This kind of grace really flattered their mother and son, and moved them endlessly.

Especially Jiang Wei, he was originally only a job, and his father exchanged his life for him to be a Zhonglang, a county soldier, and a member of the army.

Although it is not too low for the young Jiang Wei.

However, compared with Liu Ke's reward, it is like a cloud and mud, completely different.

Jiang Wei also hurriedly said in fear and trepidation: "How can Jiang Wei be so favored by His Majesty. I am really ashamed of receiving it."

After Zhuge Liang put away the imperial decree, he said with a smile: "All this is His Majesty's will, Bo Yue must not refuse.

In fact, to tell you the truth, all of this itself is His Majesty's arrangement.

Your Majesty's eyes are as bright as a torch, upon hearing Bo Yue's name, he was immediately moved, and ordered me to come here in person, and I must take it to the account.

As for the reward for you, His Majesty also said it himself, so Boyomo must live up to His Majesty's kindness. "

This time, Jiang Wei was finally moved.

He didn't expect that even the emperor knew about him, and even sent Kong Ming here to subdue him.

Jiang Weibo is brave and resourceful, but he has never been reused.Every time I think of this, I can't help but sigh that my talent is not met.

Originally, although Ma Zun went to the expedition this time, he thought that his chance to show his ambitions had come.

Unexpectedly, she ended up in a situation where she was suspected by others and had nowhere to go.

Just when Jiang Wei was at the bottom of the valley, a greater glory came to him quietly.

This also made Jiang Wei instantly feel flattered, moved in his heart, and tears flowed from his face.

"Your Majesty attaches so much importance to this humble minister, Wei wishes to repay the kindness of knowing you!"

Jiang Wei kept his promise, and what he said at this moment was his sincerity.

Zhuge Liang quickly helped Jiang Wei up, and then said with concern: "Bo Yue, you can follow me for the time being, and listen to it in front of the tent."

Afterwards, Zhuge Liang walked out of the big tent with a feather fan in his hand, leaving Jiang Wei's mother and son there to narrate his thoughts.

Jiang Wei's matter was finally dealt with, and it was time to officially attack Shangbi.

Huang Zhong was not idle here either, he also organized his men to repair the plank road from this end, so the speed was doubled immediately.

At noon on the second day, the plank road was finally repaired across the board and could be passed again.

Just as the army was about to pass, a soldier suddenly ran from a distance.

"Report, Prime Minister, General, an enemy army is coming from the direction of Shangyu City. The number exceeds [-]. It seems that the target is here!"

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked.

Because the big army hasn't arrived yet, it can't resist the opponent's army at all.

Although Huang Zhong used bluff to deceive the other party for a few days before, Xia Houyuan finally couldn't help it.

"Can you see who the leading general is?"

"I see clearly, there is a horse character on the Juzhongshuai flag, and there are also Xiahou, Liang and other general flags."

"Okay, back off."

Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan and murmured: "General Huang, how long will it take for the army to arrive?"

"Returning to the Prime Minister, at the current speed of traveling on the plank road, I am afraid that as long as tomorrow evening, the number of people comparable to the enemy army will pass.

Today, at most [-] people can pass through. "

Zhuge Liang nodded noncommittally, and then suddenly looked at Jiang Wei with a friendly face.

"Bo Yue, didn't you say just now that you have no merit, and you should be ashamed of it. Now is your chance.

This time Ma Zun led the army, and it was you who could not break his army. If you successfully retreated this time, you will naturally be worthy of it. "

When Jiang Wei heard this, he hurried out to take orders: "The last general takes orders. If you can't retreat from the enemy, the last general voluntarily demotes to a soldier!"

"Haha, you're so brave. Boyue, there are only [-] of you, the prime minister, and everything depends on your strength!"

Jiang Wei stepped forward to receive the command arrow, and immediately went out to meet the enemy.

All the generals in the tent watched each other leave with malicious expressions on their faces.

Although Liu Ke's rewards were not fully disclosed, Jiang Wei's official rank is now known to everyone.

Everyone couldn't help but feel a little unconvinced, after all, this person is neither a person with a long-standing reputation, nor has he had the credit for beheading generals and seizing cities.

To be rewarded so heavily at the very beginning is unavoidable.

Besides, Jiang Wei, after taking the order, is gearing up to perform well.

After all, I was in a very embarrassing situation. Although His Majesty and the Prime Minister valued me, the other comrades looked at me with unfriendly eyes.

Jiang Wei is a smart person, and he immediately understood the reason, so he should make good use of this opportunity to show his strength.

Especially the leader who came this time was Ma Zun.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet each other, both public and private, Jiang Wei must win this battle handsomely.

In the army, only by strength can we gain a foothold!

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