In the end, it is natural to push all the crimes to Jiang Wei, Liang Xu and others, and make himself a victim.

It's just that this explanation still didn't satisfy Xia Houba, he finally said what Jiang Wei said before leaving during the night raid on the camp.

Hearing this, Ma Zun blushed instantly.

He had never seen anyone mention it before, so he thought it was over like this.

Unexpectedly, today, Xia Houba turned him out again.

Everyone present was also surprised when they heard this sentence, and then they all looked at Ma Zun with suspicious eyes.

Ma Zun hurriedly cursed: "This, all of this is bloody spouting! It is definitely Jiang Wei's plan to alienate people, the governor should not be fooled!"

Xia Houyuan frowned, pondered for a long time before saying: "Mr. Ma, I wouldn't believe it, but it's just too coincidental.

First Jiang Wei, then Liang Xu and others, these are all your subordinates.

Even if their surrender was not ordered by you, you can't get rid of the crime of lax military management. "

Hearing this, Ma Zun hurriedly knelt down and begged for mercy, because the meaning of Xia Houyuan's words had been made very clear.

Someone must be responsible for this defeat, and Ma Zun, as the chief general, will do his part.

Therefore, Ma Zun knew that he couldn't escape, so he took the initiative to say: "It's all because the last general didn't manage the army strictly, which made some of his subordinates defect to the enemy.

All these crimes will eventually be borne! "

However, the anger in Xia Houyuan's heart did not weaken.

Because he took the rebellion very seriously. Before that, it was Jiang Wei, and then Liang Xu and others came out.

For Xia Houyuan, such a thing is tantamount to slapping himself in the face.

At the same time, it will cause a great blow to morale.

It made his subordinates think that the only way to survive was to surrender.

In this way, how to lead troops to fight in the future, I am afraid that they will surrender as soon as they meet the enemy.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan believes that it is very necessary to make an example to others, so as to completely put an end to this trend.

However, Jiang Wei, Liang Xu and others have already surrendered. To kill a chicken to make an example of a monkey requires a chicken.

Xia Houyuan looked at Ma Zun, and said coldly: "Prefect Ma, let's not talk about your guilt for now.

Jiang Wei, Liang Xu and others defected to the enemy, which had a great impact on morale. In your opinion, how should we deal with it? "

When Ma Zun heard this, he thought to himself that fortunately I was prepared.

So he hurriedly said: "The governor, Liang Xu and others have defected to the enemy, but the family members are still in Ji County.

I have sent a letter to Ji County with my own handwriting, ordering my confidantes to take their families, young and old, into custody at Shangbi.

When Liang Xu's soldiers come to the city, I want him to take a good look at the consequences of his disloyalty and unfilial piety. "

Although it is said that in the war, everyone is their own master, there is a practice that disasters are not as good as family members.

But this article does not apply to those who betray the Lord and seek glory.

So Xia Houyuan listened to Ma Zun's method, but nodded his head to show his approval.

At the same time, because Ma Zunruo was really like this, he naturally showed that he was at odds with Jiang Wei, Liang Xu and others.

Then his suspicion will be ruled out.

Seeing the gradually softening expression on Xia Houyuan's face, Ma Zun let out a sigh of relief.

However, at this moment, a sergeant quickly walked into the big tent.

"Report, General. When our army checked all the main roads today, we found a man with a strange expression and dodged eyes.

So he stepped forward to check, and the man was about to break through and escape immediately.During the fight, a letter fell.

Hereby submit it for the general to have a look at! "

Xia Houyuan took the letter with a puzzled expression, and quickly read it.

Unexpectedly, his complexion became uglier as he looked at it.

Finally, Xia Houyuan slapped heavily on the armrest of the chair.

"Hmph! How unreasonable!"

Everyone was startled, and hurriedly asked curiously.

But Xia Houyuan suddenly put down the letter and looked at Ma Zun angrily.

"Ma Taishou, Ma Taishou, this general has taken you well, but I didn't expect you to treat me like this?

If it weren't for this letter, I'm afraid I would have been kept in the dark by you until the end! "

Ma Zun was taken aback, thinking why it had something to do with me, so he hurried to explain.

Unexpectedly, Xia Houyuan threw down the letter and asked him to read it himself.

Ma Zun picked up the letter with trembling hands, and his face also became more and more ugly.

"General, all of this is a trick of the enemy, please don't believe it!"

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