Even the loss of Wudang City before was regarded as a lifetime of shame, and Ling Tong must be killed to wash it away.

So, this time the persuasion of others was even more ineffective.

Sun Lang said confidently: "Ling Tong is nothing more than that, he just took his life by relying on Ma Kuai.

If he dared to come over this time, the general would definitely kill him with one blow!I've made up my mind, don't persuade anyone! "

With that said, Sun Lang came outside the city again and started fighting with Ling Tong.

In less than fifty rounds, Ling Tong once again suffered from exhaustion of physical strength, and was about to run away.

This time Sun Lang seemed to have been prepared, leaping ahead of time to stand in front of Ling Tong's retreat.

Ling Tong paid the price of being cut off by the opponent with a knife, and finally found a space to escape again.

Just as Sun Lang was about to pursue him, there was another sound of gold ringing from the top of the city, calling him back.

This time Sun Lang was even more angry, he scolded the other party severely, he shouldn't stop himself from taking revenge, and if he does this again next time, he will not be merciless.

Sure enough, in the afternoon, Ling Tong came to the city again to clamor.

Sun Lang rushed out without waiting for the others to speak.

This time it was the same routine, but Sun Lang had predicted it in advance and chased after him.

Ling Tong tried several times, but he still couldn't break free from Sun Lang's entanglement.

Therefore, Ling Tong's face was extremely anxious, but Sun Lang was very proud, thinking that he would capture Ling Tong soon.

I don't know if it was Sun Lang who was careless, or Ling Tong was cunning, the other party actually dodged, brushed past Sun Lang, and then ran away immediately.

Sun Lang looked back, his eyes were full of unwillingness.

This time, he no longer cared about the reaction from the city, and directly followed and pursued him.

"The thief will leave, let's see how the young master captures you!"

Ling Tong galloped his horse, and in the blink of an eye he came to the bank of the Han River.

Seeing that there was no way ahead, Sun Lang said triumphantly: "Haha, I can't run away! If you are arrested without a fight, I can consider letting you go!"

However, Ling Tong showed an expression that he would rather die than submit, he yelled at the other party a few words, and jumped directly into the Taotao Hanshui.

But Ling Tong was so anxious that he didn't even bother to take off his armor.

As soon as he entered the water, he immediately began to sink, struggling desperately in the water.

Sun Lang saw Ling Tong's performance on the shore, and originally wanted to just watch him drown.

But after thinking about it, if he can capture Ling Tong, he has the capital to challenge Liu Ke.

So he took off his thick armor and jumped into the water to catch it.

Unexpectedly, Ling Tong, who had been dying, suddenly regained his spirits and grabbed Sun Lang by the collar.

Sun Lang grew up by the water, and his water skills are extraordinary.

But compared with Ling Tong, it is still far behind.

Ling Tong was wearing heavy armor and was still extremely flexible in the water.

On the contrary, it was Sun Lang who was caught by Ling Tong's collar and sank down. He was caught off guard and drank a big mouthful of water.

Ling Tong led Sun Lang up and down, and after a while, Sun Lang's stomach was filled with river water, and he completely lost the power to resist.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ling Tong's water-based superman, let alone Sun Lang, is a fierce general like Lu Bu and Dian Wei.

When in the water, you have to be at his mercy.

Among Liu Ke's generals, Gan Ning, who is also a water general, can be evenly divided with Ling Tong.

Therefore, in Jingzhou, where the water network is densely covered, Ling Tong's strength has finally been brought into full play.

Sun Lang drank a stomach full of water, and now he has no ability to resist, and finally was easily lifted ashore by Ling Tong and tied up.

After Sun Lang was tricked out of the city by Ling Tong's aggressive method, Ling Tong's army immediately launched a fierce attack on Yin County.

The dragons in Yin County have no leader. The generals who belonged to Cheng Pu and the soldiers of Sun Lang's direct line are dissatisfied with each other, and neither can command the other.

As a result, Ling unified the city to attack the city, but the city fell into a war of its own, and finally Yin County was easily taken down.

Ling Tong stayed in Shengxian to stay in Yin County, while he himself captured Sun Lang and rushed to Liu Ke's camp outside Feng County to show victory.

How to put it, Sun Lang, as Sun Shangxiang's younger brother, is also related to Liu Ke.

So Ling Tong couldn't deal with it privately, so he could only hand him over to Liu Ke.

Seeing his little brother-in-law, Liu Ke couldn't help laughing at his embarrassed appearance.

"Gongji, do you know that this is my brother-in-law, how can you make him such a mess?"

When Sun Lang saw it, he couldn't help becoming angry, and looked at Ling Tong angrily, and was about to sue him in front of Liu Ke.

However, Ling Tong still replied solemnly and righteously: "Your Majesty, when the two armies are fighting, only the enemy general stands in the way. The last general only wishes to clear away all obstacles for His Majesty. I have never thought so much. Please forgive me."

"Hahahaha, don't be surprised by your achievements, how can I blame you? Not only do you not blame you, but you will also be rewarded heavily!"

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