On the contrary, after being seen by Zhang Yun's army, they couldn't help laughing.

The piercing laughter deeply hurt Cao Ren's nerves. He had never experienced such a embarrassing moment since he joined the army.

Now these thousands of people are trapped, and they are in danger of being destroyed at any time.

In addition, the war horse that died yesterday had already started to stink, and even attracted many flies flying in front of his eyes.

He clearly saw the disgust in the enemy's eyes.

Cao Ren whispered to the surrounding soldiers: "Now everyone is on the verge of extinction, and the only way to survive is to burn the boat.

Later, please follow the general to charge and fight together. If God blesses you, you will be able to break out of the valley! "

His words immediately inspired this group of bloody Qiang Hu blood.

After all, if you don't take advantage of your condition at this moment, launch a charge.

When the horse's blood can't quench their thirst, everyone can only die here.

So under the mobilization of Cao Ren, they finally started to prepare to break through, and waited for his order.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden commotion from the army stationed outside the valley exit.

It turned out that it was Cao Tai who led the troops to arrive.

The soldiers who were guarding the outermost area thought that they were the most relaxed, and there was no need to worry that the battle with Cao Ren would affect here.

Unexpectedly, another group of uninvited guests came out from his back.

The generals here immediately prepared to meet the enemy, and after the initial losses, they finally held their ground.

Zhang Xiong, who was originally in the valley, also rushed to check the situation, and saw Cao Tai's reinforcements coming from the opposite side at a glance.

"Who is coming?"

"I am Cao Tai, where is General Cao Ren now?"

When Zhang Xiong heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Who am I? So it was you! First the old one, and now a young one is delivered to my door.

Now that you're here, stay here! "

After hearing Zhang Xiong's words, Cao Tai immediately understood that his father must have been entangled by them, so he could not return.

So he hurriedly asked: "What happened to my father? Where is he now?"

"Your father? Isn't your father just me, good son!" Zhang Xiong saw the eagerness on his face, so he couldn't help but speak out to take advantage.

Seeing the other party being so humiliated, Cao Tai couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed over without hesitation, vowing to kill him personally to vent his anger.

"Good job! See my father come to teach you a good son!"

Zhang Xiong said jokingly, he went up to meet him, and fought with Cao Tai.

The two are about the same age, and they are also the sons of famous generals. In order not to disgrace their father's reputation, they all used the best skills in their lives.

For a moment, the swords of the two were flying up and down, colliding with fierce sparks.

Zhang Xiong became more and more frightened as he fought, he thought that this Cao Tai was actually very powerful, and he was able to stand in a stalemate with him for so long.

And Cao Tai's thinking is almost the same as that, they recognized each other's strength.

If it was normal, Cao Tai would really fight with the opponent for hundreds of rounds in order to meet the opponent.

But now that he was going to rescue his father, it was time for him to fight.

Therefore, Cao Tai directly called the army behind him to rush to the valley together, and find his father's whereabouts as soon as possible.

Cao Tai's reinforcements of more than [-] people seem to be outnumbered.

It's just that he didn't expect that what he encountered was also Zhang Yun's main force, and the opponent's strength was several times that of Cao Tai.

Coupled with the narrow mouth of the valley, Zhang Xiong guarded against the danger, and unexpectedly completely blocked Cao Tai's firm army from the valley, without any gold at all.

Cao Tai was impatient, and commanded the army to launch an attack without hesitating casualties.

At the same time, someone was sent here to shout loudly: "General Cao, are you inside? We are here to meet you!"

Cao Ren, who was about to charge, heard the faint shouts, and his eyes lit up immediately.

He took advantage of the momentum and shouted: "Soldiers, reinforcements have arrived. Let us follow the general and fight out! Let our army cooperate with the outside and defeat the enemy in one fell swoop!"

The Qiang and Hu cavalry also heard the sound of battle outside the valley, coupled with Cao Ren's encouragement, they finally had a backbone.

Seeing that there was still a glimmer of life, everyone didn't hesitate anymore, roaring and waving their scimitars, rushed out of the horse formation, and charged the enemy.

Zhang He is also paying attention to the battle situation outside the valley, but with Zhang Xiong passing by, he still has some confidence and is not too worried about the opponent.

At this moment, seeing Cao Ren finally leave the cavalry, charging forward, he was overjoyed to leave.

"Hmph! Cao Ren even dared to take the initiative to attack, could it be that he looked down on us?

Come, let Cao Ren have a good taste of our fighting power! "

With an order, Zhang Yun's army immediately fired a round of salvos, and a large area of ​​Qianghu in the original encirclement fell instantly.

Cao Ren had seen the power of the opponent's bow and arrow yesterday, so he didn't dare to underestimate it.

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