Sun Ce, who was still attacking Wuguan, was instantly cut off from the rear and the supply of food and grass.

At that time, even if Sun Ce breaks the Wuguan, he will surely fall into a situation of weak successors.

Therefore, Liu Ke judged that as long as there is a mistake here, Sun Ce must withdraw his troops, so that the danger of Wuguan will be resolved.

Such a choice is much simpler than his traveling all the way to Wuguan.

Therefore, Liu Ke decided to launch a fierce attack on Feng County and Yin County immediately.

At the same time, Sun Lang fled overnight and finally fled to Feng County.

At this moment Cheng Pu is in the mansion, hearing Sun Lang's arrival, he hurried out to greet him.

However, when he saw the embarrassment of the other party, he froze instantly.

"Little General, why is this?"

Cheng Pu was originally the veteran general of Sun Lang's father, Sun Jian, so he always called this young son a little general on weekdays.

And Sun Lang, who grew up in the military since childhood, is also very close to Cheng Pu.

He immediately cried and said: "Uncle Demou, Wudang City is lost!"

"What?" Cheng Pu was shocked and couldn't help shouting.

Then Sun Lang told the whole story of the loss, and he didn't even hide anything about how he got caught.

After hearing the description, Cheng Pu frowned.

After a long while, he finally said: "This Ling Tong really should not be underestimated!"

"You, do you know him?"

Cheng Pu shook his head and said, "The old man has only heard of his father, Ling Cao. Ling Cao is light and courageous, and he can be regarded as a famous general in Wuzhong.

It's just that he died under the enemy's arrow later, but his subordinates never dispersed, but all of them elected Ling Tong as his successor.

From this we can also see Ling Tong's strength.Seeing him now, it seems that he is even better than his father!Do not underestimate the enemy! "

Unexpectedly, Cheng Pu admired Ling Tong so much, and Sun Lang, who had always thought highly of himself, couldn't help feeling a little jealous.

He thought that Ling Tong was not much older than himself, so he was so famous.

But he has not been well-known until now, so his competitive spirit has been aroused again.

Sun Lang got up suddenly and made a big gift to Cheng Pu.

This kind of performance frightened Cheng Pu, and he said again and again: "What is this, little general? Old man Zhesha!"

But Sun Lang said seriously: "Uncle Demou, today my nephew accidentally lost Wudang, according to the law, he must be severely punished.

I am not afraid of military punishment, but I just don't want to see the city fall into the enemy's hands.Uncle, please borrow [-] troops so that I can recover the lost land! "

Seeing Sun Lang's performance like this, Cheng Pu felt relieved, as if seeing the heroic appearance of the late Sun Jian.

So after a short hesitation, he finally nodded in agreement.

"Okay! Little General. The old man agrees to your request, but the little general must be cautious during this trip and don't try to be brave.

If things change, return to Feng County quickly! "

Hearing this, Sun Lang nodded solemnly, and once again made a big gift to Cheng Pu, thanking him for borrowing troops.

Afterwards, Sun Lang no longer hesitated, and took the token given by Cheng Pu to the barracks to enlist troops.

Half an hour later, he took the [-] borrowed army and the [-] soldiers and horses in his hands to attack [-] people and marched towards Wudang City.

Sun Lang had seen Ling Tong's formation before, and the opponent had less than [-] troops in total.

And there is still a part of it to guard the prisoners, so that there are even fewer who can guard the city.

So he was very confident that he would be able to capture Wudang with his own hands and conquer Wudang.

It's just that Sun Lang never expected that Ling Tong's army was only the vanguard of Liu Ke's army.

Sun Lang didn't see the real army at all, until he led the team outside the city, he was stunned for an instant.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Lang borrowed [-] troops from Cheng Pu, and he was going to kill them to avenge his revenge.

Unexpectedly, when he came outside the city, he was instantly stunned by the sight in front of him.

Because it stretches for more than ten miles outside the city, it is actually full of camps.Roughly estimated, there are at least [-] or more.

This time, Sun Lang's face became very ugly.No matter what, he never imagined that Ling Tong had so many soldiers and horses.

Under the deterrence of the large number of enemy troops, no matter how unwilling Sun Lang was, he had no choice but to admit his cowardice and prepared to quietly retreat to Feng County.

However, just as he was about to leave, he was discovered by the patrolling troops.

"Which army are you? Why are you walking around here?"

The leader yelled unceremoniously at Sun Lang, but the other party regarded Sun Lang as a friendly army.

In order to avoid alarming the enemy army, Sun Lang hurriedly responded with a few words, trying to fool the opponent.

It's just that once a person is unlucky, drinking cold water will clog the teeth.

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