Maiji Mountain is located [-] miles east of Shangyu City, south of the Weishui River, near the junction with the borrowed water.

Here is a branch of Longshan Mountain, which stretches for nearly a hundred miles, stretches across the banks of the Wei River, and keeps Shangyu behind.

Among them, Maiji Mountain, the main peak, is the highest peak among the mountains. It stands out among the mountains and is particularly conspicuous, like a stack of wheat, hence its name.

At this moment, Cao Ren was stationed on Maiji Mountain, from which he could see both sides of the Wei River clearly.

As soon as Huang Zhong's army arrived, Cao Ren, who had known it well for a long time, gave him a head-on blow.

Caught off guard, Huang Zhong was defeated by Cao Ren, so he had to retreat ten miles and set up camp.

When Huang Zhong passed by this place before, he was surprised by the appearance here, knowing that this place is easy to defend but difficult to attack, and it will become a difficult problem.

Unexpectedly, it really came true today. In front of Cao Ren, who is good at defending, Mai Jishan is even more impenetrable and difficult to break through.

Seeing this, Huang Zhong had no choice but to send a letter to Zhuge Liang for help.

After Zhuge Liang came here, he saw the terrain here, and said in the same embarrassment: "I can't imagine that this place is so dangerous!

If you want to conquer, I am afraid it will not be so simple! "

Finally unable, Huang Zhong hurriedly sent troops to build siege equipment.

If there are bed crossbows, boulder cannons, etc., they can still have the power to fight.

But Zhuge Liang was not in a hurry, he seemed to have a plan in his mind, and he looked very leisurely.

It turned out that Ma Chao had sent someone to deliver a letter before, explaining his plan and general location.

At that time, Zhuge Liang was still in Chencang, and was responsible for sorting out the battle reports of various generals.

According to the description in Ma Chao's battle report, Zhuge Liang estimated that the opponent may have arrived at the city of Shangyu at this moment.

At that time, as long as war breaks out here, Ma Chao will definitely get the news and respond to it.

At that time, under the attack from both sides, they will definitely be able to break through the dangerous pass of Maiji Mountain in one fell swoop.

There is no need to mobilize the masses and spend a lot of effort to build siege equipment.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, a carrier pigeon suddenly heard Zhuge Liang's tent.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Meng Qi!"

He took the letter, looked at it and finally smiled.

Zhuge Liang learned from Ma Chao's letter that the opponent had already rushed to the west of Shangyu City, and temporarily stood still.

The next move is decided by Zhuge Liang himself.

He then picked up a pen and paper, wrote a reply letter, stuffed it on the pigeon, and let it go again.

Then Zhuge Liang immediately called Huang Zhong to the tent.

At this moment, Huang Zhong was building the catapult under the supervisor, and he hurried to the front of the tent after listening to Zhuge Liang's call.

"Prime Minister, what are your orders?"

Huang Zhong spoke politely, but his face was very anxious, he was still thinking about the construction of the catapult.

Zhuge Liang, on the other hand, was making tea in a leisurely manner, his movements were graceful, and every step must be in place.

As Huang Zhong watched, his heart became more and more anxious.

Finally, Huang Zhong couldn't bear it any longer, and said eagerly, "Prime Minister, what are your orders?"

Zhuge Liang took the teacup with a smile on his face, offered it to Huang Zhongman, and pushed it in front of him: "Old General Huang, drink tea."

Huang Zhong had no choice but to drink it up, and then looked at Zhuge Liang again.

Seeing this, Zhuge Liang finally said: "General Huang, don't worry, Liang already has a plan to defeat the enemy!

Tomorrow, you only need to lead an army to attack Maiji Mountain!Leave the rest to me! "

"It's really that simple?" Huang Zhong looked at Zhuge Liang with an incredulous expression.

Zhuge Liang took the teacup, tasted it slowly, and then nodded slowly: "Don't worry about Han Sheng.

If you can't take it tomorrow, just come and find me again! "

When Huang Zhong heard this, he couldn't continue to ask, so he could only say: "Okay! Since the prime minister said this, Han Sheng will stop asking.

I hope that the prime minister's strategy can come in handy! "

After speaking, Huang Zhong immediately rushed out of the camp and looked at the preparations before the battle.

On the second day, Huang Zhong really followed Zhuge Liang's arrangement and launched a strong attack on Maijishan.

However, Cao Ren's strength should not be underestimated either, how could he easily make Huang Zhong break through his defense.

Therefore, the two sides fought for a whole morning, and Huang Zhong still did not have any breakthrough, but paid a lot of casualties.

Huang Zhong was naturally very anxious about this, and came to Zhuge Liang's tent angrily.

Seeing that Zhuge Liang was tasting tea again, he was naturally furious.

He snatched the teapot and asked, "Prime Minister, the old man suffered heavy casualties on the front line. May I ask when your plan to defeat the enemy will come into use?"

"Don't worry about Han Sheng! Now is not the time, when the time comes, Liang guarantees that you will break through Maiji Mountain in one fell swoop!"

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