On the other hand, after Jiang Wei left some soldiers' corpses and fled Shangbei, the news quickly reached Xia Houyuan's ears.

Xia Houyuan did not pursue Ma Zun's order to shoot ordinary soldiers.

However, Jiang Wei's repeated provocations under the city deeply angered Xia Houyuan.

Because he appointed Jiang Wei as the pioneer at the beginning, and later Jiang Wei not only surrendered, but also often came to the city.

This is undoubtedly a constant reminder to Xia Houyuan, and it is also a constant slap in the face of Xia Houyuan.

Thinking of this, Xia Houyuan couldn't suppress his anger.

"Jiang Wei, you are too deceptive. You keep provoking me, do you really think we are made of clay?

Ma Zun, Xiahouba, Liang Xu, Liang Qian, and Yin Shang, I ordered you to command [-] troops and rush to Longwanggou immediately.

Even if you can't retreat the enemy, you must kill Jiang Wei'er, so as to vent the hatred in your heart! "

When everyone heard the words, they immediately took orders and left.

Only then did the scene of Ma Zun's army coming in mighty force.

Ma Zun was the chief general, and Xiahouba was the deputy general. In fact, Xiahouyuan was worried about the people in Ji County and ordered Xiahouba to monitor him.

However, under Ma Zun's rhetoric along the way, Xia Houba, who is more straight-minded, has already regarded him as one of his own.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a day's journey, Ma Zun and Xiahouba's army set up camp fifteen miles away from Longwanggou.

On the other side, Jiang Wei also led the [-] soldiers who arrived ahead of schedule today to come here.

It was getting late, and neither side had directly fought. They were planning to fight another battle tomorrow.

After discussions between Ma Zun and Xia Houba, it was decided to send a team of people to check the situation tomorrow first, and then send out a large force.

Avoid dispatching the whole army as soon as you come up, but the opponent will see through the details and set a trap.

This time, Ma Zun was much more active than before.

The last time he led his troops out, he actually returned before he got here.

On the one hand, he was afraid of the enemy's army ambushing, and on the other hand, he was only trying to confirm Jiang Wei's surrender, and had no intention of killing the enemy at all.

But this time is different. In order to show his ability, Ma Zun must also make contributions and make some achievements.

However, no matter how active he was, Ma Zun would not arrange himself as a trailblazer if he spared his life.

After all, this task has the highest risk factor.

Ma Zun looked around in front of the tent, and finally set his eyes on Liang Xu.

Liang Xu had had a big quarrel with him before about the killing and surrender, and this person was well-known, threatening his status faintly.

So, Ma Zun sneered in his heart, and handed over this extremely dangerous task to Liang Xu.

Although Liang Xu saw the other party's plan, he had no reason to refuse, so he had no choice but to accept it.

In this way, Liang Xu led three thousand soldiers and horses to dispatch early in the morning of the second day.

As for Ma Zun, Xia Houba and others, they waited for news from the front line before making a decision.

Liang Xu didn't say anything, but secretly scolded Ma Zun for using power for personal gain, which is nothing.

The army hadn't traveled ten miles, and suddenly banners were flying in front of it, people were crowded, horseshoes were bursting, and it seemed that thousands of troops were coming.

"The whole army is on alert!"

Liang Xu's face was serious, and he hurriedly gave orders.

And he looked up, trying to see the specific situation of the other party.

The soldiers and horses on the opposite side came slowly, and finally stopped at the place one mile away from the project.

When Liang Xu saw the other party's identity clearly, his expression changed drastically.

"Bo, Boyue, is it really you?"

In the center of the enemy army was a large banner with a line of small characters: General Fengyi, Marquis of Dangyang Ting, and a big Jiang character in the middle.

Who would it be if it wasn't Jiang Wei who straddles a steed under his banner and carries a green gun?

Jiang Wei also saw Liang Xu in front of him, so he drove his horse forward alone.

Seeing this, Liang Xu went up to meet him alone. He had too many things to ask Jiang Wei in his heart.

When the distance between the two was fifty meters, they finally stopped.

Liang Xu saw Jiang Wei's expressionless face, and everyone couldn't help questioning him.

"Boyo, I didn't expect that you really surrendered to the enemy. You were so disappointing when you appealed to me in vain before!"

Facing Liang Xu's questioning, Jiang Wei's face remained unchanged.

It was not until Liang Xu vented for a long time that he finally spoke.

"Brother Xu, no matter what resentment you have in your heart, you can vent it to me.

I just hope you can understand that it was not because I surrendered to the enemy, but because of the horse's incompatibilities, I had no choice but to act in desperation.

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