After a long time, seeing that he was not moving, Huang Zhong would naturally stop.

His analysis was not unreasonable, but this time he was completely wrong.

Because what Xia Houyuan didn't know was that this time Huang Zhong was not the main force, but just a fake soldier.

All their actions were aimed at attracting Xia Houyuan's attention.

The first thousand five hundred and two chapters only defend but not attack

Since Huang Zhong was stationed outside Shangyu City, he didn't do anything except for daily drills.

At the beginning, Xia Houyuan was still worried that the opponent would have an ambush, so he temporarily stood still and did not attack rashly.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong seemed to have no desire to attack at all, only those movements every day.

In this way, even Xia Houyuan couldn't sit still.

Today, Xia Houba rushed in again to ask for a fight. This was the last few days he had called for a fight.

Originally, his father other than Xia Houba would still reject him, but this time Xia Houyuan unexpectedly nodded in agreement.

"Ba'er, for my father and ten thousand soldiers and horses, go to Huang Zhong's formation to provoke."

Xia Houba hurriedly nodded excitedly, turned around and was about to leave.

However, Xia Houyuan stopped him, and continued to tell him: "If the other party sends troops, you must not love to fight.

Fight and retreat, attracting Huang Zhong to the city.If the other party does not send troops, you will continue to yell and scold until the other party comes out! "

This time, Xia Houba finally nodded heavily, and then rushed out immediately.

After a while, the impatient Xia Houba led his troops to Huang Zhong's formation.

At this moment, Huang Zhong just started another day of practice, and the movement outside instantly alarmed him.

"My man, do you dare to come out and fight this general for a hundred rounds?"

"Standing still all day, you can see that you are shrinking your head. The old men are here, do the rats dare to come out and fight?"

All kinds of yelling and cursing came in from outside, so filthy that everyone on the field couldn't bear it anymore.

All the generals under Huang Zhong also called for the battle, vowing to go out and teach the enemy generals who called the formation a good lesson.

However, Huang Zhong was not in a hurry, but continued to ask the soldiers to complete their daily drills.

Therefore, at Huang Zhong's request, the drill was carried out amidst the shouts and curses of Xia Houba's army.

However, as the insults from Xiahouba's army became louder and harsher, the soldiers in the formation were filled with righteous indignation, wishing to rush out and kill each other immediately.

In this way, today's practice was finally over amidst the scolding.

But the soldiers did not disband and return to the camp as usual, but still gathered there, waiting for Huang Zhong's order to attack.

Huang Zhong saw that everyone's morale had reached its peak. If he suppressed it again, it might deal a huge blow to morale.

Although Zhuge Liang arranged for Huang Zhong to hold back the defenders in Shangyu City again.

However, it did not prevent the opponent from fighting, so Huang Zhong finally said: "Soldiers, follow the old man and rush out."

Xiahouba's army had been scolding outside the camp for more than an hour.

But the other party never showed up, which made Xia Houba a little helpless.

After scolding for so long, everyone was already tired, and Xia Houba was about to lead his troops back.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the gate of Huang Zhong's camp suddenly opened, and the army with high morale, led by Huang Zhong, rushed over in an instant.

The hearts of these soldiers and horses have long been burning with anger, and the suppression until now has almost become a prairie fire, unstoppable.

As soon as Xiahouba's army came into contact, they were killed by such a furious army.

And Xia Houba himself was also entangled by Huang Zhong and started fighting.

Although before coming here, his father had warned Xia Houba that if the opponent sent troops, he should retreat quickly and attract the opponent to the city.

But when the battle started, Xia Houba forgot his father's words completely.

When he saw Huang Zhong rushing towards him with a knife in hand, he immediately fought with him.

He didn't even forget to continue to taunt: "Old man Huang Zhong, did you think you were a shrinking turtle?

I didn't expect to dare to come out, let's take a knife from my master! "

However, what kind of person is Huang Zhong?Decades of military career have made him despise such small tricks for a long time.

Xia Houba wanted to stimulate himself with this, but Huang Zhong was not angry at all.

Instead, he said with a smile: "The old man is an old man, so he should slow down. How can he compare with your father and son? He can run away faster!"

As soon as these words came out, Xia Houba was instantly enraged.

After all, I was indeed chased by Huang Zhong from outside Chencang City for hundreds of miles to come here.

So what the other party said about them running away all the way is indeed not unreasonable.

This kind of ridicule is much more lethal than Xia Houba's simple provocation.

Therefore, the enraged Xia Houba no longer cared about his father's words, and focused on beheading Huang Zhong to vent his anger.

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