Ma Zun hurriedly explained at the top of his lungs.

But Xia Houyuan no longer wanted to entangle with him.

He waved his hands weakly, and ordered: "Ma Zun colluded with foreign enemies, betrayed the Lord and begged for glory, everything that happened before was all his plan.

The witnesses and material evidence are all there, according to the military law, beheaded! "

As soon as these words came out, Ma Zun immediately collapsed on the ground, and wanted to explain, but was dragged away by two big men.

At this time, Xia Houba picked up the letter curiously and looked at it, and couldn't help but said: "Ma Zun really deserved his death, I can't think of such a deep scheming!"

As he said, Xia Houba passed the letter to other people, and everyone sneered at Ma Zun after reading it.

This letter was written in the tone of Ma Zun, telling his cronies in Ji County to bring their family members with them.

After disguising, he quietly walked through the defense zone and went straight to Linwei City to find Jiang Wei.

He also said that he had already negotiated with the other party, and the other side had been sealed off.

However, although the letter was written by Ma Zun, it was not written by Ma Zun.

Instead, Jiang Wei had already been dropped.

It turned out that after Na Ye attacked the camp, Jiang Wei worried that the other party would secretly send people to Ji County to murder Liang Qian, Yin Shang and their families.

So he took the opportunity to set up secret sentries along the road, and sure enough, early the next morning, he captured a suspicious person.

After searching, he found the souvenir that Ma Zun arranged to hunt down the other party.

Jiang Wei immediately followed his plan and seized the letter together with the sender.

Then he found a person who was good at imitating handwriting, wrote a new letter, and handed it over to his subordinates.

And what Cao Jun captured at the checkpoint was naturally the reprocessed letter.

Through this letter, Ma Zun's identity as the mastermind behind the scenes was immediately confirmed, making it impossible for him to argue.

In the end, Jiang Wei successfully completed the plan to kill with a knife, completely solving the scourge of Ma Zun.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Ma Zun was solved by Jiang Wei with the help of Xia Houyuan, Liang Qian and Yin Shang, who had quietly rushed to Ji County to pick up their families before, were naturally no longer blocked.

After several days of trekking, they finally joined Jiang Wei and Liang Xu safely.

However, what is surprising is that Liang Qian did not return with his family this time.

Liang Xu asked Yin Shang, but the other party said: "Liang Qian is going to stay in Ji County for a while, and take the opportunity to contact the forces in the city.

Respond to Jiang Wei on this side and block the enemy's rear. "

Hearing this, Jiang Wei couldn't help admiring: "Brother Qian is indeed brave and resourceful."

Although Liang Xu was worried, he had just surrendered, so he didn't have the gift of entering the body. If he didn't fight to the death, he might be looked down upon even more.

So he also acquiesced to Liang Qian's behavior.

After these few days, the army that was originally trapped outside Longwanggou finally passed through.

At this moment, an army of [-] has been assembled, the soldiers are strong and the morale is high.

The former commander-in-chief of the army was Huang Zhong, but when Zhuge Liang came, Huang Zhong immediately handed over the command and handed over the command.

Zhuge Liang did not refuse, and readily took over the command.

Today, Zhuge Liang sits in the center, Huang Zhong and Jiang Wei stand side by side, and then the other generals.

This shows that Jiang Wei's status has been greatly improved.

However, Huang Zhong has no complaints about this.

Although he also looked down upon the young man in front of him before.

But what happened afterwards proved Jiang Wei's strength.

First of all, he used [-] soldiers and horses to repel the opponent's army five times his own.

And took the opportunity to recruit a group of soldiers from Ma Zun, directly increasing the number to [-].

If these can also be attributed to the surrender of Liang Xu and others, the news of Ma Zun's beheading came from Shangbi next.

Finally, Jiang Wei's strength was thoroughly proved.

From then on, none of Huang Zhong and his generals dared to despise Jiang Wei.

After knowing all that Jiang Wei had done, Zhuge Liang was also very satisfied.

Now, Zhuge Liang looked more and more satisfied with Jiang Wei's eyes, and even prepared to train him to inherit his mantle.

Although Jiang Wei was young, he was polite and polite, and at the same time very humble and studious, and he was more and more loved by Zhuge Liang.

Now Zhuge Liang finally fully understands Liu Ke's previous arrangement.

He decided to train the other party well, and absolutely lived up to His Majesty's entrustment.

On the day of today's discussion, Zhuge Liang didn't speak first, but looked at Jiang Wei, and let him analyze it first.

Jiang Wei heard the words, pondered for a moment, and then expressed his thoughts.

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