What is Sun Lang's weakness?Naturally, it was his father, Sun Jian.

When Sun Jian went out to fight Liu Biao and fought with his subordinate Huang Quan, he accidentally died under random arrows.

Sheng Xian picked this incident specifically to stimulate Sun Lang.

Under his constant stimulation, Sun Lang finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He said angrily: "You rat insulted my late husband, I would have to apologize to him!"

After Sun Lang finished speaking, he was about to go out of the city to attack the opponent, but was dissuaded by his veteran.

"General, don't be fooled by the aggressive tactics that the enemy is obviously using!"

In fact, Sun Lang could notice the slightest bit, but all kinds of unbearable insults made him finally lose his mind.

Sun Lang drew out his sword and shouted angrily: "I've made up my mind, why should I be afraid of a mere defeated general? See if I'm going to capture him now!"

After finishing speaking, Sun Lang ignored the obstruction of others and left the city directly.

However, although Sun Lang was furious, his formation was still very steady.

He not only brought [-] infantry out of the city, but also [-] sailors just in case.

Unexpectedly, when Sheng Xian saw Sun Lang coming out, he immediately ran away.

Seeing this, Sun Lang naturally pursued him closely.

And the three thousand sailors also marched on the Han River at the same time, covering each other with the infantry on the shore.

Under such a secure arrangement, it is easy to encounter no accidents.

But on the way of catching up, Sheng Xian plunged into the valley.

If Sun Lang chases in, due to the obstruction of the mountains on both sides, he will inevitably lose contact with the navy.

But if you don't chase, I can't swallow this breath in my heart.

Just when he was struggling, Sheng Xian stopped at the entrance of the valley swaggering like this, as if mocking Sun Lang.

Seeing this, Sun Lang was furious, and finally stopped hesitating.

He thought that he had five thousand infantry, no less than the number of enemy troops he saw yesterday.

With his own bravery, even if he is ambushed, he has enough confidence to fight out.

Therefore, Sun Lang was finally led into the valley by the opponent.

Although the valley was narrow, there was no ambush. Sun Lang even laughed at himself for making a fuss.

However, what he didn't expect was that the target of the other party's trip was not himself at all.

It was aimed at the three thousand sailors who were still waiting on the Han River.

Ling Tong was originally a general of the navy. Although he was not strong in land warfare, he had never encountered an opponent in a water battle.

At the moment when Sun Lang chased into the valley and the navy was waiting anxiously, Ling Tong's navy finally dispatched.

He first sent a row of small boats to pretend to be attracted, and the opposing navy attacked unceremoniously.

Immediately, the people on the boat ran away, and the general of the navy thought that they were idle anyway, so why not take this opportunity to attack the enemy's navy.

So he went right after it.

The boat moved nimbly and fast, and under the control of ulterior motives, the other party chased after it, and came to a dangerous place in a blink of an eye.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Since Sun Lang was not in front of him, the navy general wanted to do meritorious service, so he rushed forward after Ling Tong's boat.

Those small boats were fast and slow, always hanging in front, and the attracted opponents were unwilling to give up easily.

Just like this for a while, the boat turned a corner and disappeared.

The other party rushed forward, but as soon as he turned the corner, he regretted it.

Because it happens to be a steep bend, and it is full of reefs and shoals formed by countercurrents.

The small boat can barely pass through, but the opponent's navy is not afraid of the countercurrent because of the size of the boat, but it is affected by the reef.

Before long, one of the ships ran aground.

The waterway here is inherently narrow, and once the ships in front ran aground, all those behind were blocked.

At this moment, Ling Tong, who was ambushing around, finally came out.

I saw countless ambush soldiers suddenly appearing in all directions, no matter on both sides of the river bank or on the water, they were all Ling Tong's people.

Seeing this, the opponent's navy turned pale with fright.

"Quick, go back!"

The general said he was anxious to retreat, but the more anxious he was, the more he made mistakes in his busy schedule.

The last boat was accidentally caught in the countercurrent vortex because of its haste.

Immediately lost control of the direction, spinning in the water.

Finally, with a bang, it hit a rock and was trapped there.

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