Under its influence, the originally narrow waterway immediately became more difficult to navigate, and could only accommodate one ship to pass through.

While the enemy general was still in command, Ling Tong had already launched an attack.

The ambush troops on both sides of the strait held bows and arrows and shot at the ships.

The enemy army suffered heavy damage in an instant, and could only run away, avoiding the arrows, and some even ran directly into the cabin.

Therefore, under the cover of bows and arrows on both sides of the strait, Ling Tong's surface troops were also rapidly approaching.

In a blink of an eye, his boat was on board with the other side, and Ling Tong took the lead and charged directly with a big knife in his hand.

The enemy general just came out of the cabin and saw Ling Tong's army.

He was about to command the people on board to resist, but Ling Tong had followed him as soon as he started giving orders.

Ling Tong led a few brave men, and like a sharp knife, they stabbed directly at the enemy's headquarters.

The enemy guards saw Ling Tong's people blocking and killing people, and the Buddha blocking and killing Buddha, as if entering a land without people.

Frightened, he hurriedly shouted: "Quick, hurry up and support."

But his voice was immediately drowned in the fierce shouts of killing around him.

Now that other people are equally preoccupied with themselves, there is no one else who can care about protecting him.

What's more, all the ships are now crowded in this small water area, almost one by one.

So under Ling Tong's charge, some people were so frightened that they abandoned their boats, jumped into the water, or ran to other people's boats.

In short, the scene here is chaos, howling everywhere.

After conquering several enemy ships in a row, Ling Tong's sharp knife troops finally reached the ship where the general was.

When the other party saw Ling Tong who was covered in blood, his heart shrank for no reason.

But Ling Tong couldn't help baring his teeth into a smile, revealing endless terror, which made the other party shudder immediately.

Afterwards, Ling Tong didn't hesitate any longer, directly slashed at the guards on the overturned ship, and approached the enemy general step by step.

At this moment, the enemy general also understands that if he remains indifferent, he will really be doomed.

So his eyes turned hard, and he finally picked up his weapon and rushed towards Ling Tong.

"The thief will die!"

With a loud shout, Ling Tong had already bullied him as soon as he landed.

Ling Tong has never been afraid of anyone in the water, let alone this unknown young general.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he dodged the opponent's attack with one side.

Then he crashed into the man's arms, raised the knife in his hand, and beheaded him directly.

The enemy general didn't survive a single round, and just died like this.

Afterwards, Ling Tong directly cut off the man's head and shouted loudly.

Once the main general died, the enemy army, which was already in chaos, completely lost the will to resist.

One by one, they knelt down directly with their heads in their hands, surrendering to Ling Tong's army.

Seeing this, Ling Tong did not continue to kill, and ordered the soldiers to take these people into custody.

Then Ling Tong ordered his men to change into the enemy's clothes immediately, and then rescued the stranded ship.

In this way, pretending to be an enemy army, he slowly left the waters and headed straight for Wudang City.

After arriving at the city, a soldier immediately began to shout at the door.

"Hurry up and open the door!"

Seeing that the guards on the top of the city were his own navy, they naturally didn't have too much trouble.

It's just that there is a big gap between the number before going and when I came back, and only the navy returned, but Sun Lang was not seen.

So I asked with some curiosity in my heart.

Ling Tong had already made preparations, and immediately replied: "General Sun encountered an ambush by the enemy, and now a part of the navy has also landed to support.

But the enemy army is powerful, the general specially ordered the young man to come to the city for help, and go and wipe out the enemy army! "

The guards on the city were still a little skeptical, but seeing that there was nothing unusual about the ships below the city, they had to order someone to open the water gate.Make plans after you're in town.

The water gate opened slowly, and Ling Tong's army slowly entered the city.

The guard was anxious, and even went directly to the water army pier to ask what happened.

He had just arrived when Ling Tong and others disembarked.

Before he could speak, Ling Tong suddenly jumped up and slashed him to the ground.

Xiaoyong beside Ling Tong also attacked together, cutting down all the officers and officers next to the guard.

As a result, although there were many soldiers in the city, they immediately fell into a situation where the dragons had no leader.

After several rounds of charges by Ling Tong, they surrendered one after another.

As a result, Wudang City completely changed hands and was occupied by Ling Tong.

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