"Could it be, could it be that Liu Ke's army has already reached Feng County? Otherwise, it would be impossible for the supplies to be delayed for so long!"

The more Sun Ce thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct, and he immediately fell into entanglement, and he still couldn't make a decision.

But in the afternoon, when Cheng Pu's rescue messenger felt it again, Sun Ce finally made up his mind.

"Old General Cheng was besieged by the enemy, so he had to go to support him, otherwise the frontline soldiers would not be able to receive food and supplies.

Apart from leaving [-] troops here to deter the guards of Wuguan, the others immediately packed up their things and set off immediately after an hour! "

Sun Ce acts vigorously and resolutely. As long as there is a decision, he will try his best to complete everything as soon as possible.

Therefore, at his request, the army finally set out to rescue Feng County.

The siege of Wuguan was finally temporarily relieved.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feng County was besieged, but Cheng Pu was very puzzled.

Because Liu Ke obviously has a hundred thousand troops outside, but he has not attacked for a long time, which is really puzzling.

But no matter how doubtful he was, Cheng Pu was helpless.

Because he had been surrounded by troops led by Li Dian, with an army of [-], he could only be blocked in the city.

As for Sun Lang, he volunteered to guard Yin County, which is less than ten miles south of Feng County.

These two places are very close to each other, and they were originally at odds with each other.

However, the enemy army is so powerful that the two cities can't take care of themselves in an instant, so they have no ability to take care of others.

Therefore, Liu Ke set his goal on Yin County, which is relatively low in the city.

Only by destroying one of the cities and creating a phenomenon that the other city is in danger can Sun Ce's attention be attracted.

Therefore, a total of [-] siege troops immediately rushed to Yin County under the leadership of Ling Tong.

Originally, Liu was planning to hand over this task to other people, but after thinking about it, Ling Tong had defeated Sun Lang before.

Sending out this time might achieve the same effect, so they simply left the two masters alone and handed over the command to Ling Tong.

Ling Tong also patted his chest and said, naturally within two days, Yin County will definitely be captured.

Ling Tong led the army and arrived at the city of Yin County in just an hour, which also shows how close the two cities are.

Unlike Feng County, which is already surrounded by groups, the tension here in Yin County is slightly less.

However, the appearance of Ling Tong also announced that the only stability left was over.

When Sun Lang, the guard in the city, heard this familiar name, he immediately regained his energy.

"Ling Tong? Huh! The general was looking for him, but unexpectedly, he came to his door on his own initiative!"

As he said that, Sun Lang was about to go out of the city to fight, but he was immediately persuaded by the people around him.

"General, don't be impulsive! Don't forget the lesson from Wudang City a few days ago!"

When someone reminded him, Sun Lang couldn't help but blush, but the anger in his heart also rushed up.

He said viciously: "Hmph! Don't worry, this general will never fall into the same pit twice. This time, it is only to teach Ling Tong a lesson, and he will definitely not fall into the opponent's plan!"

With that said, Sun Lang no longer ignored the dissuasion of others, and rushed out of the city with a team of people.

"Thief general, this general has been looking for you a long time ago, I didn't expect you to dare to come, let me kill you first!"

In the process of yelling, Sun Lang has already rushed forward, with great momentum.

Seeing this, Ling Tong went forward without any fear, and fought with Sun Lang.

Sun Lang's strength is not bad, and he fought Ling Tong for more than ten rounds without losing the slightest advantage.

However, Ling Tong didn't want to compete with Sun Lang this time.

In fact, he had already planned in his heart, and he was planning to take advantage of Sun Lang's jealousy towards him and profit from it.

Therefore, within fifty rounds of the battle with Sun Lang, Ling Tong pretended to be exhausted and retreated in defeat.

When Sun Lang saw this, his eyes lit up, and he was about to catch up and finish Ling Tong completely.

Unexpectedly, just after rushing not far away, there was the sound of Mingjin withdrawing troops from the top of the city.

When Sun Lang heard the voice, he couldn't help but look back, and found that it was indeed an order from the city to withdraw troops.

Even though he was extremely unwilling, he had no choice but to return to the city.

"The general is waiting to capture Ling Tong alive, why did you ask Jin to withdraw?"

As soon as he returned to the city, Sun Lang questioned the other party angrily.

Unexpectedly, the other party said without hesitation: "General, I am afraid that Ling Tong will be deceitful and deliberately attract the general to pursue him. If he is caught in an ambush, it will be too late to regret, so I call gold!"

When Sun Lang heard this, he couldn't blame the other party anymore, so he could only sigh deeply.

Unexpectedly, before noon, the defeated Ling Tong actually went back and came to the city to provoke again.

This time, Sun Lang was even more angry.

In addition to the victory just now, Ling Tong is becoming more and more disliked now.

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