Whether it was the pikemen or the bayonet soldiers around them, they all began to slowly retreat into the encirclement and charged at the Cao Ren cavalry in the middle.

Those behind simply took out their bows and arrows and started shooting again.

It wasn't until this moment that Cao Ren finally understood the essence of the opponent's formation.

As Cao Ren, who was familiar with all kinds of formations, and even led the eight-door golden lock formation to defeat the enemy, he couldn't help but admire the person who designed this formation.

This hollow phalanx looks simple, but it is actually quite mysterious.

It not only makes use of the terrain and battlefield situation, but also takes into account the characteristics of war horses.

It can be said that all factors have been calculated, and the miraculous effect has just been exerted.

Cao Ren's cavalry had lost their original momentum, but they were still maintaining order in the formation.

But Zhang He had already begun to shrink his formation, and came firmly from all directions.

Seeing this, some Qiang and Hu cavalry rushed to break out of the encirclement.

However, if the cavalry cannot form a scale and is only single-handed, facing the pikemen is like sending them to death.

The Qiang cavalry who wanted to break out were easily dealt with by the pikemen.

The other Qianghu were so frightened that they no longer dared to try their own tricks.

However, the ever-shrinking encirclement is still compressing their living space, and they are about to be completely encircled and killed in it.

Seeing the situation around him, Cao Ren quickly regained his senses and commanded the army to gather together.

Then Cao Ren gave an order: "The generals will fight on foot, kill horses and form a formation, and defend against the enemy!"

Qiang Hu was used to fighting on horseback since he was a child, but at this moment, in order to survive, he did not hesitate to get off his horse immediately.

After forming a circle around the horses, they were all cruelly assassinated.

Although the horses that crashed to the ground made people feel distressed, they finally formed a separation zone between the enemy and us, blocking the enemy army out.

If the enemy wants to attack again, they can only turn over and pass by the horse.

When the time comes, the formation will naturally be chaotic, and Cao Ren can seize the opportunity to counterattack and even break out of the encirclement.

And if the enemy is attacking with long-range bows and arrows, they can also hide behind the horse to avoid being shot and killed by the enemy from a long distance.

This temporary decision immediately stabilized the situation, and the casualties on Cao Ren's side were finally not as huge as they were at the beginning.

After Zhang Yun saw the opponent's response, he couldn't help but lamented that Cao Ren was flexible and adaptable. He deserved to be one of the few famous generals under Cao Cao.

Seeing that the opponent is holding on to a temporary position, it is difficult to capture for a while, and the casualties of his men have also begun to increase.

Zhang He made a decisive decision and ordered his men to stop attacking, and only stood guard around.

Because Zhang Yun understood that Cao Ren's defense at the moment could only last for a while, but not for long.

Instead of attacking fiercely at this moment and increasing casualties in vain, it is better to temporarily surround and not attack, so as to wear down the opponent's spirit.

Anyway, surrounded by his own army, the opponent couldn't escape.

In fact, Cao Ren also knew in his heart that his current response could only stop the enemy for a while.

Without foreign aid, it is simply impossible to last.

However, how could the defenders of Wangyuan think of the battle that took place here?

They thought that Cao Ren would be invincible if he led the cavalry to attack. Who would have thought that they would encounter Zhang Yun's army.

Therefore, even if Yao Qiong, the guard of Wangyuan, finds out that the situation is wrong and sends troops to check, I am afraid that tomorrow will be lost.

But Cao Ren can only hope for reinforcements from the other side, there is no other way.

After Zhang Xiong took a break from the battle here, he also led his troops to catch up slowly, increasing the number of troops surrounding Cao Ren.

At this moment, Cao Ren had less than [-] troops left in the most central encirclement.

Zhang He took the initiative to come forward and shouted loudly: "General Cao Ren, you are also a famous general of a generation.

Even His Majesty once praised you for being a strategy.At this moment, we have been surrounded by our army, and there is no way to escape.

Instead of letting your subordinates die with you, why not turn around and surrender.

With your strength, you will definitely be able to make contributions to your majesty in the future and find a general to be a marquis.

It's better than being under Cao Cao's men, hiding in Tibet, and being in constant fear all day long. "

Zhang Yun had good intentions, but it was impossible to impress Cao Ren.

After all, Cao Ren and Cao Cao are uncles and brothers, they have a very close relationship, and they are loved and reused by Cao Cao.

Therefore, Cao Ren rejected the opponent very disdainfully, and scolded Zhang Xi.

Seeing that the persuasion to surrender failed, Zhang He could only return angrily, and at the same time ordered his subordinates to step up their defenses to prevent the opponent from taking the opportunity to break through.

After fighting for so long, it was already evening, and even Zhang Yun couldn't help feeling hungry.

Zhang He rolled his eyes and immediately got his attention.

He immediately ordered his soldiers and horses to start cooking outside the encirclement, and after a while, the aroma filled the valley.

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