Yao Qiong got up firmly and walked out, but was stopped by his subordinates.

"General Yao, it's normal for you to be worried about General Cao Ren. It's just that it's getting late now, and if you rush out, you will miss the job.

Moreover, our Wangyuan County has only a few soldiers, if there is someone who can trap General Cao Ren's [-] Qiang cavalry.

We don't have enough people under our hands! "

"So what? Is it true that you just let it go?"

Yao Qiong is a loyal person, Liang Xu's attack on Wangyuan was very urgent the day before yesterday, if Cao Ren hadn't arrived with his troops, the city would have already been destroyed.

For Cao Ren's rescue, Yao Qiong was always grateful.

Now that the other party is in crisis, how can I sit idly by?

The subordinates knew Yao Qiong's temper, and saw that he was a little angry, so he quickly explained: "General calm down, naturally the subordinates don't want to sit idly by.

It's just that we don't have enough strength, we need to mobilize more manpower! "

"Oh? Do you have any good suggestions?"

"My little one heard from General Cao Ren's subordinates that there are still [-] troops stationed on Guatai Mountain, which is less than twenty miles away from Wangyuan.

As long as we send a letter to the past, it is clear that their chief general, General Cao Ren, is in trouble.

I think the other party will definitely come to the rescue immediately, and then join our army together.

Even Huang Zhong's main force is confident that he will cooperate with General Cao Ren and escape successfully. "

Liang Qiong, who was originally angry, finally softened after hearing the advice of his subordinate Gongcao.

He thought about it carefully for a moment, and he also thought that this was indeed a good idea.

After all, Yao Qiong is somewhat self-aware of her strength.

Although with his own passion, even if he knows that the other party is stronger than him, he will go forward and never give in.

But now it is not to charge, but to save people.

Therefore, he is required to adopt the safest method instead of trying to be brave.

In this case, naturally, the stronger the strength, the better the chance of winning.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Yao Qiong made a plan, he sent someone to deliver the letter in the direction of Guatai Mountain overnight.

At this moment, there are still [-] infantry troops on Guatai Mountain, led by Cao Ren's eldest son Cao Tai.

In the past few days, Cao Tai's life has not been good.

On the one hand, in the direction of Shangyu City, Xia Houyuan and Huang Zhong were in a tense confrontation, and they might send a signal at any time to rush to help.

On the other hand, the [-] Qiang cavalry led by my father have been away for a few days and have not returned until now.

It was supposed to go to support Wangyuan, but there was no news, it was as if nothing had disappeared.

Worrying about his father was second to none. After all, Cao Tai still had some confidence in the fighting power of the Qiang cavalry.

It shouldn't be too much trouble.

In fact, what worries him the most is that his father, because of the situation at Wangyuan, delayed the decisive battle at Shangyu City.

It would be a great crime to delay the opportunity to defeat Huang Zhong's main force.

Therefore, Cao Tai has been so overwhelmed by these things these days that he can't even sleep well.

That night, Cao Tai had just fallen asleep, and was still tossing and turning, when he heard movement outside the tent.

"Please inform me, I have an important letter to present to the chief general here."

"General Cao just fell asleep, you put down the letter, I will convey it tomorrow."

The person who answered was one of Cao Tai's personal followers, and naturally he has seen all of Cao Tai's situation in the past few days.

Seeing that Cao Tai finally fell asleep today, how could he bear to disturb him, so he blocked the messenger outside the door.

However, before this messenger came, he received thousands of instructions from Yao Qiong, and he must submit the letter to the general as soon as possible after arriving, without any delay.

So he was very responsible and did not obey the arrangement of his personal attendant, and insisted on reporting the money in person.

In this way, one side fulfilled their duty, and the other side felt sorry for Cao Tai. The two refused to let either one go, and they even started arguing outside the tent.

Cao Tai, who had just fallen asleep, was awakened by the sound outside, and couldn't help complaining: "What's disturbing outside the tent?"

When I heard the words, I was so frightened that I hurriedly confessed.

When the messenger heard the movement in the tent, his eyes lit up for an instant, and he shouted loudly, completely ignoring the ugly expression on his face.

"General, this villain is sent by General Wangyuan Yaoqiong. I have an important military report, please allow the general."

Cao Tai, who was still a little drowsy, immediately regained his energy when he heard the news that it was Wang Yuan who had come.

"Get in quickly!"

The messenger glanced at his relatives satisfied, and immediately broke through the opponent's obstruction and strode into the tent.

Cao Tai had already sat up, took the letter from the messenger and immediately began to read it.

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