So facing such a fortified city, I lost my mind for a while, and finally had no choice but to launch a strong attack regardless of the cost.

Speaking of which, all Wangyuan's soldiers were taken away by Xia Houyuan to defend Shangbi.

So there are only less than [-] people here.

Facing Liang Xu's [-] army, he attacked at all costs.

No matter how determined Yao Qiong is, he can't last long.

On the afternoon of the second day, the city was about to be destroyed by Liang Xu, but at this moment, there was a sudden movement in the valley to the south.

Immediately afterwards, before Liang Xu could react, a group of soldiers and horses rushed from the other side, and rushed up directly from the flanks.

These soldiers and horses were all cavalry, brave and good at fighting. Liang Xu was caught off guard and suffered heavy casualties.

It took a great deal of effort to finally escape the pursuit of the opponent, but when it was reorganized, it was found that there were less than [-] horses in hand.

It turned out that these suddenly killed cavalry were Cao Ren's ambush soldiers stationed in Guatai Mountain.

Cao Ren himself has been focusing on the direction of Shangyu City.

Unexpectedly, Huang Zhong would be so cunning, no matter how seduced Xia Houyuan was, he would not take a step forward.

As a result, Cao Ren felt itchy, but there was nothing he could do.

Just when he felt like a cat's paw in his heart, unable to sit still, suddenly the scouts heard that there was a battle in Wangyuan.

When Cao Ren heard this, he was shocked at first, and then immediately understood the other party's plan.

However, they had to be on guard against the movement of Shangyu City. In the end, they had no choice but to lead [-] Qiang cavalry to support them.

Unexpectedly, as Cao Ren expected, the opponent was really attacking Wangyuan.

Without hesitation, Cao Ren rushed straight to the kill. The opponent he killed was bleeding like a river and suffered heavy losses.

It wasn't until this moment that Cao Ren's heart finally felt refreshed.

But Liang Xu, who suffered heavy losses from the cavalry that broke out halfway, was not in such a good mood.

He hid the remnant soldiers in the mountains further north, which saved Cao Ren's cavalry from chasing and killing them.

However, it is impossible to threaten the opponent again with the soldiers and horses in hand.

If you withdraw your troops, you will be punished.

Just when Liang Xu was in a dilemma and couldn't make up his mind, the scouts reported that another army had come from the mountains to the north.

The news frightened Liang Xu.

He thought he had stepped into the encirclement of Cao Jun, and fell into despair for a while.

In the end, Liang Xu was in a dilemma, so he could only decide to meet the army coming from the north.

After all, Cao Ren's Qiang cavalry had killed Liang Xu to the point of fear, and he was unwilling to have any more contact with him.

So Liang Xu occupied a dangerous position, waiting for the army from the north to arrive.

When the army came slowly, Liang Xu regretted it instantly.

Because there are too many troops in front of them, with dense banners and huge crowds, tens of thousands of people.

And because the mountain peak blocked the line of sight, when Liang Xu found out, the other party had already spotted him.

The leading general saw that there was an army looming in front of him, so he immediately arranged for his generals to go and check.

Liang Xu knew that there was no way to escape at this moment, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and meet him.

"Who are you? Report your name!"

Liang Xu recalled what little courage he had left, and shouted these words.

"I am the general of the Han Dynasty, under the command of the Marquis of the County, the vanguard general Zhang Xiong! Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

When Liang Xu heard this, he was suddenly overjoyed.

Can't help shouting: "But General Zhang Junyi's troops?"

"Exactly! Who are you?" Zhang Xiong saw that this person was very unfamiliar, but he called out his father's name, which made him even more puzzled.

But Liang Xu didn't care about these things, he got off his horse and came to him.

"Greetings, General, Liang Xu, I wish to be the meritorious Cao of Ji County, and now I have joined Prime Minister Zhuge. This time, I was ordered by the Prime Minister to attack Wangyuan.

Who expected to meet the general army here, what a coincidence. "

Zhang Xiong looked at Liang Xu suspiciously, as if he was still wondering how true the other party's words were.

However, Liang Xu had already ordered the army to get out of the way, and all came out of the ambush position to meet the opponent.

When Zhang Xiong reported the situation here to Zhang Yun, the other party also became interested and stepped forward together.

When Liang Xu saw Zhang Yun, he hurried forward to salute.

Zhang He is a delicate person, so he doesn't need to ask special questions, and a few ordinary words can reveal Liang Xu's details.

It was finally possible to confirm the authenticity of what the other party said.

In this way, there will be no gap between the two sides.

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