But some people also put forward a different view.

It is believed that relying on a strong city like Shangyu City, it is natural to make full use of its value and take advantage of the danger.

Then after the opponent is tired, it is the best policy to play by ear.

Otherwise, abandoning the strong city and fighting the enemy army in the field, wouldn't it be to attack the enemy's strengths by using their weaknesses?

There are various arguments, each with their own reasons, and it is really difficult to choose for a while.

In the end, Xia Houyuan made a decision based on everyone's opinions.

He originally had an army of [-], but Cao Ren just lost [-], and now only [-] are left.

Among the [-] troops, [-] troops were planned to stay in Shangyu City to fight a head-to-head decisive battle with the opponent.

The other [-] soldiers and horses, commanded by Cao Ren, were stationed on Guatai Mountain in the north of Shangyu as an ambush.

Guatai Mountain is [-] miles away from Shangyu City, separated by Zhongliang Mountain.

Therefore, looking from the direction of Shangbei, it is not easy to find the ambush over there.

After the tug-of-war broke out under the city, Cao Ren, who was in ambush there, could take the opportunity to kill the enemy army in one fell swoop.

In order to enhance the attack power of Cao Ren's army, Xia Houyuan specially handed over the [-] Qiang cavalry to Cao Ren.

Anyway, if these people are used to defend the city, their strength must be greatly weakened.

It's better to still be a cavalry and give full play to your advantages.

After Cao Ren took the order, he led his soldiers and horses to cross Zhongliang Mountain to the north overnight, and set up an ambush before Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses arrived.

On the day after Cao Ren's army left, Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses finally arrived and stationed outside Shangyu City.

Standing at the head of the city, Xia Houyuan couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the number of enemy troops.

Originally, other than him, Huang Zhong's trip would bring all the [-] troops to the city.

But looking at it now, there are actually less than [-] people.

These were only assembled after Ma Chao came to join them, otherwise, Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses would be even fewer.

Such a number naturally made Xia Houyuan almost unable to bear it, and rushed out while taking advantage of his unstable foothold.

However, at the last moment, Xia Houyuan finally suppressed the impulse in his heart and did not act immediately.

The so-called abnormality must have a demon, Xia Houyuan has dealt with Huang Zhong for a long time.How can you not know the opponent's routine?

Huang Zhongming clearly has a strong army and a strong horse, but at this moment he deliberately shows the enemy to be weak, so he must have ambushed his soldiers.

Only when I can't control myself and rush forward, will I kill it and teach myself a lesson.

Therefore, Xia Houyuan still suppressed the impulse in his heart, and stood still for the time being, to see what the other party had planned.

Before knowing the specific situation of the other party, Xia Houyuan is still going to be more cautious, so as not to fall into a passive position.

Anyway, he took advantage of the danger, and the food and grass sent from various states and counties can also ensure that he has nothing to worry about, so he doesn't have to be afraid of stalemate at all.

On the contrary, Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses came all the way, and it took time and effort to transport the grain and grass, and they would definitely not be able to delay him.

In this way, Xia Houyuan and Huang Zhong's soldiers and horses confronted each other under the city of Shangyu.

Huang Zhong practiced the team every day, but he never got close to Shanggu even within three miles.

In other words, Huang Zhong didn't show any intention of attacking the city at all.

Every day, I just pulled the soldiers out, practiced and returned to the camp again.

In this way, the defenders on the city did not dare to sit idly by and prepare nervously every time.

However, if things go on like this, I'm afraid the nerves of the defenders will be broken.

Therefore, Xia Houba, who saw something unusual in the situation, immediately went to report to Xia Houyuan.

However, when Xia Houyuan heard the words, he just smiled lightly, and was not as anxious as the other party expressed.

Seeing Xiahouba's puzzled expression, Xiahouyuan had no choice but to explain: "Ba'er, Huang Zhong's plan is to exhaust the enemy.

It is to use this to fatigue our spirit and paralyze the will of our army.

However, if our army is affected, the opponent will also be affected.

Moreover, our army was originally a temporary patchwork of teams from various states and counties. After doing this, we gradually became acquainted with each other.

Treating it like a play, it just happened to let these soldiers have a good experience of the cruelty of war. "

"But father, if things go on like this, the boy is worried that it will damage the morale of the army.

Hai'er asked to take advantage of the other party's unpreparedness, rush forward and kill the other party by surprise first.

When the time comes, let's see if they dare to belittle me so much! "

Xia Houba really wanted to charge and kill, but he didn't expect to be rejected by Xia Houyuan outright.

Because of Xia Houyuan's analysis, since the other party is like this, after all, he has nothing to fear and has already made preparations.

Wouldn't it be Huang Zhong's trick to kill him now?

So Xia Houyuan thought that there was no need to talk to each other at all, and let them practice by themselves.

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