After hearing Huang Zhong's words, Jiang Wei finally began to think seriously.

He is well aware of his current situation, both sides have become enemies, and no matter where he goes, he can't please him.

Moreover, with his current appearance, I am afraid that there is no value to use.

In that case, what Huang Zhong said, coupled with Zhou Xiang's consideration before, went to Ji County to pick up his mother.

Thinking of his mother, Jiang Wei immediately said: "I can surrender, but I must see my mother to make sure of her safety!"

"Okay! It's a deal. At tomorrow's time, Lingtang will be brought here to meet you safely. I just hope you can remember what you said today!"

"Make a decision tomorrow!"

Jiang Wei left these words and left again.

But Huang Zhong immediately sent someone to send a message to invite Jiang's mother from the opposite side.

Unexpectedly, within an hour, there was movement outside.

"Han Sheng, is everything going well?"

I saw an eight-foot-long, dignified gentleman walking in, waving a feather fan in his hand.

Huang Zhong's eyes lit up instantly: "Prime Minister, why are you here?"

"Hehe, Liang came here to fulfill His Majesty's entrustment, and at the same time brought a person."

With Zhuge Liang's feather fan pointing, Huang Zhong saw an old woman sitting upright in the carriage behind. It was Jiang Wei's mother who had been sent away before.

"I didn't expect you, Prime Minister, to receive the news so soon." Huang Zhong was very surprised, after all, it wasn't long before the messenger left.

However, Zhuge Liang smiled mysteriously and did not answer.

Instead, a person beside him explained: "Actually, the prime minister has already been selected, so he set off early this morning."

Huang Zhong was shocked when he heard this.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Faced with Huang Zhong's surprise, Zhuge Liang was very calm, saying that these were routine operations.

Afterwards, Jiang's mother settled down peacefully and waited for Jiang Wei's arrival.

After Jiang Wei went back, he also tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

He pondered over what Huang Zhong said over and over again in his mind, but the more he thought about it, the more energetic he became.

For Jiang Wei, he has lived in Ji County for generations, and his father was also a meritorious Cao who died fighting against the Qiang Hu.

Speaking of it, Jiang Wei can be regarded as a family of officials, and the family tradition values ​​loyalty and filial piety the most.

His mother also used this to educate himself on weekdays, making Jiang Wei always think that surrendering is an act of disgrace.

But then again, now I have nowhere to go.

I am afraid that the county already knew the news that he had surrendered to the enemy, and they all regarded themselves as the enemy.

But Huang Zhong's army was on the scene, and a battle between dragons and tigers was about to break out.

Apart from these two families, there were only the Qiang people in the west, but the Qiang people had revenge for killing their father, so Jiang Wei naturally would not choose.

Therefore, he thought hard and found that there was only one way to surrender Liu Ke.

Coupled with the fact that the mother is still in the hands of the other party, it seems that there is no choice.

In this way, the long night was spent in Jiang Wei's tangled thinking, and finally reached the second day.

Looking at the rising sun in the east, Jiang Wei finally had an idea.

For the present plan, the only way is to drop down to the other party temporarily and first settle down with his mother.

Wait for the opportunity in the future to make the next decision.

Anyway, I am still young, and there will be a long time in the future, so these things in front of me will not affect my whole life.

Seeing that the time was approaching the time agreed with Huang Zhong, Jiang Wei finally set off there again.

Huang Zhong and Zhuge Liang were already waiting at the meeting point. When they saw the person approaching from a distance, they looked at each other and smiled instantly.

Afterwards, Huang Zhong went up to meet him, and said heartily, "Jiang Wei, I didn't expect you to keep your promise."

Jiang Wei's face remained stern. Although he had no choice but to surrender this time, he would definitely not act servilely.

Huang Zhong didn't have any objection to this, if Jiang Wei flattered him now, he would look down on him instead.

"Where is my mother?" Jiang Wei's first question was his mother.

"Follow me, Lingtang is inside." Huang Zhong pointed to the tent behind, motioning for Jiang Wei to go with him.

Just as Jiang Wei was about to take a step, the people beside him said worriedly: "General, be careful of fraud."

But Jiang Wei waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just go!" Then he walked up without distraction.

After all, for him, he is already down and out now, and it is very easy for the other party to capture him, so there is no need to set any traps.

His demeanor made Huang Zhongxin admire him, and his attitude towards him softened a little.

Therefore, Jiang Wei, led by Huang Zhong, opened the door and entered the tent.

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