At this time, Jiang Wei finally saw the figure in the city, and hurriedly shouted: "Captain, it will be Jiang Wei in the end.

No matter what happened before, there must be a misunderstanding, please allow the general to explain! "

Before he finished speaking, Xiahouba's attack came again, forcing Jiang Wei to concentrate on dealing with it.

But Ma Zun behind Xia Houyuan's face changed drastically.

"Regardless of whether the other party is really a traitor or not, we must not give him a chance to explain!"

Ma Zun thought about it, and immediately said: "Captain, Jiang Weiben is my subordinate, please allow the last general to go down to support."

"Well, let's go. But the general just heard that he seems to have something to say, so you go down and find out on behalf of the general."

Xia Houyuan nodded, agreed to Ma Zun's request, and reminded him before leaving.

Ma Zun rushed over immediately after taking the order, but after he turned around, his eyes gradually became cold.

"Little general, wait a moment, the governor has something to ask him!" Ma Zun shouted after arriving, and finally ordered Xia Houba to stop.

Seeing this, Jiang Wei naturally put away the Lv Shen gun, looked at Ma Zun excitedly, and said eagerly: "Prefect, there must be a misunderstanding, please let your subordinates explain!"

"Hmph, what else is there to explain? You turned your back on the Lord for glory and led the enemy army in. You have long been at odds with us.

For the sake of friendship in the past, I didn't directly shoot you with random arrows today.Do you still want to continue provoking? "

Jiang Wei was instantly shocked on the spot with a look on his face, and quickly explained: "Vote, surrender to the enemy, how come?

The last general has been in Longwanggou these days, how could he surrender to the enemy? "

Ma Zun laughed and said, "Hahahaha, of course I know you are in Longwanggou.

And these days are not idle, I think I am repairing the plank road every day for the enemy to pass!

No matter what you came here for, I advise you to retreat quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless! "

After Jiang Wei heard it, he finally understood what it was. It seemed that the other party had heard the rumor from somewhere, and wrongly blamed him for joining the enemy.

So, Jiang Wei hurriedly said: "General, Jiang Wei's heart can be learned from heaven and earth. If you don't believe it, Jiang Wei will bind his hands now and explain to the governor himself."

When Ma Zun heard this, he thought to himself that it was okay.

He immediately took out his wristband and threw it on Jiang Wei.

"I will never believe your sweet words again!"

Jiang Wei subconsciously borrowed it, and when he saw what was in his hand, his expression suddenly changed.

Because this wristband was untied by him before he left for the expedition and given to his mother to mend, and now it appears in the other party's hands, could it be...

"Where is my mother now?"

"Hmph! You took your mother away by yourself, and now you're pretending to be stupid. I think you just want to deceive us into ignoring our knowledge, and sneak in and cooperate with each other!"

After Ma Zun finished speaking, he didn't give the other party any more words to continue, so he picked up his weapon and rushed forward.

"I will solve you today, and justify the names of officials in our county!"

Speaking of which, Ma Zun was not Jiang Wei's opponent at all.

But at this moment, Jiang Wei didn't have any fighting spirit in his heart, especially when he heard the other party talk about his mother just now, it made him even more worried.

Originally, Jiang Wei was going to dismount and surrender directly.

But when he learned that his mother was not there, he was taken away by someone else.

In order to quickly find the whereabouts of his mother, Jiang Wei must not leave here.

He raised the green gun in his hand to block Ma Zun's weapon.

Then Jiang Wei shot Xu Huang, stabbing the opponent's chest, scaring Hu Zun to dodge hastily.

Taking advantage of this gap, Jiang Wei ran away without hesitation.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing Jiang Wei fleeing, Ma Zun finally heaved a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Jiang Wei would stab himself to death for meritorious service.

After all, Ma Zun was very self-aware of his two actions, knowing that Jiang Wei would use his full strength if he disregarded his feelings.

I don't necessarily stick to it for ten rounds.

However, Jiang Wei, who was worried about his mother in his heart, had no intention of continuing to pester under the city of Shanggui.

Whether the other party said that he surrendered to the enemy was out of thin air or based on real grounds, compared with Jiang Wei's mother, it was not important.

The most important thing now is to find out the whereabouts of his mother first.

With Jiang Wei's performance, Ma Zun, who hated him, had more to say.

Ma Zun looked at the background of Jiang Wei's departure and said, "Huh! Jiang Wei, it seems that you have really surrendered to the enemy.

In view of the old love, I will let you go this time, see you later, you and I will never die! "

He actually said these words to Xia Houba who was at the side.

After all, Xia Houba was still a little unhappy when he saw Ma Zun stepping up and letting him go after saying a few words.

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