Facing the angry and murderous Guan Yu, the messenger's legs were so frightened that his legs went limp.

He hurriedly told Fazheng's instructions when he came.

It turned out that Fazheng had expected that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei would not easily accept the retreat.

So prepare your speech in advance.

"General Guan, Tiandang Mountain has already fallen into the hands of Zhao Yun, so it can not only threaten the back of Yangping Pass.

Moreover, there is no danger to defend between the enemy army and Mianyang. If they drive straight in, the king will be in danger.

Therefore, it is meaningless to defend Yangping Pass now, and we can only retreat to Mianyang temporarily and make plans again! "

"The enemy troops have already broken through Yangping Pass, what else are they going to do?"

Guan Yu was very angry, but what could the messenger say.

In the end, he could only let go of the other party, and picked up the envelope again to read it from beginning to end.

He growled extremely unwillingly: "Retreat!"

No matter how unwilling Guan Yu was, he also understood that what the other party said was the truth. If he did not retreat, Liu Bei in Mianyang would be in danger.

Therefore, he quietly opened the city gate overnight and headed towards Mianyang.

Not only Guan Yu, but Zhang Fei also had no choice but to follow orders after getting the news, and had no choice but to retreat.

In the early morning of the second day, when Liu Ke's army approached the city again, Yangping Pass and Zoumaling had been emptied, leaving only an isolated city.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were worried about Liu Bei's safety, so they led their troops back to Mianyang overnight.

On the second day, Liu Ke easily conquered two dangerous places, Yangping Pass and Zoumaling.

So far, all the western gateways in Hanzhong are almost owned by Liu Ke.

He can enter and leave the hinterland of Hanzhong at will through here.

But how could Liu Ke's appetite be satisfied only with these dangerous towns?Not to mention a small Hanzhong.

Therefore, after Liu Ke's army passed through Yangping Pass, it didn't stop for a moment.

He directly ordered: "Go straight to Mianyang!"

However, the army was less than five miles away, and suddenly a large army came from the east, heading straight for Liu Ke.

"The enemy is coming, gather urgently!"

Seeing this, Dian Wei, who was always guarding Liu Ke's side, shouted loudly, and all the soldiers quickly made a posture to fight.

Even Liu Ke was a little puzzled, could it be that Liu Bei still has the strength to stop him?

But when the incoming army got closer and closer, Liu Ke finally saw the opponent's banner clearly, and immediately showed a relieved expression.

It turned out that this army was none other than Zhao Yun who was in charge of the surprise attack on Tiandang Mountain this time.

I saw him rushing to Yujia quickly, dismounted and bowed.

"Your Majesty, fortunately, the last general has captured the entire Tiandang Mountain. I am here to report to Your Majesty!"

"Hahahaha, I was wondering just now, whose army can be so neat and powerful.

Unexpectedly, it is really Zilong!This time Zilong made a surprise attack on Tiandang Mountain, and he made great contributions, and I will definitely reward him heavily!

You don't need to return to the team for the time being, just act as a mobile force and wipe out Liu Bei's remaining forces around you! "

"The general obeys. In fact, the general has important information to report to His Majesty!"

"Oh? If you have anything to do with Zilong, feel free to speak up!"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the original enemy chief Liu Bei once sent Wei Yan to guard the north bank of the Han River to guard against General Huang at Dingjun Mountain.

Now he has been flanked by the last general and General Huang, and fled back to Mianyang in embarrassment.

Therefore, almost all of Liu Bei's troops have retreated to Mianyang now, and there has been no enemy threat in this large area since then! "

Liu Ke was overjoyed when he heard the words, and couldn't help but praise: "Zilong is really careful. Since this is the case, I have to make a good plan and try to regain the whole county of Hanzhong in one go!"

Starting from Yangping Pass to Mianyang, the total distance was only more than [-] miles. Liu Xing stopped halfway, and stationed his army in an open field ten miles west of Mianyang.

He originally wanted to win Mianyang in one go, but now the situation is very good.

On the contrary, Liu Ke is not in a hurry for this moment, what he wants to plan this time is to subdue the whole county.

All the counselors have gathered in the temporary large tent to discuss the strategy of marching.

It was Pang Tong who spoke first, and he said, "Your Majesty, now that Yangping Pass is down, there is actually no danger for Hanzhong to defend.

In addition, the distribution of Hanzhong's cities is also very characteristic. Mianyang, Huangsha, Baozhong, Nanzheng, Chenggu and Akasaka are all built along the Han River.

Therefore, among the humble ministers, there is no need to worry about Liu Bei in Mianyang.

As long as a general is sent down the Han River, the cities that have long been timid will surely surrender.

If Liu Bei rushes to the rescue, then Mianyang will definitely be lost.

If he doesn't save him, hum, at that time there will be only one Mianyang left in Hanzhong, and he will also be a turtle in the urn, let His Majesty handle it! "

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