Maybe it's a sign that Liu Ke is about to conquer Shu.

When the ministers heard this, their faces changed drastically.

Liu Ke's strength has spread throughout Xichuan among the people Liu Bei came back with.

Now that Hanzhong is conquered and Shu is defeated, then the land of Shu may not be able to support it, and maybe it will change hands.

Seeing the fluctuating hearts of his subordinates, Liu Bei became more and more anxious.

However, in the last battle in Hanzhong, not to mention the loss of troops, a lot of supplies were also consumed.

Even with Xichuan, a land of abundance, it will take a year or two to recover and make up for the previous losses.

But how could Liu Ke wait for two years?

Therefore, after discussing with Fazheng, Ma Di and others, Liu Bei finally decided to continue to increase troops.

Liu Bei ordered Zhang Fei to command an army of [-] troops to rush to Langzhong immediately to guard Micang Road.

At the same time, Wei Yan was also ordered to command an army of [-] troops, rush to Jiange, and guard the throat of Jinniu Road.

As long as these two important places are guarded, the enemy has no other way to invade from Hanzhong.

So after sending the two of them, Liu Bei finally felt less nervous.

But the following news touched Liu Bei's heart again.

"Your Majesty, General Wang Kang has sent you eight hundred miles to expedite, please take a look!"

Liu Bei's heart moved, and he quickly opened the letter paper, his expression changed instantly.

It turned out that Meng Huo, the barbarian king who dominated the Jianning, Yongchang, and Zangcang monarchs in the southern part of Yizhou, raised [-] troops and invaded the territory.

At the same time, Yongkai, the prefect of Jianning, Zhu Bao, the prefect of Cang, and Gao Ding, the prefect of Yuejun, joined forces to attack Yongchang County.

Now Mrs. Wang and Gongcao Lu Kai are defending the city, and the situation is critical.

After seeing the news, Liu Bei could only take the remaining [-] soldiers and horses and march southward with Fazheng, Guan Yu and other generals.

If Liu Ke knew the news, I'm afraid he would really have such a trace of regret.

After all, if taking advantage of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity of the civil strife in Yizhou to attack Shu, I am afraid that the land of Shu will be established in less than ten months.

However, his strategic focus has shifted to Sun Ce in Jingzhou to the east.

Due to chance, Liu Bei was able to continue to maintain.

Liu Ke had a one-month vacation for the soldiers in Hanzhong. When the holiday was about to end, suddenly an urgent document came from Chang'an.

It turns out that Sun Ce's army has already arrived at the city of Wuguan, and is now attacking day and night.

General Lu Meng's defenders suffered heavy losses, and it seemed that they could not hold on any longer.

If Wuguan is lost, Sun Ce's Jingzhou soldiers and horses can drive straight into Guanzhong, and Chang'an will be lost.

As soon as the news came out, Liu Ke finally couldn't sit still.

"Little Sun Ce dares to do this? See if I don't teach him a lesson!"

The news reached Liu Ke in Hanzhong from Wuguan via Chang'an and then through Baoxie Road.

If Liu Ke wants to rescue, there are two options.

One is to go northward from Nanzheng, return to Guanzhong from Baoxie Road, and then rush to support Wuguan.

However, this route is far away, and it will take at least ten days to go back and forth.

But judging from the form in Lu Meng's letter, I'm afraid it's not bad to last for only five days.

Therefore, Liu Ke had no choice but to veto this route.

Then the rest is to go directly eastward along the Han River, pass through Xicheng and Xixian County to enter Wudang in Jingzhou, and then go north to block Sun Ce's back road.

This route also has disadvantages, that is, if the cities after entering Jingzhou cannot be taken quickly, the rescue opportunity will also be missed.

At the same time, starting from here is equivalent to directly entering the hinterland of Jingzhou, and will surely face enemies from all directions.

If you are not careful, you will get into huge trouble.

There are two choices before Liu Ke, each has advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to choose for a while.

In the end, Liu Ke finally made up his mind and chose the eastward route, because this route can enter Jingzhou in a few days.

At that time, although there are dangers all around, it will also make Sun Ce unable to see his own reality.

In this way, the crisis of Wuguan will be easily resolved.

With Liu Ke's order, the army quickly returned to Jian, and then officially set off the next day.

In fact, Sun Ce, who is dominant in Jingzhou, has always been paying attention to the situation of the Battle of Hanzhong.

Therefore, when Liu Bei launched his army to attack Dasanguan, he was already gearing up and preparing to march at the same time.

Unlike Liu Bei's retreat, Sun Ce's offensive went very smoothly.

He and Zhou Yu split into two groups, attacking Chang'an all the way, and approaching Luoyang all the way, attacking the city and conquering the territory, like a raging fire.

After Lu Meng got the news, he rushed directly to Wuguan to garrison, but he was caught off guard by Sun Ce as soon as they fought.

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