Sun Lang returned to the army with a large number of people, and immediately he did not panic as before.

Looking at Zhang Liao proudly, he said, "Hmph, since you're looking for death, the general wouldn't mind giving you a ride!"

With an order, the army directly surrounded hundreds of Zhang Liao's men in the formation.

Zhang Liao had no fear on his face, holding a big knife, and led his soldiers to attack the enemy.

However, the gap in numbers was huge, and the soldiers around Zhang Liao continued to die in battle, making the situation precarious.

At this moment, a loud shout suddenly came from a distance: "Don't worry about Wenyuan, Li Dian is here!"

It turned out that Li Dian escaped under the cover of Zhang Liao and ascended to heaven. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became, and finally he couldn't help it.

He directly led the army to catch up, just in time to see Zhang Liao being surrounded, and immediately rushed up unceremoniously.

The arrival of Li Dian finally caused a little panic in Sun Lang's army.

Because Sun Lang didn't know whether this was the opponent's army coming, or the army had already been alarmed.

Under the threat of an army of [-], Sun Lang immediately didn't want to continue fighting, he just wanted to get rid of the opponent and retreat quickly.

His retreat made his own army lose their will to fight, and the opponent instantly gained the upper hand.

In the end, Li Dian and Zhang Liao took the lead in charging and killing Sun Lang, who suffered heavy losses and fled in embarrassment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After escaping for a certain distance, Sun Lang checked the losses of his subordinates and couldn't help crying.

Because he just borrowed [-] troops from Cheng Pu, a total of [-] troops, after the battle just now.There were less than a thousand people left.

Sun Lang can also be regarded as a young talent. He has always been better than Han Xin and Wu Qi, and no matter how bad he is, he must reach the level of Ban Chao and Ma Yuan.

Unexpectedly, they failed repeatedly in recent days. First, they were ambushed by Ling Tong and lost the city.

Now he was defeated by Li Dian and Zhang Liao again, which dealt a huge blow to his self-confidence.

When Sun Lang returned to Feng County again, Cheng Pu was still a little surprised.

"Little general, why did you come back so soon? Could it be that Wudang has already recovered?"

Cheng Pu is a straight man, so he didn't notice the slight expression change on Sun Lang's face after his words, and thought that the other party was here to fight back.

After he finished speaking, Sun Lang did not respond for a long time, and it was only then that Cheng Pu finally noticed the unusual atmosphere.

In the end, Sun Lang was straightforward, and finally told all the situations in which he was interrogated by the enemy and finally alarmed the enemy generals to break out of the conflict.

But Cheng Pu didn't care too much about it.

He quickly comforted him: "Little General, victory or defeat is a common thing. Besides, it doesn't matter whether you met Li Dian or Zhang Liao.

They are all famous generals in the world, even if they lose to the enemy, it is very rare to be able to retreat unscathed.

So there is no need to be too sad, just win it back in the future! "

Under Cheng Pu's comfort, Sun Lang finally felt better.

But then he continued: "Uncle Demou, thank you for your enlightenment. It's just that there seems to be no chance this time.

Because my nephew checked outside the city and found that there were hundreds of miles of camps there, and at least one hundred thousand troops came. "

This time, Cheng Pu was finally moved.

He was taken aback, and quickly confirmed again, but Sun Lang still gave him an affirmative answer.

You know, there are only [-] horses in Cheng Pu's hands, and he lent [-] to Sun Lang, leaving [-].

But these [-] horses are not the main force, but a secondary team that is responsible for transporting food and grass.

The real elites are all on the front line, following Sun Ce to attack Wuguan.

Therefore, the sudden arrival of an army of one hundred thousand made Cheng Pu, a veteran general over the years, unable to help but lose his balance in an instant.

"Why, why are there so many people? Could it be that Liu Ke has already defeated Liu Bei in Hanzhong?

The other party didn't take the opportunity to attack Shu, so why did they come to attack our Jingzhou? "

A series of doubts in Cheng Pu's mind are meaningless now.

He hurriedly arranged for the city defense, and at the same time, he had to write a letter himself and send it to Wuguan and Xiangyang respectively.

The first came to remind Sun Ce that the rear road was in danger of being blocked, and asked him to return to the army quickly for support.

On the other hand, Sun Quan, who was in Xiangyang, was notified to send troops to support him quickly.

After sending these two letters, Liu Ke's army finally arrived in Feng County.

When Cheng Pu saw the momentum of Liu Ke's army outside the city, his face turned livid.

At the same time, he was also rejoicing in his heart, fortunately, he had already sent a request for help, otherwise Feng County would not last long.

After Liu Ke's army came to the city, they did not march immediately, but first sent a small force to test Feng County.

Cheng Pu knew that the city was besieged and it was very dangerous.

So he deliberately bluffed and rushed out of the city with [-] infantry to take the initiative to fight.

"The thieves actually attacked me in Jingzhou? Cheng Pu is here, don't think about going any further!"

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