Immediately after the three axes were used up, there were no new moves.

But in the eyes of the famous general Tai Shici, these moves of his were not enough at all.

Therefore, Tai Shici's two halberds first pushed aside Liu Zan as weapons, and then seized the opponent's opening and stabbed them.

Liu Zan was beaten in a hurry by Tai Shici, and he was defeated after a while.

After more than a dozen rounds, Liu Zan was out of breath, and finally couldn't hold on anymore, and finally retreated helplessly into the formation.

Tai Shici's purpose this time is to delay the opponent and frustrate the opponent's spirit, and he doesn't want to kill the opponent's general as soon as he comes up, but it will make him feel the same hatred.

So let Liuzan leave like this, and spend a good time with the opponent's army here.

Liu Zan returned to the formation angrily, and kept muttering in his mouth: "I didn't expect that Tai Shici is so powerful, I'm afraid only the king can defeat him!"

At this time, a meritorious Cao stepped forward to offer advice: "General, the officer is alone when he sees the opponent, why don't you shoot all the arrows and kill him?"

Unexpectedly, after listening to Liu Zan, he was furious.

"Shut up! This general is no match for his strength, so he stabs people in the back. Isn't that a villain's style? I'm not ashamed!

Let's take a break later and fight again, we must defeat the opponent! "

After more than half an hour, Liuzan had eaten and drank enough, and rushed out again.

Seeing this, Tai Shici immediately laughed and said, "I never thought you would dare to come out? You really are not afraid of death!"

"Hmph! Even if I can't beat you, I will die on the battlefield, and I will never be a coward!"

Unexpectedly, this person has a temper, so Tai Shici fought with him again.

This time, Tai Shici saw that the other party was quite angry with him, so he would not hurt him even more.

Anyway, I have plenty of time, so I just hit and stop with the other party, and the day passed like this.

The vanguard of Liuzan was also blocked here by Tai Shici and did not move forward.

Although Liuzan has repeatedly fought and lost, but because Tai Shici is always merciful, he has made rapid progress.

In fact, Liuzan is still very easy to learn, but he has never had the opportunity to fight against famous generals. This time, under Tai Shici's release, he has benefited a lot.

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-nine chapters are greatly frustrated

Liu Zan fought Tai Shici again, and when he returned to the front, he suddenly heard that the army of the king, Sun Ce, was not far behind.

When he heard it, he was shocked for an instant, and he didn't realize until now that he had been delayed by the other party for a whole day.

You must know that Sun Ce is extremely strict in governing the army. Since Liuzan was appointed as the vanguard, he was ordered to clear all obstacles.

Now he is single-handedly trapped by the enemy. If Sun Ce pursues him, Liuzan will be punished.

Therefore, this time Liu Zan made up his mind to capture Tai Shici alive.

Moreover, he also had to follow Sergeant Cao's suggestion and secretly order people to detour from both sides.

When Tai Shici was fighting with him, a group of people rushed forward and took him down.

Only in this way, when Sun Ce came, Liu Zan could have a reason to be exonerated.

So Liu Zan didn't care about the rest this time, so he rushed out again, hoping to succeed before Sun Ce arrived.

Tai Shici, who was waiting outside the formation, saw that Liu Zan rushed out in a hurry this time, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes.

And when Liu Zan was fighting with him, he could also feel the opponent's impatience.

Following Liuzan's vague eyes, Tai Shici even saw the troops he arranged.

"Hmph! Kid, you still want to catch me? Then let's see, who catches whom?"

What Tai Shici thought in his heart, he immediately put it into practice, and completely released all his strength.

Liuzan slashed at him again, but Taishi Ci raised his halberd to block it.

But Liu Zan sneered, and the blade turned in the air, evading the hand halberd through an arc, and struck again from another angle.

This is a move that Liu Zan just came up with, and when he uses it suddenly, it really has an unexpected effect.

But when the opponent he faced was Tai Shici, who was far above him by several levels, this move was as naive as a child's play.

There was no movement on Tai Shici's face, but he sent forward the short halberd in the other hand.

The side branch at the front end of the short halberd just rightly appeared on the only way of Liuzan's broadsword, blocking it.

And the other short halberd that was swung just now continued to stab Liuzan forward.

Liu Zan's stealing was not enough, not only was his attack blocked, but he was also forced into a panic by Tai Shici.

He hurriedly defended, but Tai Shici was no longer showing mercy, waving his hands again and again, Liu Zan finally couldn't hold on anymore.

I saw Tai Shici swung Liuzan's big saber with one halberd, and knocked him off his horse with the other halberd.

Then without any hesitation, Tai Shici took advantage of the opponent's fall, tied him under the horse, and walked away.

Up to this moment, Liu Zan's backers have not closed the encirclement, seeing that the main general has been arrested, he rushed to rescue him.

But Tai Shici was not alone as the other party had imagined, he had just flashed a hill.

The pursuers suddenly became dumbfounded, and saw that not far from him, Tai Shici's army was in full formation, ready to attack at any time.

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