Even Zhou Yu, who was in Luyang, was not treated as well as Sun Ce.

And Sun Ce is known as the little bully. With the support of so many resources, Wu Guan is about to get it.

However, Sun Ce received a letter yesterday from General Cheng Pu in Feng County, which instantly made Sun Ce feel bad.

Cheng Pu explained the movements of Liu Ke's army and his inner worries in his heart.

Although he did not directly state the request for support, the meaning between the lines has already reminded Sun Ce that the rear is unstable and it is better to retreat.

However, Sun Ce is fierce and has always had his own opinions.

Seeing Wu Guan saw his hand, how could he give up so easily?Otherwise, wouldn't all the consumption during this period be in vain.

So Sun Ce put the letter aside directly, no longer caring about him, and at the same time asked the soldiers to storm Wuguan again.

After trying to take Wuguan down, go back and solve the troubles in the rear.

Therefore, the sudden arrival of Lu Meng, the guard on the city today, increased the pressure sharply.

He has sent a letter to Liu Ke asking for help for many days, but he has not seen the other party's movement for a long time.

However, from Sun Ce's almost crazy attack today, Lu Meng was keenly aware that the opponent seemed to be too anxious.

He discussed with Lu Su: "Zijing, Sun Ce suddenly attacked wildly, is there something wrong?"

Lu Su also thought of this, so he tried to analyze: "Perhaps there is something unsolvable in Sun Ce's rear.

But he didn't want to give up Wuguan easily, so he attacked wildly, try to win it and return quickly! "

"Zi Jing's words are exactly what I think, since that's the case, no matter what important matters Sun Ce has, it would be better not to let him get what he wants!"

After saying that, Lu Meng simply pulled out his sword, rushed to the top of the city, and defended with the soldiers.

The joining of the main general Lu Meng greatly boosted the morale of the crowd, and the defense was immediately stabilized.

Sun Ce was furious when he saw this, and immediately ordered all the troops to attack together.

Therefore, in addition to the climbing army clinging to the top of the city, there were also attacks from trebuchets, bows and arrows in the distance.

However, Lu Meng's defensive methods were also diverse, so Sun Ce's attack did not cause much damage.

However, since the so-called ants kill elephants, since it cannot be achieved overnight, Sun Ce has already made up his mind to use soft and hard tactics.

During this period of time, quite a few results have been achieved.

Seeing that the number of enemy troops at the top of the city was getting smaller and smaller, Sun Ce ordered the soldiers to step up the attack again.

However, the new round of attack only lasted an hour, and some soldiers had already climbed to the top of the city and occupied a section of it.

But at this moment, the bow and arrow troops covering the front road army ascending the city suddenly misfired collectively.

Losing their cover, the keen Lu Meng immediately launched a counterattack. After a long time of effort, he finally cleared away all the enemy troops on the top of the city.

Sun Ce watched this scene helplessly, and couldn't help but growl unwillingly.

"What's going on? Why did you stop shooting? If the general of the archery army doesn't give me an explanation, just raise your head!"

It's no wonder that Sun Ce was so angry. Seeing that if he persisted, the city wall of Wuguan would be occupied by himself.

Generally, once the city wall is lost, the entire city will never end if it falls, but in the end it still falls short.

After coming over for a while, the leader of the archery team finally ran up with a look of fear on his face.

Seeing this, Sun Ce asked unceremoniously, "You are the general of the bow and arrow army, why did you release the water at a critical moment?"

The man was so frightened that he immediately fell to his knees and explained: "Your Majesty, it's not that the last general deliberately delayed the military plane, it's really because it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!" "

"What do you mean?"

"This morning, the general found out that he was about to run out of bows and arrows, so he went to the quartermaster to dispatch them, but they haven't arrived yet!"

Upon hearing this, Sun Ce said quickly, "Where is the quartermaster?"

The quartermaster was a middle-aged man in his forties, who hurried in at Sun Ce's call.

Then he immediately said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty, I have received the other party's request, but there is currently no stock for payment.

Originally, the supplies should have arrived today, but they have not arrived until now, which delayed the opportunity of the battle. Please forgive me, Your Majesty! "

Under the explanation of the two, Sun Ce finally understood what happened.

From this point of view, neither of them seems to be responsible. The biggest responsibility lies with the personnel in charge of escorting the supplies. The suspect is Cheng Pu, the guard at the transfer station.

Cheng Pu? !and many more!

Thinking of Cheng Pu, Sun Ce finally seemed to think of something, and his face immediately changed drastically.

Cheng Pu is his father's old general, he has fought with the Sun family for decades, he is loyal and will never make mistakes in such matters.

Even if there was an emergency during the transportation, the mature and prudent Cheng Pu would explain to Sun Ce in advance to teach him to prepare.

But this time the supplies were delayed, and I'm afraid it was only delayed because Cheng Pu encountered troubles that he couldn't solve.

Thinking of this, the contents of the letter sent by Cheng Pu yesterday finally attracted Sun Ce's attention again.

Sun Ce hurriedly retrieved the letterhead that he threw away yesterday, and looked at the content on it again.

This time, his expression finally became serious.

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