Now, after listening to Ma Zun's words, he expressed his understanding of his kindness and righteousness.

Afterwards, the two returned to the city together to report to Xia Houyuan.

Because Xia Houyuan was on the top of the city, the following conversation was not heard very clearly.

Everything depends on the horse's mouth.

But this time with his own son Xia Houba witnessing it, Xia Houyuan finally completely believed in this reality.

"Hmph! Jiang Wei really became a traitor! The general vowed to cut him into pieces, and Fang vented his hatred!"

Besides, on Jiang Wei's side, he ran for a long time and finally got out of the range of Shangyu City.

But the doubts in my heart are getting heavier and heavier.

Because all of this was suspicious, Jiang Wei suddenly heard about it just now, and before he could react, he hurriedly left because he was worried about his mother.

Now the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and suddenly shouted: "Wang Liang, what happened before?"

A sergeant hurried up and replied: "General, this morning, my subordinates received a message from the prefect.

Tell the general to rush to Shangyu City as soon as possible, saying that there is an important military event.The subordinate quickly notified the general. "

Jiang Wei immediately asked: "Where is that person? Where is he now?"

"Man, the man said he would go back to report after reporting the letter, so he left first, and urged us to hurry up before leaving."

"Then have you ever seen that person before? Do you know his name?"

"No, I don't know."

"Oh! It's a trick!"

Jiang Wei finally understood, and immediately speeded up and rushed to Longwanggou.

In fact, all of these are Zhuge Liang's tricks, which were executed perfectly by Huang Zhong.

Although the people in Shangyu City already knew about Jiang Wei's rebellion, these were not enough to bring him under his command.

Only when Jiang Wei is cornered and chilled, can he have a chance to subdue him.

So this trick was aimed at Jiang Wei.

Including the person who came to deliver the letter as soon as possible, it was Huang Zhong who sent people to pretend to deceive Jiang Wei to confront him in Shangyu City.

Because Jiang Wei's army has been guarding the mountain of Longwanggou, it is natural that they don't know what happened in the rear.

Not to mention that Huang Zhong had already sneaked in, so he was fooled without hesitation.

As for Huang Zhong, he was also not idle.

His army was always in ambush by the side of the road, and when they saw Jiang Wei leading his men away in a hurry, they rushed up the mountain immediately.

At this moment, on the mountain on the side of Longwanggou, there are still about a thousand people who continue to monitor the other side.

During this period of time, the army on the other side stayed still and did not continue to repair the plank road.

Over time, Cao Jun on the mountain gradually lost his previous vigilance and became more relaxed.

However, what they didn't know was that the danger was coming quietly at this moment.

As Huang Zhong and the others went up the mountain, they unavoidably made rustling sounds.

But Cao Jun on the mountain regarded him as Jiang Wei who had returned.

Therefore, those people did not take any precautions at all, and did not even send someone down to take a look.

Huang Zhong sneered in his heart and said, "It's really God helping me!"

When he finally saw Cao Jun's figure, he picked up his sword and shouted: "Soldiers, follow me!"


Five hundred soldiers roared in unison, and the momentum turned out to be very majestic.

Cao Jun was caught off guard, and before he had time to react, Huang Zhong led his men to kill him.

Except for some people who took up arms to resist, but were ruthlessly killed, the remaining Cao army was leaderless, and no effective resistance was formed.

In addition, he didn't know how many people there were on the other side, and he never expected that the enemy would come out from behind.

In just half an hour, the battle ended with the surrender of Cao Jun.

On Huang Zhong's side, the price he paid was very small.

After all the Cao troops on the mountain were dealt with, a sergeant immediately came to the edge of the cliff and blew the horn.

"Woo... woo... woo..."

The sound of two short and one long horns immediately alarmed Zhuge Liang who was watching the scenery by the Weishui River.

I saw him please wave the feather fan, and said slowly: "Han Sheng's speed is quite fast! Order to go down, the army will march immediately!"

After a while, busy figures building plank roads appeared on the cliff that had been silent for several days.

Under Zhuge Liang's preparation, the construction speed is very fast. I am afraid that it will take less than two days for the army to pass through the plank road of Longwanggou safely.

And Huang Zhong was not idle, he immediately prepared to deal with Jiang Wei's counterattack.

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