I won't explain too much, thinking of the previous friendship, I remind Brother Xu that all of General Huang's army has arrived.

He is lying in ambush on the mountain three miles ahead, if you pursue him, you will fall into a trap.

In fact, the reason why Ma Zun sent his brother here was probably because he wanted him to test our army's movements by himself, and he didn't care about his life at all.

I don't want to hurt my brother, please return quickly, brother Xu! "

Liang Xu couldn't hear Jiang Wei's words at all, and was already filled with anger and deceit.

He only heard him yell: "Stop being hypocritical here, and give me a knife!"

Before the words fell, the big knife in his hand had already been cut.

However, although Liang Xu struck with hatred, the gap between his strength and Jiang Wei's was too great.

So in Jiang Wei's eyes, this knife seemed to be in slow motion.

Until the last moment, Jiang Wei easily dodged Liang Xu's attack as soon as he was short.

"Brother Xu, don't waste your energy, go back quickly!" Jiang Wei also reminded.

But Liang Xu ignored it at all and continued to attack frantically.

Jiang Wei only defended and did not make any offensive moves. Even so, Liang Xu was panting first and couldn't hold on anymore.

At this moment, the Lvchen spear in Jiang Wei's hand suddenly stretched forward and stabbed Liang Xu quickly.

The tip of the gun kept getting bigger in Liang Xu's eyes, but Liang Xu had no strength to stop it.

I could only shout in despair: "My life is over!" Then I closed my eyes.

However, at the last moment, Jiang Wei suddenly changed from a stab to a whip, and the tip of the spear was like a whip, and suddenly hit Liang Xu's arm.

Liang Xu was awakened by a bone-piercing pain. When he opened his eyes, he found that Jiang Wei had put away his weapon and stood where he was.

"Brother Xu, let's go!"

Liang Xu gave Jiang Wei a complicated look, and wanted to attack, but the pain in his arm made him unable to hold the weapon steadily.

Finally struggling for a moment, he had no choice but to turn around and leave, leading the soldiers and horses back to the camp.

Not long after Liang Xu left, he returned again.

The news immediately alarmed Ma Zun, and Ma Zun immediately summoned him into the tent.

"Liang Gongcao, why did you come back so soon?" Ma Zun asked with a strange expression.

Liang Xu had no choice but to tell the truth about what happened at that time, and said that Jiang Wei had made it clear that the enemy had set up an ambush ahead.

I didn't want to knowingly commit a crime and damage my soldiers and horses, so I had no choice but to return.

Unexpectedly, Ma Zun was furious when he heard this.

"Hmph! What nonsense! This is clearly Jiang Wei's bluff. The so-called false is true, and the real is false.

He and we are already enemies, how could he kindly tell you that there is an ambush ahead?

I think it's because you can't forget the old relationship with Jiang Wei, and deliberately cooperated with him to deceive the general! "

Liang Xu's face changed greatly after hearing Ma Zun's words, and he quickly explained: "The eunuch's words are really wronged."

He then took off his armor, revealing a long and purple scar on his arm and said, "This is the evidence that I fought against Jiang Wei.

His arm was injured by him, so he couldn't continue marching, so he had to come back. "

"It's nonsense! A general doesn't ask for a wife and son, but only wants to be shrouded in horse leather. You only suffered a slight injury on your arm.

In this way, fearing the enemy like a tiger disturbs the morale of the army.If the general does not punish, he will not be able to convince the public.

Now I give you two options, one is to bear the charge of desertion and accept punishment.

The other is to rush back to charge and kill, to make up for the mistakes.

You have two options to choose from.Finally, don't blame Ben for not giving you a chance! "

After Ma Zun finished speaking, he looked at Liang Xu coldly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Ma Zun gave Liang Xu two choices, which sounded good-sounding, but both of them were fatal situations.

Needless to say, the crime of fleeing in battle has always been a serious crime of beheading before a battle.

And when returning to charge here, it is inevitable to plunge into the opponent's trap, not to mention the loss of troops, and to die on the battlefield.

However, for Liang Xu, he chose the second one without hesitation.

Because Liang Xu would never allow himself to die on the charge of running away, that would really ruin his reputation.

Although the second one was equally dangerous, at least he died on the way to charge.

After hearing Liang Xu's choice, Ma Zun sneered: "Then I wish you the best of luck!"

Liang Xu ignored Ma Zun, strode out of the tent, and came to Jiang Wei again.

Looking at Liang Xu who was going back and forth, Jiang Wei seemed to have expected it long ago, and shouted without surprise: "Brother Xu, I didn't expect us to meet so soon.

Is there any request from Governor Xiahou? "

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