He still wanted to comfort him, but he opened his mouth, but in the end no words came out.

Liu Bei wandered half his life, always living under the fence of others, and it was only in the last one or two years that he finally obtained Yizhou, which is regarded as having the foundation to compete for the world.

Unexpectedly, the land of Hanzhong, known as the gateway to Yizhou, was about to be thrown away before it was warmed up.

How could this make him accept it?

However, Liu Bei can be regarded as a generation of outstanding people, with extremely strong psychological endurance.

After a while, he finally adjusted, and his face regained its usual composure.

"Xiaozhi, you should draft the military order to inform Yunchang and Yide to withdraw from Mianyang from Yangping Pass and Zoumaling positions.

I'm tired, let's take a rest first! "

Before Fazheng could agree, Liu Bei had already got up and left the room, leaving only a desolate and lonely figure behind.

Fazheng stared at Liu Bei's back in a daze, until he disappeared from sight, and then slowly came back to his senses.

Seeing a wry smile, he finally came to the table and began to draft the military order.

At the same time, Zhao Yun, who captured Tiandang Mountain, rushed to Yangping Pass non-stop according to Liu Ke's prior arrangement, not daring to delay.

Now the battle at Yangping Pass has reached a fever pitch, and the generals of both sides have long since killed each other.

Especially Guan Yu, as the defender of Yangping Pass, suffered a very large loss of troops. He had already personally gone to the city wall to kill the enemy.

As of today, Zhang Liao has repelled four consecutive charges, and finally defended the city wall.

However, due to the fierce enemy attack, the city walls have long been damaged everywhere, and even the city gates are already in jeopardy.

Zouma Ridge on Zhang Fei's side is also not optimistic. The original two positions can still serve as horns for each other and support at any time.

But now they are all confined to the city, and it is a blessing to be able to hold their own position.

"General Guan, the army suffered heavy casualties, and now there are only [-] soldiers left in the city!"

The officials in charge of calculating the battle damage rushed to report. When Guan Yu heard this, his narrowed Danfeng eyes instantly opened, and a murderous aura shot out.

He frightened the official like chaff, and panicked in his heart.

"Why hasn't Huo Jun's reinforcements arrived yet?"

Facing Guan Yu's questioning, the man hurriedly replied: "General, general, the last general has sent three warrants to Tiandang Mountain.

The earliest one was in the hands of General Huo the day before yesterday, and General Huo's reply at that time was mobilized later.

If estimated according to the distance, it should have arrived yesterday, but there is no movement today..."

"That's enough! Mr. Huo Jun, he actually missed the opportunity of the battle. If there is a mistake in Yangping Pass, he will be killed!"

Guan Yu's fury couldn't change the current situation of the depleted troops, so he could only put all his troops in to resist Zhang Liao's attack.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's army finally arrived and appeared behind Yangping Pass.

How could the defenders have imagined that there would be an enemy army behind them, and the East Gate fell into a fierce battle in an instant.

Seeing this, Zhou Cang, who was transporting supplies at the north gate, rushed to report to Guan Yu.

"General, there is an enemy army at the north gate. The attack is very fierce. They will break through the city sooner or later!"

"Yuanfu, what's going on? Isn't the hinterland of our army behind? How could there be an enemy army?"

Facing Guan Yu's multiple greetings, Zhou Cang also looked confused and couldn't answer.

But now is not the time to get to the bottom of it, Guan Yu immediately led people to the north gate.

When I arrived, I saw that the enemy army outside the city had already launched an attack on the city wall.

Guan Yu instantly recognized the leader, who turned out to be Liu Ke's fierce general Zhao Yun.

"Be sure to defend the city wall! The enemy's army goes deep alone, and there must be no support. Just hold on until the king's army arrives.

The enemy army will surely collapse without fighting! "

Guan Yu's idea is very good, but because he lived in Yangping Pass for a long time, he didn't know that the sky outside had already changed.

I thought Zhao Yun came here illegally, so he should be easy to deal with.

However, the opponent's offensive was not only fierce, but the reinforcements Guan Yu had been waiting for for a long time also disappeared.

He looked anxiously at the battle situation below the city, Yangping Pass had reached a very dangerous moment.

Moreover, the arrival of Zhao Yun made Guan Yu, who was already tense in strength, feel even more stretched.

It wasn't until the sky was getting dark and Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun finally withdrew their troops that Guan Yu was able to breathe a little.

However, he knew in his heart that if the current situation could not be resolved, tomorrow would be the day when Yangping Pass fell.

At this time, a figure galloping on horseback finally appeared in the east of the city.

After Guan Yu saw it, he thought it was Liu Bei who had some new arrangements. He was very excited and hurriedly welcomed the messenger in.

However, when he opened the envelope, his whole body became cold in an instant.

"Why, how is it possible? How could the king let me retreat? Isn't this going to hand over Yangping Pass?"

The more Guan Yu spoke, the more excited he became, and he even grabbed the messenger by the collar and lifted him up.

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