"Liang Gongcao, you wait and step back first, and we will leave the rest to us!"

When Cao Ren saw the person coming, he was startled suddenly, thinking something was wrong.

"I didn't expect you to have ambushes? Hmph, but this small force is trying to trap the general's [-] brave cavalry, that's wishful thinking!

But that's okay, since you're here, let's leave everyone here! "

Although Cao Ren guessed that he was ambushed by the opponent, he had already fought Liang Xu before.

He is very familiar with the fighting power of Liang Xu's subordinates. These people are just a mob, so how can they be taken seriously.

Moreover, the number of troops coming from the opposite side was not too large, and the total number of deserters of Liang Xu was only about [-] horses.

For an equal number of enemies, Cao Ren was confident that his brave Qiang cavalry would definitely be able to defeat them.

At this moment, Zhang Xiong has come to meet Liang Xu.

Seeing that Liang Xu and the others had run away for so long, they had already lost their physical strength, so he took them to the back for a while to rest, and took the initiative to block the front.

"Cao Ren! How dare you speak so boldly when you are about to die, I will let you know when you die today!"

After Zhang Xiong finished speaking, the captain next to him immediately blew his horn.


The long sound of the horn echoed in the valley, which made Cao Ren feel something bad.

Sure enough, before the echo of the horn fell, Cao Ren heard dull footsteps and hoofbeats from around him.

He hurriedly looked up, only to see countless soldiers slowly appearing on the originally bare mountain.

The soldiers and horses who had ambushed for a long time finally moved out slowly from behind the mountain.

The mountains around the entire basin were full of Zhang He's army, which directly surrounded Cao Ren on the narrow central flat ground.

"Not good! Hurry up!"

Seeing these scenes, Cao Ren was finally frightened, and hurriedly retreated loudly.

However, how could the other party give him this chance?

The Qiang cavalry charged forward without hesitation.

But when they retreated, it showed the weakness of the nomads.

For a while, the order was very chaotic, and people shouted and neighed.

When Cao Ren was still struggling to maintain order, a group of people and horses came slowly from the valley at the original entrance, with a large flag with the word "Zhang" erected in the middle.

Before the man approached, he laughed and shouted: "Cao Ren, you have been tricked. You should leave this geomantic treasure to yourselves!"

Cao Ren was shocked, and hurriedly asked, "Who is here?"

"I am the general of the Han Dynasty, the Marquis of the county Zhang Yun, and the bandit general hastened to dismount and accept surrender!"

"It turned out to be Zhang He!" Cao Ren shouted in his heart, never expecting to meet Zhang He's army here.

He had dealt with Zhang Xi before, and he knew that this man was full of tricks, and the most important thing was that his ability to lead troops in battle was absolutely no worse than his own.

Therefore, Cao Ren quickly ordered the whole army: "Everyone, don't panic, follow the general and charge out together.

Although there are many enemy troops, they are definitely not the opponents of the Qiang Hu athletes! "

Under Cao Ren's encouragement, the Qiang cavalry, who had just found themselves in an ambush and were terrified in their hearts, finally gradually stabilized and restored order.

Qianghu had never fought against the Central Plains army except Cao's army before.

In their impression, they look down on the Central Plains army from the bottom of their hearts, thinking that they are just chickens and dogs, and they will collapse at the touch of a touch.

Therefore, after Cao Ren's words, these Qiang and Hu cavalry finally regained their previous bloodiness.

One by one, they yelled and looked at each other with contempt.

Zhang Xi naturally saw all of the opponent's performance, but he was not worried at all.

Because these Qiang and Hu cavalry soldiers were not enough to be taken seriously by Zhang He.

You must know that Zhang Xi is a famous general who followed Liu Ke to fight in all battles. He is a white horse righteous follower, Danyang soldier, and Wudang Flying Army.

Which one is not his own defeat.Not to mention the Huns and Turkic cavalry who were arrogant for a while.

No matter what achievements and reputations these arms had before, they were all subdued when they met Liu Ke's army.

Compared to them, the Qianghu in the bitter cold area of ​​the northwest is like a child who is useless.

Combat power is not on the same level at all.

Therefore, Zhang Xi wished that the opponent's fighting spirit would be as high as possible.

In this way, when he defeats after a while, he will feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Otherwise, it is really a bit uninteresting.

However, Zhang Xi thought so, but Liang Xu on the side was a little worried.

As early as when he was in Ji County, he often dealt with the Qiang and Hu people, even the opponent's toughness.

Often, only when you have to reach twice the strength of the opponent do you dare to come into direct contact with the Qianghu cavalry.

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