It's just that Zhang Xiong said curiously: "Wangyuan is still some distance away from here, why did your army garrison the army in the mountains instead?"

Hearing this, Liang Xu heaved a long sigh and said, "Ah! It's hard to say!"

Then he fully revealed the fact that he was attacked by Cao Ren's cavalry when he was about to capture.

Hearing this, Zhang He immediately said, "I didn't expect Cao Ren to still be here, I think I'm going to capture him!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Originally, Liang Xu was chased by Cao Ren like a lost dog, hiding in the deep mountains and not daring to go out.

But after seeing Zhang Yun, the fear in his heart was finally temporarily put down.

Especially when he saw Zhang Yun's strong soldiers and countless brave warriors behind him, Liang Xu was instantly filled with a sense of security.

After hearing Zhang He's words, Liang Xu said gratefully, "General, you must not underestimate the enemy. Then Cao Ren has [-] Qiang cavalry in his hands.

Violent and violent, almost unstoppable, the general must be careful! "

Unexpectedly, Zhang Xi and a group of soldiers behind him burst into laughter upon hearing this.

This made Liang Xu very embarrassed, thinking that he had said something wrong.

It wasn't until everyone laughed that Zhang Xiong explained from the side: "Don't worry about Liang Gongcao. The mere Qiang Hu cavalry is nothing, and it won't make my father pay attention to it."

Seeing their disapproving expressions, Liang Xu hurriedly said solemnly: "Young general, don't underestimate the enemy.

You have lived in the Central Plains for a long time and have never had contact with Qiang and Hu soldiers, so naturally you don't know how powerful they are.

The Qiang and Hu soldiers are the most powerful nomadic tribe in the Northwest. Not only are they numerous, they are skilled in riding, and almost everyone is a warrior.

Liangzhou has Qiang Hu rebellion almost every year. Even if you are prepared to defend the city, you will have to pay a very painful price. "

However, Zhang Xiong's expression remained the same as usual.

He suddenly said: "Then Liang Gongcao thinks how does Qianghu compare with tribes like Wuhuan, Xianbei, and Xiongnu?"

Liang Xu thought carefully for a long time, and finally said: "Although the Qiang Hu is a disaster for Liangzhou, it is still close to the Wuhuan, Xianbei and Xiongnu who can threaten the entire north."

"That's it! King Wuhuan was so powerful that he almost unified the north, but in the end he was wiped out by our army.

The once tyrannical Wuhuan was torn apart and completely annexed by the Turks and Huns.

Hu Chuquan Shanyu had surrendered long ago and became one of His Majesty's generals.

As for the Turks, they have to be suppressed every time they show up, and they dare not approach the border for a hundred miles.

I think, no matter how powerful Qiang Hu is, it is impossible to compare with them! "

After Zhang Xiong's explanation, Liang Xu finally understood.

I can't help but feel that I am in the remote northwest, short-sighted and not knowledgeable enough.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's strength has reached such a tyrannical level.

This also made Liang Xu lament that it was really wise for him to surrender.

How could Xia Houyuan and Cao Ren resist such a powerful army.

Seeing that Liang Xu finally no longer doubted, Zhang He finally said: "Liang Gongcao, without further delay, let's discuss how to defeat Cao Ren!"

How dare Liang Xu have any objections now, so he hurriedly said respectfully: "Everything depends on the general's decision, and the next official will follow the general's lead!"

Seeing that he was so sensible, Zhang Xi also nodded in satisfaction, without hesitation, and said what was in his heart.

Although Cao Ren is not well-founded, he is all cavalry after all, and he is very mobile.

It is not so easy to catch him all in one go.

However, there is no other way, this mountain is the place where Cao Ren was buried.

I saw Zhang Yun pointing at this valley, surrounded by high mountains, only a not-so-wide flat land in the middle, just like a basin.

And the entrances and exits of this basin are all very narrow, only three feet wide, easy to enter and difficult to exit.

Zhang He is planning to use this basin to make a fuss.

Cao Ren still doesn't know the news of his army's arrival.

He arranged for Liang Xu to rush to Wangyuan City again, pretending to attack again.

When Cao Ren's army came to support them, they immediately fled here.

The last time Cao Ren made Liang Xu escape, this time he must be completely wiped out.

Therefore, Cao Ren will definitely follow Liang Xu here in hot pursuit.

After Cao Ren's cavalry had all entered the basin, Zhang Yun led an army to block the entrance and exit, and launched an attack from a condescending height.

After everything was discussed, Liang Xu set off slowly with the remnants of his men.

Although there is Zhang Yun's army behind him to support him at any time, but he thought of the brutality of Cao Ren's army.

Liang Xu's heart was still a little beating.

But thinking that if he didn't try his best, he would really have failed to achieve an inch, and fled back in embarrassment.

Thinking of this, Liang Xu immediately clenched his fists, without any further hesitation.

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