Jiang Wei knew that he had been duped, and worried that there was something wrong with Longwanggou, so he rushed over without stopping.

He knew in his heart that if he could hold Longwanggou in his hands, he would have the opportunity to clarify the misunderstanding with Governor Xiahou later.

If Longwanggou loses again, I really can't tell.

When Jiang Wei finally arrived at the foot of the mountain, he was relieved when he saw the silence in front of him.

"Fortunately, the position is still there!"

However, Jiang Wei hadn't finished speaking yet, and a burst of shouting suddenly came from the forest.

"Hahahaha! Jiang Wei, do you recognize this old man?"

A veteran with a gray beard and a big knife in his hand led a group of soldiers to rush out.

When Jiang Wei saw it, his face changed drastically. The clothes of these people were all dressed in Liu Ke's army.

"Who are you?" Jiang Wei gritted his teeth and said almost word by word.

"Old man Huang Zhong, little Jiang Wei, surrender quickly!"

Only now did Jiang Wei understand that all of this was probably the work of this person.

Thinking of the anger he received before, Jiang Wei could no longer suppress the anger in his heart.

"Old man, you have hurt me the most, and I swear to kill you today!"

Jiang Wei held a green gun and rushed forward unceremoniously.

"Good come!"

Huang Zhong applauded, and his hands were not idle, and he immediately fought with Jiang Wei.

To be honest, before Zhuge Liang admired Jiang Wei so much, Huang Zhong had long wanted to see Jiang Wei's weight, and now was the opportunity.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Zhong was over sixty years old, Jiang Wei was less than weak crown, the two of them were nearly half a hundred years apart in age, and they collided violently at this moment.

Holding a green heavy gun on one side, with a cold light, it aimed at Huang Zhong's heart, throat and other fatal vital points.

On the other side, a heavy Fengzui knife opened and closed, as if to split the opponent in half.

The two sides refused to give in to each other, both offensive and defensive. After fighting for fifty rounds, they were still evenly matched.

Huang Zhong said to himself: "Jiang Wei is capable of catching so many knives from the old man. No wonder the prime minister values ​​him so much!"

On the other side, Jiang Wei's face also changed slightly.

Originally, seeing Huang Zhong was old, he thought that with his own strength, he would be able to defeat him.

Unexpectedly, this person is proficient in swordsmanship, amazing in strength, and the most important thing is that he has a lot of experience, and he does not look like an old man in sixties at all.

If the battle continues like this, I am afraid that it will be dark and there will be no winner.

However, Jiang Wei saw the shadows of people on the mountain, and there seemed to be an ambush.

He left in a hurry before, only bringing a hundred people with him, afraid of making mistakes, and was always worried in his heart.

After fighting for dozens of rounds, he jumped out of the battle circle and led the rest of the people to escape.

Huang Zhong didn't chase after seeing this, because he knew that the other party would definitely come back.

So he laughed triumphantly and watched the other party leave.

Not long after Jiang Wei ran away, Wang Liang who had been by his side said, "General, where are we going?"

This question immediately stopped Jiang Wei.

That's right, now one party thinks that he has defected to the enemy, while the other party is still the chief culprit of all this, the enemy of life and death.

Where can I go if I wait for others to be caught in the middle?

But Jiang Wei looked back at these soldiers who had always followed him, and felt even more uncomfortable.

These people are all from the old department of Ji County, and they have been with him day and night, and the shortest time has been two or three years.

I can still roam the world by myself, and with my skills, I can prosper wherever I go.

But what about these people?Their family is still in Ji County, so they can't die with themselves.

Therefore, Jiang Wei made a bold decision in his heart.

"Let's go, let's go back to Shangbi!"

"But general, the adults in Shangyu City have already regarded us as traitors. Wouldn't it be self-inflicted to go back now?"

"Hey! How come I don't know? Returning to Shangbei this time is not for myself, but for all the soldiers.

No matter what, you are all innocent, and I would not want to implicate you, and your wives and children are still in Ji County.

Naturally, he couldn't follow Ben to the end of the world.I activate my original relationship and send you back. "

All the soldiers were moved with tears in their eyes when they heard the words.

Therefore, everyone rushed to the direction of Shangyu City here.

Fortunately this time, Liang Xu was the one defending the city, and he had a good relationship with Jiang Wei, so when he saw Jiang Wei returning again, he didn't attack immediately.

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