Sun Lang blindly fooled a team, but he happened to be overheard by someone passing by.

The man immediately caught up and asked suspiciously: "You said you belonged to the Ninth Army, why haven't I seen you?"

Sun Lang was taken aback, he didn't expect to encounter such a coincidence, so he hurriedly made up a reason to prevaricate.

But the other party immediately sneered and said, "Hmph, there is no general named Zhou in the Ninth Army. Who are you? Tell me!"

Sun Lang groaned secretly in his heart, thinking that it seemed that he couldn't be fooled.

But when he looked up, the place was remote, and there was only the patrol in front of him and the entourage brought by the man just now.

There are only thirty or forty people in total on both sides, while the team I brought to investigate the enemy's situation has a total of five hundred people.

So Sun Lang immediately decided not to do anything, but to deal with all these people, and then retreated immediately, ensuring that no one would be alarmed.

So, Sun Lang pretended to explain, and slowly came to him.

Taking advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness, he suddenly swung the weapon in his hand and slashed at the man just now.

Sun Lang thought that with his own strength, if he was caught off guard, the other party would definitely not be able to react and would die.

Unexpectedly, this time I encountered a hard stubble.

The man had quick eyes and quick hands. Although he was a little surprised at first, his movements were very quick, and he blocked Sun Lang's sneak attack in an instant.

"Hahaha, I've seen something wrong with you for a long time! If you dare to sneak up on me, then don't even think about running away!"

As soon as the man finished speaking, he immediately started fighting with Sun Lang.

When Sun Lang was acting, the guards beside him also acted together and attacked the opponent.

Those patrols were a little slow to react, so they suffered heavy losses when they came up, and fell into a hard fight.

On the contrary, the man and the troops behind him reacted quickly, blocking the opponent's attack from the beginning.

Then, under the leadership of that person, they continued to charge and kill.

Although the number is at an absolute disadvantage, they fought back and forth with Sun Lang.

At this moment, Sun Lang's expression finally became very serious.

He couldn't help asking: "You, who are you?"

The man smiled and replied: "Shanyang Li Dian Li Mancheng is also!"

This time, it was Sun Lang's turn to be shocked.

Because Li Dian's reputation has been heard, although this person is not considered a top general under Liu Ke.

But he is also a fierce general, with outstanding military exploits and extraordinary courage.

When I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation.

But after the initial horror, Sun Lang couldn't help feeling a little excited.

Li Dian is also a famous general, but now the two armies are not fighting, and there are only a dozen people on the other side, all alone.

If he can capture him alive, he will definitely hit the enemy's arrogance.

Therefore, Sun Lang immediately shouted: "Anyone who can capture Li Dian alive will be rewarded with a thousand gold!"

Inspired by the reward, the morale of the soldiers around Sun Lang increased greatly, and they rushed towards Li Dian one after another.

Although Li Dian was strong, he was helplessly outnumbered. The guards were repeatedly killed by the opponent, and only a few remained in the end.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Li Dian was very anxious, but although this place is remote, it is not too far from the camp.

As long as he breaks out, Sun Lang will not dare to pursue him.

Therefore, Li Dian brandished the broadsword in his hand, slashed continuously, and finally cut a bloody path.

Now there are only two guards left beside him.

After breaking out of the encirclement, Li Dian immediately rushed to the camp, but Sun Lang was unwilling to give up such a good opportunity, so he immediately pursued him.

But the movement here finally alarmed Zhang Liao, who is on duty at the camp today.

Zhang Liao brought people to check, and happened to see Li Dian who had fled.

The relationship between the two is usually not very good, but now Li Dian can't care about so much.

Hastily shouted: "Wen Yuan, save me!"

Hearing the movement, Zhang Liao rushed over immediately, just in time to block Sun Lang who was chasing him, and finally rescued Li Dian.

Sun Lang saw the soldiers behind Zhang Liao and realized that this trip might be meaningless.

Therefore, before the other party approached, he turned around and walked back.

Who is Zhang Liao? With just [-] men, he dared to attack an army of [-]. How could he easily let the enemy leave.

If the enemy army came and left whenever they wanted, then wouldn't he, the general on duty, become a dead man.

So Zhang Liao immediately made up his mind to capture the enemy alive in order to wash away his humiliation.

However, although the number of people brought by Sun Lang was not large, they were only here to investigate the enemy's situation.

The real large army was still not far behind, so Zhang Liao ran into Sun Lang's large army after chasing him for a few miles.

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