Hearing that Zhuge Liang was still calm, Huang Zhong was even more anxious.

But the other party's official position is higher than his own, so he can't do anything.

Before leaving, he snorted coldly: "Huh! If the prime minister's plan cannot defeat the enemy, I will definitely read a book in front of His Majesty!"

"Old General Huang, don't leave. I just brewed a good Longjing tea. It's not too late to leave after drinking it!"

Zhuge Liang still wants to stay, but Huang Zhong has already rushed out of the tent in anger.

After a brief rest at noon, Huang Zhong launched another attack.

However, the results this time were different from those before this morning.

After receiving Zhuge Liang's letter from Feige, Ma Chao has already started preparations according to Ye's plan.

But the reason why he still stood still in the morning was that he followed Zhuge Liang's arrangement.

Because the battle broke out on Maijishan, it will inevitably spread to Shangyu immediately.

Although Xia Houyuan will not come to support immediately in a short time.

But in order to prevent the enemy from breaking through the defense, you must be ready to dispatch at any time.

However, after a whole morning of fighting, Huang Zhong didn't make any progress, and even suffered heavy losses.

The situation of the battle was immediately reported back by Cao Ren.

Only then did Xia Houyuan breathe a sigh of relief, and did not continue to send troops to support him.

After the peace in Shangyu City, Ma Chao finally took the opportunity to pass quietly and rushed to Maiji Mountain.

The surrounding defense forces originally came from all over the world and did not know each other.

Seeing Ma Chao pass by, he thought it was the reinforcements sent by Xia Houyuan to support Mai Jishan, but no one stopped him.

So, Ma Chao passed the checkpoints openly and aboveboard.

The battle in the afternoon was equally fierce. Cao Ren had [-] troops in his hands, all of which had already been thrown into battle.

Under Huang Zhong's attack at all costs, the losses were also very heavy.

At this moment, there was a movement behind Cao Ren.

He thought it was the reinforcements sent by Xia Houyuan, so he didn't take any precautions.

Facing the people who rushed over, some soldiers even joked: "Fortunately, you are here. If it is later, our army will not be able to hold on."

Cao Jun didn't have any precautions, so Ma Chao's army came to him smoothly all the way.

Until this moment, Ma Chao finally tore off the mask of camouflage and led the army to rush to the past.

Cao Ren was caught off guard, unable to react at all, and fell into the enemy in an instant.

Maijishan, which was originally guarded by him, was finally broken through.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

No matter what, Cao Ren could not have imagined that Pan had expected reinforcements, but it turned out to be the enemy.

As for when the enemy army appeared behind him, Cao Ren had no time to think about it.

Because under the attack of the two armies, Cao Ren finally couldn't hold on anymore.

After all, although Maijishan, which Cao Ren originally managed, was impregnable, the targets of defense were all positive.

Who would have thought that there would be an enemy army behind them?

Therefore, there was no defense at all, and the line of defense was completely broken through.

Under the desperate protection of his subordinates, Cao Ren finally got rid of the siege of Ma Chao's army, only by himself.

As for the [-] troops brought out by Cao Ren, they didn't have such good luck.

Under the front and back attacks of Ma Chao and Huang Zhong, the casualties were very heavy, and almost no one was able to escape back to Shangbei.

In this way, the only Maijishan checkpoint in front of Shangyu City was also broken through by Huang Zhong's army.

Since then, Shangbei has finally been completely exposed to the opponent's attack.

After Cao Ren fled back to Shanggu in embarrassment, everyone in Xia Houyuan turned pale with shock.

Originally, Cao Ren defended well this morning, and the opponent couldn't make an inch of progress.

I thought that at least he could guard for a long time, but who would have thought that when he went down, he would be broken by the opponent.

If you ask carefully, who would have expected the results to be even more unbelievable.

An army appeared from behind and attacked Cao Ren, which led to the loss of Mai Jishan.

All the generals in Xiahouyuan couldn't help but looked at each other, all of them were in disbelief.

However, things have come to this point, even if you don't believe it, things have become a reality.

There is no point in entanglement now, only to quickly discuss how to deal with Huang Zhong's next attack.

After experiencing this failure, Cao Ren no longer had any hope of defending.

Therefore, he believes that he should take the initiative to attack while the opponent's foothold is not stable. Only in this way can he avoid falling into a passive position.

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