As for Zu Mao himself, he took the only remnants of the defeated army and turned to Sun Ce in embarrassment.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Sun Ce has always acted decisively and without ambiguity.As long as you decide to abandon Wuguan and go south to support, then the speed of marching will be very fast.

In just two days, they have arrived in Shunyang City.

Shunyang is located on the bank of the Dan River, a tributary of the Han River, just a hundred miles north of Feng County, which is now besieged by Liu Ke's army.

Sun Ce came all the way, if he continued to move forward, he would be exhausted, and the enemy had an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Therefore, Sun Ce decided to temporarily rest in Shunyang for one night, and use this place as his rear base camp for attacking Liu Ke.

Shunyang is close to Danshui, and the water transportation is convenient. At the same time, it can radiate to Li County, Champion, Rang County and other places to the east.

The dense water network connection can temporarily mobilize the resources of these three counties.

Another point is that Shunyang is regarded as the northwest gateway of Nanyang Basin. It is built on the mountain, easy to defend and difficult to attack, which can be regarded as an excellent place.

After a day of rest, Sun Ce was about to continue his attack when he ran into Zu Mao who had fled back after being defeated.

Seeing that the other party was in such a state of distress, Sun Ce could no longer reprimand this veteran general, so he could only allocate another five thousand troops to guard Danshui City and prevent Lu Meng from entering the hinterland of Nanyang.

Unexpectedly, just after dealing with Zu Mao's matter, the news of the fall of Yin county reached the army again.

This made Sun Ce's already not-so-good mood fall directly to the bottom.

"Liu Ke, I swear to capture you alive!"

Sun Ce swears, and without hesitation, he will personally command fifty thousand troops to kill Liu Ke.

"Your Majesty, the scouts are here to report that Sun Ce has finished repairing in Shunyang and is leading an army of [-] to support Feng County!"

Zhuge Liang's scout network was very powerful, and soon after Sun Ce left, the news reached Liu Ke's ears.

Liu Ke sneered and said: "My uncle is very impatient. But it happened to be gathered together, so I can catch them all!"

"Your Majesty, Sun Ce is known as the little overlord, and the soldiers and horses in his hands are all elites from Jingzhou. You must take it seriously!"

"Wen He is right. I'm fighting the elite. I don't know who dares to fight?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone volunteered one after another, and the scene was once very lively.

Liu Ke watched all the generals scrambling to sign up with a smile on his face, and finally said: "Since everyone is so active, it's hard for me to convince everyone.

Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, and Tai Shici, I order you to command [-] soldiers and horses to stop Sun Ce along the way.

There is no need to hold on, as long as you can suppress Sun Ce's arrogance and wear down the opponent's spirit! "

After listening to Liu Ke's arrangement, the third general immediately took orders to go.

On the road from Shunyang to Fengxian, although there are no high mountains, there are also some low hills.

Such terrain is very conducive to the ambush of the three generals.

So after a brief discussion, the three of them decided to ambush along the way, blocking Sun Ce layer by layer.

The first line of defense was Tai Shici, who lay in ambush behind a hill and waited quietly for Sun Ce's arrival.

In less than an hour, Tai Shici finally saw the Jingzhou army coming from the north.

So he rushed out immediately and stopped on the road alone.

When the vanguard saw Tai Shici alone in the middle of the road, they immediately shouted loudly: "The king's army is about to pass by, and the idlers wait to get out of the way!"

After shouting three times, Tai Shici still didn't move a muscle, as if he didn't hear it.

The other party was furious when he saw this, and one of the military academy rushed up to chase him away.

"You can't hear me talking to you, are you deaf or blind?"

While speaking, a gun stabbed at Tai Shici.

Unexpectedly, Tai Shici dodged, drew out the short halberd on his back while dodging, and when the opponent's body approached, he stabbed suddenly.

The man couldn't dodge in time, he was directly stabbed by Tai Shici, and he fell heavily on the ground, no longer breathing.

At this moment, the counterattack finally turned pale with shock, and the vanguard general Han Dang immediately stepped out and looked at Tai Shici.

"Who is your Excellency? Why are you blocking our army's way?" His tone was much more polite than before.

Tai Shici finally opened his mouth and said: "I am Donglai Tai Shici, with this general here, no one can pass!"

The leader of the vanguard of the Jingzhou Army was named Liuzan, a man with a fiery personality and extraordinary martial arts skills.

He had been very polite to Tai Shici just now, but the other party still didn't appreciate it, and even made things difficult on purpose.

This time, Liuzan finally got angry.

He swung his big knife and slashed at Tai Shici, and at the same time shouted: "Thief general, don't be ashamed of your face, then try Grandpa's knife!"

Tai Shici showed no fear on his face, instead he called out hello.

"Well done, I'm going to try your weight."

The two immediately fought together, and for a while it was another battle between dragons and tigers.

Liu Zan is brave, but his strength is not too high, and he usually relies on his blood.

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