Under the unified order, all members drew their bows and knives, and started hand-to-hand combat with the opponent.

Originally, the Qiang and Hu cavalry had already charged. If they could charge into the enemy's formation in one fell swoop, they would be able to cause great damage.

However, Zhang Xi has long been familiar with dealing with such light cavalry.

He formed a formation that he had never seen at the time—a hollow phalanx.

At the front of the formation are the spearmen who have just replaced their bows and arrows to counter the first wave of cavalry.

And if the enemy army is unstoppable, take advantage of the situation to dodge a hole and put the cavalry into the hollow formation in the middle.

At the rear of the formation, there was a row of troops holding shining bayonets. These people shot arrows at first.

When the enemy rushes into the hollow position, immediately hold the knife to frighten them.

You know, no matter how well-trained a war horse is, it is afraid of bright and sharp objects.

This is impossible to avoid no matter how much training is done, because it belongs to the nature of the horse and has long been engraved in the genes.

And after being blocked by the spearmen in front, the speed of the cavalry has slowed down by three points.

At this moment, if they suddenly bumped into these bayonets, they would immediately dodge and fall into chaos in an instant.

As soon as the horses rushing to the front stop, the ones following behind will chase after them.

At that time, the war horses were in chaos, and they were all trapped behind the hollow formation.

What awaits them is the fate of slaughter by the surrounding army with guns and knives.

The Qiang and Hu cavalry had never encountered this hollow battle formation.

Even this era has not been invented, it was invented by Liu Ke referring to modern battle formations.

Although there is no musket, it is impossible to exert the greatest effect.

But the god arm bow that is equipped now can also perform at a level of [-] to [-]%.

However, the scope of application of the hollow square matrix is ​​still somewhat limited.

If it is on the open grassland, the cavalry can still harass with flexible mobility.

But at this moment, Zhang He was guarding the exit of the basin, and the opponent had no choice but to crash in abruptly.

Therefore, it was finally able to exert its strongest combat effectiveness.

Seeing Cao Ren rushing forward, he was secretly happy.

Although there were spears like a forest in front of him, he was not worried.

Relying on the powerful impact force of the horses, these spearmen collapsed at the touch of a touch, and a large opening flashed directly, and Cao Ren's cavalry passed through without any effort.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Ren effortlessly broke through the long spear array on the first floor and charged directly to the rear.

He was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't expect it to be so relaxed, and he couldn't help but scorned in his heart: "Zhang He is not ashamed to speak out, that's all!"

However, Cao Ren found that the impact of the cavalry had weakened after the spear formation obstructed them.

But he was not worried, because the impression he had just made contact with had already made him not take it seriously.

At this moment, looking at the army in front of him, Cao Ren thought to himself, as long as he could break through the obstacles of these people, he would be able to break through the encirclement in one fell swoop.

Therefore, he urged the war horse again, and rushed forward without hesitation.

At this moment, the defenders in the rear immediately put on shining sharp bayonets and faced Cao Ren's cavalry.

Under the sunlight, the bayonet reflected a cold killing intent.

Cao Ren didn't take it seriously at first, but the horse under his crotch suddenly slowed down.

No matter how Cao Ren drove it, not only did it not accelerate, but it became slower and slower, and even started to commotion.

The horse under Cao Ren's crotch has also been fighting with him for many years, and has long been psychic.

I have never encountered such a situation before, but today it is so abnormal.

But seeing that the way is ahead, how can you hesitate.

Therefore, Cao Ren tugged on the reins and swung the whip, forcefully driving the horse forward.

Seeing that it was about to approach, the war horse neighed suddenly, and at the last moment, it turned sharply, avoiding the bayonet directly in front, and ran to the side.

Not only Cao Ren's war horse, but other Qianghu cavalry also encountered the same situation.

Only a few horses rushed in, but immediately hit the bayonet.

His chest was covered with sharp bayonets, and he and his horse all crashed to the ground, unable to rush out of the valley again.

Moreover, this place is a narrow valley, naturally there are steep and high cliffs on both sides, and there is no way to escape.

Therefore, the cavalry after running to the side can only return again under the drive of its master.

But in this way, the cavalry who were rushing forward like a torrent immediately became confused, and they rushed in any direction.

Some even slammed into each other in a panic, without the momentum they had at the beginning.

At this time, Zhang Yun, who had been paying attention to the situation in the formation, immediately gave an order.

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