Sun Ce is known as the little overlord, and his strength is extraordinary.

Even a generation of famous generals like Lu Meng can only bow down in front of Sun Ce.

In the end, he had no choice but to defend according to Wuguan to prevent the opponent from going north.

However, every time Sun Ce took the lead in charging and killing, the defenders of Wuguan suffered a lot of casualties.

Lu Meng also knew that Wuguan was almost the last line of defense, so knowing that he would have to pay a huge loss, he could only grit his teeth and persevere.

On the other hand, it is natural to send someone to Liu Ke for help.

In fact, let alone Sun Ce in advance, even Lu Meng did not expect the Battle of Hanzhong to proceed so quickly.

In such a short period of time, Hanzhong has been pacified.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Bei's army marched very fast, advancing eastward along the Han River, and the counties and counties along the way had already heard the news of Liu Ke's impending arrival from the fleeing Liu Bei's army.

Therefore, all these officials who were originally loyal to Liu Bei surrendered, and Liu Ke did not receive any obstacles along the way.

Especially the pioneer sailors, led by Ling Tong, galloped all the way along the water, and only slowed down when they reached the boundary of Jingzhou.

The place at the junction of Jingzhou and Hanzhong County is called Wudang County, which is also built along the south bank of the Han River.

So Ling Tong's navy didn't stop until they reached Wudang County.

Due to the border between Wudang and Liu Bei's Hanzhong, although the two are allies in name, they are also wary of each other in reality.

Therefore, when Sun Ce went north to attack Wuguan, he left [-] troops in the city to guard against Liu Bei.

The army is commanded by Sun Lang, the land of Sun Ce, with [-] infantry and [-] navy.

Therefore, all the water and land piers outside Wudang City were guarded airtight.

If you want to enter Jingzhou from now on, you must break through Sun Lang's defense.

Besides, apart from the banks of the Han River, the Wudang Mountains to the south and the Qinling Mountains to the north, all of them are dangerous and difficult, which means that there is only one road that must be taken.

As a pioneer, Ling Tong's task is to clear all obstacles along the way and serve His Majesty's smooth march.

Therefore, he immediately began to prepare for the attack on Wudang City.

At the beginning, when Ling Tong saw that the guard on the city was a young Sun Lang who was underage and weak, he looked down upon him a bit.

However, Sun Lang grew up in the army with his father and brother since he was a child.

Even if he didn't go to study specifically, the daily experience has already made him familiar with various art of war.

Therefore, Ling Tong was the first wave of attack. Because he was too careless, he was directly repelled by Sun Lang mercilessly.

Looking at the Lingtong navy fleeing in embarrassment under the city, Sun Lang laughed vigorously and said, "Hahahaha, the thief will retreat quickly if he is sensible.

If you dare to violate the border again, this general will never forgive you lightly! "

Hearing that the opponent was so rampant, Ling Tong was naturally furious, but he had already lost the battle, so he had no choice but to temporarily retreat ten miles away.

Back in the camp, Ling Tong said angrily, "Little Sun Lang is so arrogant that he treats me like nothing.

This general must take him down to vent his hatred! "

Sheng Xian said: "General, don't be impatient, I have a plan, and I will definitely break Sun Lang!"

"Oh? Brother Siam, please enlighten me!" Ling Tong was overjoyed when he heard this.

Sheng Xian pondered for a while, and finally said: "Although Sun Lang is good at war, he is inevitably young and energetic, and he is not as stable as a veteran general.

Therefore, he only needs to use a little trick to motivate him to take the initiative to fight.

At that time, the general will set up another ambush army to intercept in the middle, and Sun Lang will lose! "

Ling Tong was even happier after hearing the other party's analysis.

It's just that how to use the aggressive method is also very elegant. If it is too obvious, the opponent will naturally see it through.

Sheng Xian thought about it, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he finally had an idea.

Then he whispered a few words in Ling Tong's ear, and the smile on Ling Tong's face became bigger and bigger.

In the end, he slapped his thigh excitedly and said: "It really is a clever plan, let's do it like this!"

On the second day, Ling Tong and Sheng Xian split up and started preparations according to the agreement last night.

Sheng Xian led a thousand soldiers to the city of Wudang to provoke, but Sun Lang had repelled the opponent yesterday, and he is more confident today.

He unceremoniously ordered his subordinates to shoot arrows at Sheng Siam.

However, Sheng Siam is also very cunning, staying just outside the shooting range and will not be affected.

Sun Lang's arrow didn't work, and Sheng Xian immediately got excited.

He immediately arranged for his soldiers to curse at the head of the city.

All kinds of filthy words uttered frequently, which was unbearable, and made all the defenders on the top of the city very angry.

Especially Sun Lang, who was young and vigorous, how could he stand such an insult.

What's more, Sheng Xian's swear words are all carefully selected, and they are specially poked at people's weaknesses.

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