He happened to see that Xia Houba and Jiang Wei were on equal footing, and he immediately had an idea in his mind.

Ma Zun thought that there was no distinction between the two, so if he joined, it would definitely help Xia Houba gain the upper hand.

If Jiang Wei managed to capture him successfully, no one would mention what happened to him just now.

Therefore, Ma Zun rushed forward without hesitation.

"Zhongquan, Mr. Ma is here to help you!"

Ma Zun thought very well, but he had no self-knowledge at all.

Although Xia Houba was on par with Jiang Wei, no one could do anything to the other for a while.

But the battle between the two was actually full of crises.

Ma Zun rushed up to help Xiahouba deal with Jiang Wei, but it also disrupted Xiahouba's own rhythm.

When Jiang Wei saw Ma Zun joining, he took his time and went to pick Ma Zun every time he attacked.

Ma Zun was so frightened that he could only keep dodging, which further affected Xiahouba's room to play.


Jiang Wei saw that Cao Jun gradually recuperated and restored order, and knew in his heart that he had no chance.

But this time his original purpose of attacking the battalion was not to kill the enemy, and he had other plans.

I saw Jiang Wei stab Ma Zun in the face with a gun, and Ma Zun quickly dodged in fright, but bumped into Xia Houba's horse again, affecting the opponent's attack.

And Jiang Wei also took the opportunity to pick out the encirclement circle of the two and recover himself.

He immediately organized his men and began to break through where the guards were weakest.

Ma Zun, Xiahou Dun and others rushed over to stop them.

But because Cao Jun's personnel are not yet complete, it is impossible to stop Jiang Wei who is determined to break through.

Moreover, Jiang Wei did not forget to shout before leaving: "Mr. Ma, what you asked Wei has been done, everything is up to you."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Jiang Wei's words before leaving, although the voice was not loud, but the people around could hear it quite clearly.

Among them, the most shocking one was naturally Ma Taishou.

He was surprised when he heard this, but he didn't know how to respond.

And Jiang Wei's words were also clearly heard by Xia Houba who was commanding the soldiers to fight back.

Xia Houba looked at Ma Zun for a moment, but Ma Zun was at a loss, watching Jiang Wei lead his troops away.

When all Jiang Wei's stealing troops retreated, the generals led by Ma Zun and Xia Houba hurriedly cleaned up the mess.

Everyone was silent, as if they didn't hear what Jiang Wei said before.

Ma Zun also didn't take it to heart, and concentrated on cleaning up the situation.

It wasn't until after dawn that the soldiers were gathered together again.

After counting, the loss that night was very heavy.

It turned out that [-] soldiers lost at least [-] or [-] soldiers after Jiang Wei's one-night charge.

The most important thing is that the place where the grain, grass and supplies are stored has been treated by the other side, and almost all of them have been burned.

Such a huge loss made Ma Zun, Xiahouba and other generals look very ugly.

And from the destruction route of the enemy's actions, Xia Houba found that the opponent's actions were very direct, and seemed to know the camp well.

Xia Houba had already outlined Jiang Wei's marching route in his mind, which also made his face even more ugly.

"Why is the opponent so familiar with our army's arrangement?" In the end, Xia Houba finally expressed his doubts.

When the generals heard what he said, they all looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one could tell why.

And Ma Zun also looked angry, and said angrily: "Jiang Wei is really rebellious, and now he is so familiar with the layout of our military camp, there must be someone as an internal response."

"Then who does Prefect Ma think that Nei Ying is?" Xia Houba asked with a playful expression, as if he meant something.

Ma Zun didn't understand the meaning of the other party's words, and explained directly: "According to the general, it must be brothers Liang Xu and Liang Qian!

The general had suspected that Liang Xu and Jiang Wei were still in collusion, but after a trial yesterday, the other party really went to the enemy.

Then Liang Xu must have provided Jiang Wei with the defense map of our army camp, otherwise the other party would not be able to know it so well. "

Xia Houba listened, nodded noncommittally, and then said with a sneer: "Then according to the opinion of the prefect Ma, is there still Jiang Wei's internal support in our army?"

This sentence stopped Ma Zun.

He couldn't guarantee that no one would go to the enemy in the future, so he didn't dare to guarantee it.

He could only say cautiously: "Jiang Wei, Liang Xu and others did have a lot of friends in the army before, it's really hard to say whether they are still involved!"

Xia Houba looked at Ma Zun with a sneer, and wanted to say that this person was you, but he didn't say it in the end.

Because although Xia Houba was reckless, he was not stupid.

Now Ma Zun is the main general of the army, and he is only the deputy general.

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