The more he looked at Cao Tai, the more ugly his face became, and finally he stood up with a bang, and shouted outside the tent: "Cao An, order the whole army to assemble urgently!"

Cao An is the follower who stopped outside just now, because he waited around since he was a child and grew up with Cao Tai, so he was fortunate to be given a surname.

When Cao An heard Cao Tai's arrangement, his whole body trembled, not daring to neglect in the slightest, and immediately ran to deliver the order.

"When! When! When..."

There was a fierce and high-pitched gong, and the sleeping soldiers immediately woke up.

After hearing the signal, the generals at all levels rushed to Cao Tai's camp immediately.

In just a quarter of an hour, the tent was already full of people.

The faces of the people were still sleepy, and some were even yawning. They were very puzzled that Cao Tai had called them here late at night.

Cao Tai held up the letter in his hand, and explained to everyone that Cao Ren led his army to pursue him, but he has not returned so far.

When the generals heard this, they were all shocked instantly.

Afterwards, without waiting for others to say anything more, Cao Tai said directly: "Everyone, the commander-in-chief is likely to be ambushed by the other party.

We can't ignore it, the general is going to lead the army to attack, please go back and gather the army quickly, we must set off in half an hour! "

When everyone heard the words, their spirits were refreshed, and they hurried down to prepare.

But at this time a assistant general stepped forward and said: "Little general, it is our duty to rescue the general.

It's just that the army has another mission to support Shangbei. If there is a signal from there at this moment, what should we do? "

As soon as this person said, Cao Tai frowned instantly.

Before, he only thought of rescuing his father, leaving all the missions of Shangbei behind, and after this reminder, he finally remembered.

But now that the situation is urgent, it is impossible to wait for someone to go to Shangbi to ask for instructions.

So Cao Tai directly ordered to the man: "I would like to ask the general to go to Shangyu in person and explain to General Xiahou.

It is said that the father was in danger and had to leave for a few days.After the matter over there is dealt with, return immediately as soon as possible.

It's also good to make General Xiahou have a plan in mind to avoid delaying the fighter. "

After giving the order, Cao Tai couldn't care about anything else, and personally set out to command the army to pack up and set off.

Although Cao Tai has mostly infantry in his hands, his speed is still very fast.

Before dawn, they had already arrived at Wangyuan City.

Afterwards, Cao Tai did not enter the city directly, but was informed by the courier who returned with him that he was going to meet Yao Qiong and set off immediately.

Yao Qiong was worried about Cao Ren, and also didn't sleep well that night.

When he heard the message from outside, he finally said in surprise: "It's finally here. You go back and report, just say that I will come soon!"

Not long after, the gate of Wangyuan City was completely opened, and Yao Qiong took the lead and led the defenders in the city to welcome them out.

At this moment, there are only a few thousand defenders in Wangyuan City, and almost half of them were brought out by Yao Qiong this time.

After meeting with Cao Tai, these people briefly exchanged a few words, and immediately rushed in the direction Cao Ren chased yesterday.

"Little general, there are rare flat lands around Wangyuan City, and only fifteen li to the north are mountains.

Judging from the direction General Cao Ren was pursuing, he was heading there at all, so the subordinate officials thought that General Cao probably encountered a situation in the mountains over there. "

Following Yao Qiong's words, Cao Tai couldn't help but look to the north.

I saw that in the distance, there was indeed a mountain beam emerging flat on the ground. At dawn, it looked like a giant dragon lying there.

Cao Tai couldn't help feeling a little ominous in his heart.

He immediately shouted: "The whole army is running forward, and must rush over in the shortest time! Those who delay or fall behind will be dealt with by military law!"

The soldiers had already rushed all the way, and the soldiers were a little tired.

But Cao Tai was impatient with his father, and he didn't give everyone a chance to rest, so he forced the army to march northward.

In the process of rushing, the sun finally rose slowly, and the traces on the ground became more and more obvious.

The further north you go, you will see some corpses scattered on the road.

However, Cao Tai was slightly relieved that most of these corpses were dressed as enemy soldiers, and there were very few Qiang cavalry soldiers brought by Cao Ren.

But Cao Tai was even more surprised in his heart. Seeing the situation, his father had achieved great results, but why was there no more news?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The more Cao Tai saw the enemy corpses scattered on the ground, the more worried he became when he thought of his father's situation.

In his mind, he had already regarded this battle as a trick of the enemy, with the purpose of inducing his father to be fooled.

Therefore, Cao Tai ordered again and rushed towards the mountain almost as fast as possible.

Besides the situation in the valley at the moment, after a night of rest, both sides have recovered some strength.

However, although Cao Ren's army had dried meat to satisfy their hunger, they lacked drinking water to quench their thirst. The forced Qiang Hu had no choice but to quench their thirst directly with horse blood.

So now these Qianghu people's faces are covered with blood, one by one hesitantly come out of hell like evil spirits.

But they don't bring the deterrence that matches their image.

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