Besides, Sun Lang, who chased him out, was still circling in the mountains under the attraction of Sheng Xian.

All the troops in their hands were handed over to Ling Tong to seize the city, so Sheng Xian didn't have many people here at all.

However, he had no intention of fighting Sun Lang, he just ran around in the mountains, as long as Sun Lang stayed here temporarily.

In the beginning, Sun Lang really chased after him, vowing to kill him.

However, as time passed, the other party's actions finally aroused Sun Lang's suspicion.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong, and finally gave up Sheng Xian and started the return journey.

When it arrived at the position where it was separated from the navy, it was unexpected that the navy was nowhere to be seen.

This made Sun Lang even more startled, and hurriedly sent people to look for it, but found some broken boards, bows and arrows, and broken flags by the water.

These things undoubtedly prove that they belong to the Navy.

So Sun Lang said in horror: "It's done, it's been tricked!"

Immediately, they hurriedly sent people to look for the missing sailor, but there was no reply for a long time.

Sun Lang waited anxiously on the spot, finally couldn't sit still, and directly led the rest of the people back to Wudang City.

The city is still calm and calm, even the gates are actively opened, everything seems to be normal.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Lang saw the tranquility at the city gate and was about to enter the city.

He suddenly heard a series of hurried hoofbeats behind him, and the man was still shouting something, but he was far away and couldn't hear clearly.

However, after this hesitation, Sun Lang finally stopped outside the city and did not enter the city immediately.

The man rushed forward for another distance, and the shout in his mouth was finally heard clearly.

"General, retreat quickly! The navy has been destroyed, and there are changes in the city!"

Sun Lang's face changed drastically in an instant, and he hurriedly ordered the whole army to be on alert.

Ling Tong, who was hiding in the dark, saw Sun Lang's performance, but he didn't know where he made a mistake, and the other party saw through it.

That being the case, he stopped hiding and finally rushed out.

"The enemy will die!"

Ling Tong shouted loudly, and slashed at Sun Lang with his knife.

Because Sun Lang repelled Ling Tong for the first time, in fact, he still had some contempt for him in his heart.

However, when Ling Tong's knife landed on the head, Sun Lang hurriedly blocked it, but felt his arms tremble suddenly, and a sudden numbness hit his whole body.

His face finally changed.

It was only now that I realized that my initial victory was probably deliberately conceded by the other party.

Sun Lang is straightforward, he can afford it, and he can let it go.

Now that Wudang has been lost, and the strength in his hands is no match for Ling Tong, it is meaningless to continue entanglement.

So, he made a feint, and took advantage of the gap to turn around and run away.

Ling Tong pursued for a certain distance, and saw that he was already very deep into the land of Jingzhou, and he was afraid that he would fall into the siege of the enemy.

So I had to give up on Sun Lang and return to Wudang City again.

After Ling Tong completely took over Wudang City, he finally received the news that Liu Ke's army was coming.

Ling Tong was shocked, and immediately went out of the city to meet him.

Liu Ke was very happy when he heard that Ling Tong had conquered Jingzhou, and couldn't help but praise him.

For Liu Ke, this Wudang city is not just the first city in Jingzhou.

Because all the way from Hanzhong, after leaving the Hanzhong Plain, there are high mountains and steep mountains, and the road is rough and difficult.

Moreover, due to the obstacles of the mountains, it is difficult for the cities to defend each other, and even the transportation of grain and grass is quite strenuous.

However, Wudang City was the first city at the junction of Jingzhou and Hanzhong. Since then, the mountain has gradually become flat.

Going further inward, you will reach the Nanyang Basin, so Wudang City's status is very important, and Liu Kecan immediately made it the base for this crusade against Sun Ce.

The grain and grass brought from Hanzhong can be stored here, and then supplied to each army separately.

So Liu Ke attached great importance to this place, and ordered his subordinates to start repairing as soon as he arrived.

At the same time, Liu Ke was also discussing the next battle plan in the hall.

In fact, there is no need to discuss it at all, because if you enter Jingzhou from Wudang, you will go to Feng County and Yin County less than ten miles away.

These two county towns are located at the intersection of Hanshui River and Junshui River. From here, you can go south to Xiangyang, the important town of Jingzhou.

If it goes north, it can directly threaten the back of Sun Ce's army under Wuguan.

So strategic value is very important.

However, Sun Ce also attached great importance to this place and sent general Cheng Pu to guard it.

For this, Liu Ke was also very cautious, because he knew that as long as Feng County and Yin County were lost.

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