city.

Ma Zun climbed to the top of the wall and immediately looked down.

However, the fog outside the city has not yet dissipated, and it is impossible to see the reality of the opponent at all.

Ma Zun only heard the sound of horns and shouts echoing in his ears, like thousands of troops and horses, which made him tremble instantly.

However, Ma Zun still insisted and asked, "Who are you?"

"This is under the command of Huang Zhong, General Anxi of the Great Han Dynasty. Now the army has passed through Longwanggou and is approaching the city. Open the door and surrender!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ma Zun's face changed greatly at the words of the city.

He hurriedly asked: "Nonsense, Longwanggou is guarded by our general Jiang Wei, how could it be easily broken by you?

I think you are just bluffing here! "

"Haha, I might as well tell you the truth, Jiang Wei has been taken back by my Prime Minister Zhuge, and now he has been named General Fengyi and Marquis of Yangting.

Naturally, we will not continue to block our army now. Three days later, after all our troops have passed through, we will fight against you at the city of Shangyu! "

After Huang Zhong finished speaking, he immediately shot an arrow at the top of the city.

If Ma Zun hadn't dodged quickly, the arrow would have killed him.

The arrows were deeply inserted into the pillars of the Qiaolou on the city wall, and something was tied to it.

After the arrow was shot, Huang Zhong no longer continued to entangle with the opponent, but directly led his troops to retreat slowly.

Because the fog hadn't cleared yet, Ma Zun didn't dare to chase him out, so he could only watch the other party leave with his own eyes.

However, before leaving, Huang Zhong did not forget to complete the play, and the movement of soldiers and horses lasted for a long time, pretending to be a large number of people.

It wasn't until the opponent retreated that Ma Zun finally regained his composure.

He quickly looked at the arrow, took off the thing tied to it, and found that it was a letter of war.

Ma Zun glanced at the contents of the war letter, and rushed to Xia Houyuan's mansion in fright.

"Captain Xiahou, something is wrong!"

Xia Houyuan had just woken up when he was startled by a sudden shout from outside.

"What's so alarming about?"

At this time, Ma Zun finally ran in and shouted anxiously: "Captain, something is wrong! The enemy army has already approached the city!"

"What? General Ma, please explain clearly, what is going on?"

Ma Zun quickly told about the provocation of Huang Zhong's army just now, and at the same time sent the letter of war.

Xia Houyuan looked at the letter of war, and said solemnly: "Why did the enemy army arrive at the city so quickly? Why didn't there be any news before?"

Hearing this, Ma Zun quickly fell to his knees and said, "The last general is guilty, please forgive him!"

"Huh? What's going on? What's wrong with General Ma?"

"Captain, it's Jiang Wei, it's Jiang Wei who surrendered to the enemy, which made it easy for the enemy to break through the natural danger of Longwanggou.

Now he has been conferred by the other party as General Fengyi and Marquis of Yangting.

In the end, there is no way to control people, and such a traitor has appeared, please punish him! "

Xia Houyuan was puzzled and said, "What, Jiang Wei? I don't think this son is a person who sees profit and forgets righteousness. How could he join the enemy?"

Xia Houyuan would believe him if he told someone else.

But he always thought that he was very accurate in judging people. When Jiang Wei took the initiative to ask for a job, even though he was a newcomer, he still agreed.

It was because Xia Houyuan could tell from the other party's speech and behavior that Jiang Wei was not an ordinary person.

He even planned to train him well after this battle, maybe he could really train a famous general.

However, Ma Zun suddenly ran over and said that the other party had delivered it, how could Xia Houyuan believe it easily.

Seeing that Xia Houyuan was still skeptical, Ma Zun hurriedly continued: "Captain, this is what the enemy general Huang Zhong said.

All the soldiers in the city heard it clearly, and the other party also said that Jiang Wei is helping to repair the plank road at this moment, and he will lead the army to come soon!

Some people said before that this kid has a rebellious personality in the back of his head, and sooner or later he will turn his back on his master.I didn't believe it before, but I didn't expect it to come true now.

Maybe he had planned it for a long time before, so he volunteered to serve as the guard of Longwanggou.

It is good to cooperate with the enemy army inside and outside to seek wealth and honor! "

Ma Zun himself was prejudiced against Jiang Wei, and when he saw the other party, he naturally believed in Jiang Wei's rebellion.

In order to worry about Xia Houyuan's suspicion, he didn't even forget to add fuel and vinegar, describing Jiang Wei as a rebellious person.

After what he said, Xia Houyuan was also a little shaken.

However, as the commander-in-chief, he naturally couldn't just believe his one-sided words, so Xia Houyuan immediately summoned everyone to verify.

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