However, he was still prepared to retreat at any time in his heart, no matter how afraid of death, it was impossible to seek death.

Besides, Cao Ren did not leave immediately after repelling Liang Xu's army and breaking the siege of Wangyuan.

Instead, they sent troops to search for traces of the remaining troops.

Cao Ren understood that if Liang Xu could not be dealt with thoroughly, the other party would definitely make a comeback.

I can save it once, but it is impossible to catch up every time.

Therefore, only by thoroughly solving the future troubles can it be done once and for all.

Cao Ren sat in Wangyuan and sent Qiang cavalry to search in all directions, but nothing was found.

Just when he was a little anxious, there was a sudden movement outside the door, the enemy army appeared again, and began to attack the city again.

When Cao Ren heard this, he stood up in surprise.

"Dare to come again? Don't leave this time! Send the order, and the Qiang cavalry is ready. This time, I will personally kill the traitor Liang Xu."

With that said, Cao Ren put on his cloak, held a big knife, and rushed out the door without hesitation.

After Liang Xu came to the city, although he started to attack the city again, he had seen the opponent's strength before, and he was always prepared in his heart.

At this moment, the gate of Wangyuan City opened slowly, and Cao Ren led the Qiang cavalry to rush out.

While charging, the Qiang cavalry kept whistling. Seeing the army on the opposite side was like seeing prey, with bloodthirsty expressions in their eyes.

Seeing this, Liang Xu immediately yelled: "No good, retreat quickly, retreat quickly!"

After speaking, regardless of other people's reactions, he turned his horse's head and fled directly.

Although Liang Xu came here as a bait this time, some soldiers under him still reacted slowly.

Maybe it was just a moment of stupefaction, and the Qiang cavalry had already galloped to the front.

With a downward swing of the scimitar in his hand, a human life will be harvested by him.

Those soldiers who reacted slowly fell down a large area as if they had been mowed.

Liang Xu was terrified in his heart, and ran away in fright, not having the time to look back to check the distance of the other party.

But the howling of the Qiang cavalry was getting closer and closer, and the screams of their companions being hacked were also caught in it.

All kinds of voices converged, like a ghost in hell, approaching continuously, Liang Xu's hairs were already standing on end.

He desperately urged his mount to gallop, and finally saw the entrance of the basin that he had agreed with Zhang Yun.

There seemed to be a kind of magic power there, which gradually calmed Liang Xu's terrified heart.

However, the sound of horseshoes approaching behind his head brought him back to reality again, making him dare not slack off in the slightest.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Ren's pursuers were getting closer and closer, and they were less than [-] meters away from Liang Xu.

Liang Xu desperately urged the horse, but after running away for so long, the speed of the horse gradually began to slow down.

On the contrary, those Qiang cavalry horses were all Xiliang horses, and their endurance was stronger than Liang Xu's horses.

As for Liang Xu's subordinates, the horses they rode were even inferior horses, neither in speed nor in endurance.

Therefore, Cao Ren led the [-] Qiang cavalry who were like wolves and tigers, and kept catching up with Liang Xu's troops.

Then he beheaded those people mercilessly, without even the slightest ability to fight back.

Liang Xu heard the screams coming from his ears, and his heart was bleeding crazily.

These soldiers and horses under his command were all brought from Ji County, and they ate and lived together on weekdays, and they had a very deep relationship.

Now he can only watch these people being slaughtered helplessly, Liang Xu's hatred for the Qiang cavalry is also growing.

Seeing that Zhang He's ambush was close in front of him, Liang Xu had already exerted his last strength.

Finally, Liang Xu rushed into the basin with less than [-] people left.

Cao Ren saw that the opponent had reached the end of his battle, so how could he easily let go of the victory he had obtained.

Without thinking at all, he rushed in directly.

Cao Ren led the Qiang cavalry in hot pursuit. After passing through a section of canyon, they entered an open basin in an instant.

At this moment, Liang Xu's mount finally couldn't hold on anymore.

No matter how he drove him, he stopped running and stopped slowly instead.

Liang Xu was so anxious that he didn't even bother to push him anymore, he got off his horse and continued to run forward.

Seeing this, Cao Ren was extremely proud.

Seeing that the other party had nowhere to escape, he finally slowed down and pushed forward in an unhurried manner.

Looking at the surrounding environment, he couldn't help saying: "Give up, you can't escape.

But here is a good place to hide, and it is not in vain for you to choose it yourself.

I will fulfill you! "

However, before the words were finished, a group of people came slowly from the opposite side of the basin.

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