It's just that Xiahouba's idea is good, but there is a big gap in strength.

Xiahouba brandished his saber and slashed at Huang Zhong's vital points, his subordinates showed no mercy.

However, Huang Zhong was superior in skill, and could deal with Xia Houba's attack just right every time.

Moreover, he still had the strength to fight back, making Xia Houba flustered.

The battle continued, but Xiahouba was gradually at a disadvantage, and the situation was very critical.

But he had always thought too highly of himself, the more so, the more unconvinced he became.

Coupled with Huang Zhong's provocative words from time to time, Xia Houyuan's brain was completely filled with anger and he lost his mind.

While the two were fighting, the armies of both sides were also fighting fiercely.

Huang Zhong's army has been insulted for so long, and the anger in their hearts is suppressed, and now they are finally completely released.

Naturally, they suppressed the opponent as soon as they came up. After staying outside for so long, Xiahou's army has lost its vigor and its combat effectiveness has been greatly affected.

Therefore, under Huang Zhong's leadership, the opponent was beaten to death.

It wasn't until Xia Houba saw that the soldiers around him suffered heavy losses and the mourning was everywhere, that he finally woke up.

I saw Xia Houba terrified in his heart and said: "No! I almost forgot my father's explanation! If we continue to fight, I'm afraid the whole army will be wiped out."

Therefore, Xia Houba hurriedly ordered to retreat and fled back to Shangyu City.

In the beginning, Huang Zhong did lead his army to chase for a certain distance, but he always maintained his rationality.

Immediately remembering Zhuge Liang's instructions, he ignored the other party and withdrew his troops and returned to the camp.

Zhuge Liang once said before that no matter how provocative the opponent is, Huang Zhong must avoid large-scale conflicts with the opponent.

If the opponent is really pressing, Huang Zhong will lead his army to retreat to the trap set by Zhuge Liang.

As long as the opponent falls into a trick once, he will have a long memory in an instant, and he will never dare to attack rashly again.

But if the enemy's entire army is not dispatched, Huang Zhong can't go deep into the city, so as not to cause a decisive battle.

This arrangement does not mean that Zhuge Liang is afraid of the other party.

It's because Xia Houyuan has enough soldiers and food at the moment, and he is not afraid of a decisive battle, and he is even eager to break out as soon as possible.

But the plan on my side has not been completed yet, if a decisive battle breaks out at this moment, it will inevitably pay a lot of losses.

Even with Zhuge Liang's ingenuity, even with a strong attack, there is still an [-]% certainty of winning Shangyu.

But the price paid will greatly affect the follow-up plan, so it is not worthwhile to calculate it this way.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Zhong's army was like a nail, nailed outside the city of Shangyu.

Xia Houyuan sent troops many times, but he was still helpless.

With fewer troops dispatched, Huang Zhong's tough bone can't be chewed at all.

He sent too many troops, and he was afraid that he would be caught by the opponent's plan to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and the opponent would take the opportunity to take down Shangyu.

So Xia Houyuan could only stare at the other party all the time, guarding against Huang Zhong's actions at any time.

After dealing with Xia Houyuan's probing attack, Huang Zhong resumed his previous work as if nothing had happened.

Every day, I only lead troops to practice, and make an appearance that an attack may be launched at any time.

In this way, Xia Houyuan was forced not to relax.

In other directions, everyone also launched actions in strict accordance with Zhuge Liang's plan.

Let's talk about Jiang Wei first. Since he led the troops and separated from Zhuge Liang, he has been heading south all the way.

Taking advantage of Cao Jun's emptiness, he easily took down the wooden door.

Then he continued to go south along the wooden gate, and captured Rongqiu and Xixian one after another.

At this moment, the army can threaten Didao in Longxi County to the west, and Chiting in Wudu County to the south. The situation is very good.

But the other army was not as lucky as Jiang Wei.

But it is said that Liang Xu led an army of [-], bypassing Shangyu and marching northwest.

Unexpectedly, the first city I encountered was a tough one.

As a city connecting Shangbi and Ji County, Wangyuan is also very strong.

Originally, Liang Xu was going to use his previous reputation in the county to directly persuade the other party to open the city and surrender.

Unexpectedly, Wangyuan's guard has been replaced by his own Yao Qiong by Xia Houyuan.

This person is actually from Ji County, but he had taken refuge in Cao Cao long before and worked under Xia Houyuan's tent.

When Xia Houyuan came here this time, he naturally handed over the task of guarding the surrounding cities to his subordinates.

Yao Qiong is loyal and loyal, and has already known the news of Liang Xu's rebellion in advance.

So when Liang Xu rushed to the city, he immediately defended the city to keep him out.

Liang Xu was only a hero before, his combat effectiveness was not high, and he didn't have many tricks.

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