He was about to call his mother, but he found a stranger sitting in the tent.

This person has a feather fan scarf, with an extraordinary bearing, holding a feather fan, and is chatting with his mother, the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Seeing Jiang Wei coming in, the man even said familiarly: "Oh, Boyue is back. Sit down and drink tea."

The tone seemed like that of an acquaintance of his own, which made Jiang Wei a little restrained.

Afterwards, his mother also shouted: "Wei'er, this is Mr. Kong Ming, he is a great talent. From now on, you should ask Mr. Kong Ming for advice."

When Jiang Wei heard this, the way he looked at Zhuge Liang finally changed.

Although he lives in a small town in Jixian County, he has heard of the reputation of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young.

Moreover, the few battles he commanded before were resourceful and famous.

Originally, Jiang Wei was just a young Jixian who joined the army, but he was fascinated by what happened in the outside world, so he naturally knew a lot of things.

However, Jiang Wei did not salute immediately, but said coldly: "I am afraid that what happened to me during this time is also thanks to Mr. Kong Ming?"

Zhuge Liang didn't feel embarrassed at all when he heard the words, but he admitted openly, "Exactly."

This time Jiang Wei's face finally changed, and he frowned and said, "Why? Why did you hurt me like this?"

"Bo Yue, I'm afraid you've misunderstood the good guy! Everything Liang has done is for your future."

Zhuge Liang spoke very calmly, but Jiang Wei's frown became tighter and tighter.

I couldn't help but snorted coldly: "Hmph! For my future? That sounds nice. Is it possible that betraying the Lord and seeking glory is the future I need?

I, Jiang Wei, am a loyal person. Now that my mother is in your hands, I have no choice but to surrender.

But this is not my wish, and I will definitely not do a trick or offer a plan for you! "

Jiang Wei's tone was decisive, but Zhuge Liang couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha! Boyue, you are so confused. Your ancestral home is in Jixian County, and you have lived in the Han Dynasty. You can be called a veritable Hanchen.

Nowadays, the great Han is in chaos and thieves are harassing, and the Han Tong is in danger of being wiped out.

You claim to be loyal and righteous, and you should help the king and assist the country, An Han Xing Liu, but now you have become Cao's thief's retainer.

Open your mouth to be loyal and filial, but keep your mouth shut to benevolence and righteousness. Are you loyal to the emperor or the Cao thief? "

The last sentence, Zhuge Liang almost yelled out, startling both Jiang Wei, mother and son.

Jiang Wei listened to all these words, and he froze on the spot.

Jiang Wei really didn't think about it carefully before, he only knew that he had been joining the army in Ji County before.

Later, when Cao Cao occupied Liangzhou, he naturally regarded him as the lord.

However, Zhuge Liang's words awakened Jiang Wei instantly. His lord was never Cao Cao, but a big man.

Jiang Wei's father is Hanchen. Although he is in the territory under Cao Cao's current jurisdiction, he is still Hanchen in the final analysis.

In this case, Jiang Wei's allegiance is only for the Son of Heaven.

At this time, Jiang Wei's mother also spoke.

"Well, I'm a woman, I don't understand those principles, but I have heard that the world is respected by the heaven, the earth, the monarch, relatives and teachers.

Innately, the king is the most important, and your father is a Hanchen, who died to go to the country, so don't be confused. "

Although Jiang Wei's mother was old, she was actually well-educated and well-educated. After Jiang Jiong's death, she raised Jiang Wei and educated him.

Therefore, Mother Jiang's words carry a lot of weight.

After Jiang Wei heard it, he immediately fell into deep thought and began to think carefully.

In fact, the reason why Mother Jiang was sent back to the rear in the past few days was that Zhuge Liang had to do her job well first.

Jiang Wei is extremely filial, and he obeys his mother's words. As long as he persuades her, Jiang Wei will be easy to handle.

So during this period, Zhuge Liang accompanied each other almost every day, chatting freely from family trivial matters to national affairs.

Subconsciously, it has already had a deep impact on him, making Jiang's mother help her speak involuntarily.

In this way, Jiang Wei was finally completely persuaded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After repeated persuasion by Zhuge Liang and Jiang's mother, Jiang Wei was finally persuaded and willingly surrendered to Zhuge Liang.

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang took out a letter from his bosom and said, "Jiang Wei obeys, Your Majesty has an order."

Jiang Wei quickly knelt down, and Mother Jiang wanted to kneel too, but Zhuge Liang stopped him.

Then Zhuge Liang read: "Your Majesty has an order, Jiang Wei is a talent, and I love him deeply. Now Jiang Wei is specially appointed as Cangcao, and he will be added as General Yi and named Dangyang Tinghou.

He also ordered Huang Zhong to choose a different courtyard in Linwei, rewarding a thousand gold, a hundred acres of fertile land, and ten servants for Jiang's mother to take care of her.

After the situation stabilized, he was sent to live in Chang'an.

This is it. "

After Jiang Wei and Jiang Mu heard the imperial decree, they couldn't help but looked at each other.

Because this reward is too heavy, he has just surrendered, and he has not made an inch of merit, yet he is promoted to a noble, and he is rewarded with a farm.

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