After a day of running around, it is now evening.

There were less than [-] people left around Jiang Wei, and several of them were injured. The situation was critical.

Seeing this, Jiang Wei couldn't help crying.

"Brothers, it was Jiang Wei who missed you, causing you to be homeless, your wives were separated, and you died as a guest.

Don't worry everyone, Jiang Wei must give you justice! "

"General, we don't blame you. We have also experienced all this. Whether it is the enemy's alienation or not.

But what Ma Taishou did was what drove the brothers to a dead end.

It doesn't matter if we die in battle, we just hope that Ma Zun, the culprit, can be dealt with! "

Hearing this, Jiang Wei nodded heavily in agreement.

That night, everyone had to sleep in the wild for one night. On the second day, Jiang Wei, who was unwilling to do so, approached Huang Zhong again.

He decided to capture Huang Zhong, I am afraid that only in this way can he prove his innocence.

Huang Zhong couldn't help being surprised when he saw Jiang Wei.

Because there were quite a few people yesterday, but when I saw them today, they were all ashamed, and some of them were still injured.

When Jiang Wei saw his enemy who had harmed him, his eyes lit up, and he rushed forward without saying a word, and fought Huang Zhong together again.

Huang Zhong responded calmly, but he and Jiang Wei were in a stalemate.

This time, Jiang Wei was determined to win Huang Zhong, so the two fought for more than a hundred rounds, and it was still hard to tell who was the winner.

At this moment, Huang Zhong faltered, jumped out of the battle circle, and slowly put away his weapon.

Seeing this, Jiang Wei said angrily: "Old man, don't stop! Fight me for another hundred rounds, and I will capture you today!"

"Hehe, Jiang Wei, I admire your strength, but I can't continue to entangle you today.

The world says you are pure and filial, don't you worry about your mother's safety? "

"What? My mother is in your hands? What did you do to her old man?

Disaster to the family, is this the benevolence and righteousness you flaunt? "Jiang Wei was furious.

Huang Zhong laughed suddenly: "Hehe, Jiang Wei, don't be so impulsive, young people.

It is true that Lingtang was picked up by the old man before, but we did not abuse him, let alone threaten you with this.

It was only because she was afraid that the prime minister's plan would affect the safety of the hall that she was protected in advance.

If you want someone, you can pick up Lingtang now.When the time comes, just ask her if we have been harmed. "

"Mother, where is mother?"

Hearing Huang Zhong's words, Jiang Wei hurriedly looked around, but saw nothing.

Huang Zhong continued to laugh and said: "Jiang Wei, in fact, our army has already captured the Longwanggou, and the entire army will pass through in a few days.

So you should understand that you have no value to us anymore.

It's just that His Majesty has already issued an order to bring Jiang Boyue back safely.

Only then did Prime Minister Kong Ming follow the holy order, rush to Laiwei, and made all kinds of plans.

All this is not for the Shangyu Cao Jun, but for you!

Now that you have nowhere to go, even the old boss firmly believes that you are a traitor and will kill you.

I would like to think that you are still young and have unrivaled abilities. If you don't use it on the blade, it will be a waste.

Are you willing to surrender to our army? "

Jiang Wei prides himself on being loyal, so how could he easily become a second minister.

He was about to sternly refuse, but when he spoke, he stopped.

He pondered Huang Zhong's words, and his expression suddenly became serious.

Originally, Jiang Wei thought that the opponent's series of operations were all in preparation for attacking Shangbi.

As for myself, I am just one of the dispensable little shrimps.

Unexpectedly, in the other party's mouth, he has become the most valuable target.

This had to make Jiang Wei unable to react for a long time, and even his tone of speech eased.

"Me? I, Jiang Wei, are dissatisfied with the weak crown. I am just a small soldier in Tianshui. How can He De make Liu Ke and Zhuge Liang look at each other differently?"

Huang Zhong's words made Jiang Wei even more confused, and he didn't believe the other party's words at all.

"Jiang Wei, you are desperate now, what's the point of lying to you again?

Anyway, I have already said this, how to deal with it depends on your own decision! "

In fact, Huang Zhong has not yet understood why the prime minister values ​​this person so much.

Although he is young and skilled in martial arts, it is impossible to spend so much effort just for him.

Therefore, the tone will be so in the end.

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