The world only knows that Liu Ke's soldiers and horses are very powerful in combat, but they don't know why.

Some even attribute it to the fact that Liu Ke possesses witchcraft, which can make his soldiers invulnerable.

In fact, these are just rumors spread by the world, and the real reason is actually very complicated.

In addition to benefiting from Liu Ke's well-trained and well-equipped soldiers and horses, food is actually a very important aspect.

You know, in this era, being able to eat is already a luxury.

Not to mention full or even well-fed.

As an ordinary soldier, he can only guarantee seventy percent full on weekdays, and only in times of war can he really eat a few full meals.

This is already a very rare treatment for them.

However, this is only limited to other forces, and under Liu Ke's command, this is not the case at all.

From the early days of Liu Ke's management of Yangzhou, he has already deeply understood the essence of the saying that people depend on food.

Under his development, the grain yield on the land occupied today is extremely high, and the stage of satisfying food and clothing has already passed.

At this moment, Liu Ke's pursuit is not to eat enough, but how to eat well and eat healthy.

In the Yangzhou area, where the industry is the most developed today, ordinary people there have already begun to worry about their bulging stomachs.

Some beauty lovers have even begun to advocate health preservation and weight loss.

And as the soldier Liu Ke relied on to rule the world, he naturally received Liu Ke's extra favor and care.

Today, Liu Ke's army implements a supply system, and each person's daily meals have been prepared, as long as they are arranged according to the ratio.

If it weren't for the lack of canning technology nowadays, Liu Ke might have already produced individual combat rations.

But even so, it can already guarantee that the soldiers have a good meal and have meat every meal.

Just like now, when Zhang Yun gave the order to start cooking, the cooking soldiers immediately began to act nervously.

After a while, a delicious smell of meat came out of the pot.

Blowing along the small wind in the valley, it immediately floated into the noses of Cao Ren's army in the encirclement.

After fighting for so long, their stomachs were also empty, and they were already hungry.

However, when chasing Liang Xu in the morning, he didn't expect this situation at all, how could he carry rations.

Fortunately, these Qiang and Hu cavalry are used to fighting and living on horseback, and they can find some wind-made dried meat from their arms and horses to satisfy their hunger.

However, although this kind of jerky can satisfy hunger, it is very dry and hard to chew for preservation.

Usually boiled with water can still be eaten, but now I am trapped, where can I have water to cook?

So in order to fill my stomach, I can only bite the bullet and eat it.

This was hard enough, but the scent of meat wafted into the nostrils, making these people even more restless.

At this moment, there was a timely movement from Zhang He.

"Brothers in the formation, the meat is already stewed, as long as you come out of the formation, you can enjoy it as you like.

Don't hesitate, come quickly, it's so fragrant! "

As he said that, the man fished out a bone from the nest, gnawed it whole, and let out bursts of admiration.

At this scene, the greedy Qiang and Hu cavalry couldn't help swallowing. If they hadn't reasoned to tell them that they would die if they rushed out, some people would have been unable to withstand the temptation and turned out of their positions and ran over.

In the end, under Cao Ren's strong request, everyone had to bury their heads deeply inside the position, pretending that they couldn't hear the movement outside.

Although Zhang Xi's move did not immediately disintegrate the opponent, it greatly affected their combat effectiveness.

Under the sharp contrast of the meals on both sides, some Qianghu cavalry could no longer eat the dry and hard jerky in their hands.

Regarding this move, Cao Ren was also very helpless, and could only hope that Wangyuan's reinforcements would arrive.

At this moment, Yao Qiong, the guard of Wangyuan City, finally sensed something was wrong.

Ordinarily, chasing and killing Liang Xu's fleeing army should have been easily captured.

General Cao Ren's subordinates are all cavalry, and they should have triumphed long ago. Why did they not return after going out for so long?

Could it be that you are in some trouble, trapped and can't get out?

At the beginning, Yao Qiong discussed with his subordinates, and everyone said that with General Cao Ren's strength, he would definitely not encounter any difficulties.

Even if there is, it will definitely not stop Cao Ren's footsteps.

The reason why the other party has not come back may be that there are other more important arrangements.

There is some truth to this explanation, so Yao Qiong was not worried at first.

However, until evening, Cao Ren's army had not yet returned.

Even if there are other arrangements, always send someone back to deliver a message.

However, half of Cao Ren's army seemed to have disappeared without any response.

This time, Yao Qiong was finally really worried.

"No, I'm going out of the city to have a look, maybe General Cao is really in trouble!"

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