The most important thing is that these soldiers and horses were originally the defenders of Ji County, and they could even be called Ma Zun's private soldiers.

If he made an attack at this moment, he would really tell Ma Zun's pain.

Ma Zun has ten thousand ways to deal with it, and it is not impossible to even directly join the enemy army.

Therefore, Xia Houba decided not to reveal it for the time being, and we will talk about everything after returning to Shangyu City.

So he said: "Then according to Ma Taishou, our army is in a very dangerous situation at the moment.

In addition, more than half of the food, grass and supplies have been burned.In my opinion, it is better to go back to Shangbi directly.

Only after the traitors in the general have been rectified can they fight to the death with the enemy. "

In fact, Ma Zun wanted to retreat a long time ago, but it was difficult to say so, so as not to be punished after returning.

Now that Xia Houba said it himself, he naturally agreed directly by borrowing the donkey from the slope.

Anyway, when the time comes to pursue accountability, with the presence of the son of Commander Xiahou, even if he is punished, it will not be too serious.

In this way, Ma Zun and Xia Houba, who suffered heavy losses, had to lead their troops back.

After Xia Houyuan heard the news, his face turned cold immediately.

Originally, he was planning to send these soldiers and horses as the vanguard, on the one hand to block the opponent's advance, and on the other hand to test out the truth.

Unexpectedly, less than four days after the army set off, they fled back to Shangbei in a panic.

After asking again, five or six thousand people and countless food and supplies were lost.

Such a result of the battle really made Xia Houyuan angry, and immediately called Ma Zun, Xia Houba and others into the tent.

"Two generals, I was going to send two people to send troops, why did they come back in embarrassment in just four days?"

As the chief general, Ma Zun quickly took the initiative to explain: "Back to the governor, the last general is incompetent. Brothers Liang Xu and Liang Qian under his command would have been punished because they were dissatisfied.

He actually surrendered to the enemy at night, and then cooperated with the inside and outside, leading Jiang Wei's army to attack the camp in the middle of the night, and our army suffered heavy losses.

The grain and grass were burned, and they had no choice but to return. "

"Oh? If you say that, someone is colluding with the enemy, so it has nothing to do with you?" Xia Houyuan had a dissatisfied expression on his face.

Ma Zun could also hear the anger in the other party's words, and hurriedly continued to explain.

However, Xia Houyuan interrupted him, and immediately asked Xia Houba: "Ba'er, this time I sent you to fight for my father, just to let you learn more.

Tell me, what did you learn this time? "

Xia Houba hurriedly replied: "Father, this time it's really because the boy is incompetent. There is only one thing, the boy still has some doubts.

Everyone is here today, please give me some pointers. "

"Okay, let's talk about it."

After getting permission, Xia Houba began to speak: "Jiang Wei surrendered the day before yesterday, and Liang Xu and Liang Qian surrendered later.

Regarding the repeated incidents of people surrendering, I also analyzed in private, and found that these people all have the same identity.

That is to say, they all belong to Ma Taishou, and they are all county officials. "

As soon as these words came out, Ma Zun's expression immediately changed.

"Zhongquan, what, what is the meaning of this?"

Xia Houba glanced at him and continued, "Don't be anxious, Eunuch Ma. This is just a doubt in my heart, and I hope Eunuch Ma will give me some advice."

Under Xia Houba's words, everyone also looked at Ma Zun, as if they were waiting for an explanation from Ma Zun.

Ma Zun's face was very ugly in an instant, because the betrayal of these people was inseparably related to him.

Leaving aside Jiang Wei, at least Liang Xu was forced to defect to the enemy.

Therefore, Ma Zunzhi hesitated for a long time and couldn't tell why.

Seeing this, Xia Houyuan couldn't help frowning.

He said in an unquestionable tone: "Prefect Ma, what is your explanation for Xia Houba's doubts?"

Under Xia Houyuan's urging, Ma Zun had no choice but to say: "Back to the governor, Jiang Wei and Liang Xu don't accept discipline on weekdays.

This time, he surrendered to the enemy, probably because he saw the strength of the bandit army, so he made such an act of coveting life and fearing death. "

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ma Zun's explanation was actually what he thought in his heart, but it didn't convince others.

Among them was Xia Houba, who once again raised the question in his heart.

"Mr. Ma, although what you said is reasonable, why are all of them coming from your subordinates?"

This sentence stopped Ma Zun in an instant, and his face gradually became gloomy.

"You, what do you mean?" This time, Ma Zun's tone was no longer polite.

"It's not interesting, I'm just curious." Xia Houba still had a playful look on his face.

Ma Zun understood that if he did not explain clearly, he might be implicated.

So quickly organize the language and explain it.

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