Liang Xu's face was ugly, without saying a word, he directly charged towards him brandishing his weapon.

Jiang Wei took his time and commanded the troops to slowly move away to the sides, the middle door was opened directly, and he faced the murderous Liang Xu directly.

The anger towards Ma Zun in his heart, Liang Xu poured all his weapons into his weapon, and slashed at Jiang Wei's head.

However, despite Liang Xu's strength and strength, he did not gain the upper hand in the face of Jiang Wei.

It didn't take long for the two to fight, and Liang Xu couldn't hold on any longer.

During the battle, Jiang Wei did not forget to say: "Brother Xu, Prime Minister Zhuge has promised me. As long as you surrender, you will all be promoted to rank.

Ma Zun is also a villain, he can't tolerate others because of his small size, why should he work hard for him?Why not surrender, you and I will still be good brothers from now on! "

"Hmph! Don't even think about it, I, Liang Xu, am I a person who turned his back on the Lord and surrendered to the enemy?"

Liang Xu remained unmoved, gritted his teeth and fought Jiang Wei with all his strength.

However, the gap in overall strength made it impossible for him to make up for it no matter how hard he tried.

Moreover, the soldiers brought by Liang Xu had already been killed by Jiang Wei's men, fleeing everywhere.

Liang Xu couldn't bear to see the current situation.

In addition, he had no chance of winning, so he had no choice but to retreat again.

Jiang Wei still did not pursue, and watched helplessly after the defeated army fled, and then returned slowly.

This time, when Liang Xu returned to Daying, it was already evening.

And his image is completely different from before departure, looking very embarrassed.

Counting the troops under his command, he found that he had lost one-third of his men and horses in this battle, which was a very heavy loss.

However, when Liang Xu told the story of this battle, Ma Zun still greeted him with scolding.

"Liang Xu, are you convicted?"

"What's wrong with me?" Liang Xu looked bewildered.

"Hmph! You still dare to quibble. Then I will explain it to you.

The first crime is colluding with the enemy general Jiang Wei and secretly communicating with the song;

The second crime, disobeying orders and disrespecting, fleeing in battle;

The third crime is to underestimate the enemy and make rash advances, losing troops and generals.

Each of these three crimes is enough to make you beheaded, that is to say, you have already died three times.

This time, if the general is appeasing, how can he convince the public?

Combined punishment for the three crimes, I will sentence you to beheaded, and you will be detained temporarily, and you will be punished immediately when you return with the approval of the governor. "

After speaking, a group of tiger and wolf warriors immediately tied up Liang Xu and took him away.

During this process, Liang Xu didn't say a word, but fixed his eyes on Ma Zun, and the other party was a little terrified.

However, Liang Qian, Yin Shang and others who were beside him rushed out to intercede for Liang Xu, and there were more than a dozen people at once.

But such a scene made Ma Zun even more upset.

Originally, Liang Xu's prestige faintly surpassed his own, but now he has attracted so many people.

On the contrary, Ma Zun's murderous intention was further strengthened.

"Everyone, step down quickly! Liang Xu's three crimes, he will not be framed for one of them, and he has already acquiesced, why stop it?

Don't you know that military orders are like mountains and military laws are like heaven?If someone insists on it again, he will be guilty of the same crime as Liang Xu! "

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Liang Xu also hurriedly said: "My fellow colleagues, Liang Xu accepts everyone's thoughts. But don't kill yourself just to save me.

What was right and wrong in the past, the future is free to judge, please step back..."

When the last sentence was finished, Liang Xu had already been dragged out of the big tent, and finally locked in a cage in the northwest corner of the barracks.

It wasn't until Liang Xu was thrown into the cage and the others left together that he finally got up and sat down on the floor.

At this moment, the only hope left in Liang Xu's heart has been shattered.

This situation also made him have to consider Jiang Wei's words again.

In the past, when Ma Zun was the prefect, although he was timid and stingy, he was not so harsh and mean.

But now he seems to be a different person, both for Jiang Wei and himself.

This made Liang Xu, who had been conscientious and diligent in assisting the other party, completely despaired.

"Ma Zun is mean and suspicious, he can't tolerate others, and he will surely harm him after a long time!"

This was Jiang Wei's last words to Liang Xu, and he did not expect it to come true so soon, which made Liang Xu smile wryly.

At night, the sky was getting colder and colder, and at some point a cool wind blew, forcing Liang Xu to curl up into a ball to keep warm.

At this moment, two figures quietly approached from a distance, and came to Liang Xu's cage.

Liang Xu was alarmed by the arrival of the person. He opened his eyes and saw that it was his brother Liang Qian and the master secretary Yin Shang.

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