With a wave of Tai Shici's hand, a rain of arrows hit his head and face, and the opponent who hit him ran away with his head in his arms, and fled back again.

As for Liu Zan, he was directly captured alive by Tai Shici and brought back to the formation.

When the chasing troops were defeated, Sun Ce's main force just arrived.

When he saw that the vanguard troops were all downcast, but the main general disappeared, he immediately became furious.

When his subordinates hurriedly told what happened just now, Sun Ce didn't wait for the other party to finish speaking, he slammed the door and went to meet Tai Shici.

"Enemy general, do you dare to fight Sun Ce for a hundred rounds?"

When Tai Shici heard that it was Sun Ce calling out, he rushed out without hesitation.

"The thief will be so rude, Donglai Taishi Ci is here!"

Before the words fell, the two had already fought into a group.

As soon as they fought, the two of them were shocked, and the same thought flashed in their hearts: "Is this person so powerful?"

However, both of them are well-known fierce generals, and they will not back down in battle.

The strength of the opponent, on the contrary, aroused his fighting spirit even more.

I saw that the two sides refused to give in to each other, and after fifty rounds of fighting, it was still impossible to tell the winner.

Tai Shici thought to himself: "If I can capture Sun Ce alive, wouldn't it be a great contribution?"

So Tai Shici pretended to be defeated and pulled his horse back.

Seeing this, Sun Ce yelled: "It's not a good man who retreats, I'm here to capture you!"

You must know that he is fighting on the head at this moment, how can he allow the enemy general to retreat easily and rush forward to pursue him.

The faces of Zu Mao, Han Dang and others who were watching the battle changed drastically. They were worried that the king would be ambushed, so they hurriedly led troops to chase after him to protect him.

Tai Shici ran away from his horse, and Sun Ce chased after him. After turning a corner, Sun Ce suddenly fell into the opponent's ambush.

"Hahaha! Sun Ce, you can't escape with your wings!"

After finishing speaking, Tai Shici returned to his horse and started fighting, and the ambush soldiers on both sides also began to shrink the encirclement circle, preparing to capture him alive.

Seeing that the encirclement was about to close, Sun Ce could not escape the fate of being captured.

But he is not worthy of the order of the little overlord, even though Tai Shici has retreated outside to command, facing the siege of hundreds of soldiers.

Sun Ce still didn't lose the wind, but instead poured the opponent's blood into rivers.

Seeing this, Tai Shici couldn't help giving him a thumbs up in his heart.

However, he would not go forward to show the bravery of a man, and just took advantage of Sun Ce's unpreparedness and shot with an arrow.

The swift sound of piercing the air instantly alarmed Sun Ce, and at the critical moment, he rolled forward and finally dodged the arrow.

Just in this way, he also fell into a more difficult situation in an instant.

So, Sun Ce couldn't help cursing: "You rat, how dare you stab someone in the back?"

"Haha, little Sun Ce, if you are obediently captured alive by the general, there won't be so many troubles!"

Tai Shici retorted and joined the battle circle again. With his joining, Sun Ce's situation was precarious.

However, just when Tai Shici was about to succeed, there was a loud shout from afar.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Han Dang and Zu Mao are here!"

I saw two generals coming on horseback, one on the left and the other on the right to fight Tai Shici.

Both of them were brave and good at fighting, under the pincer attack, Tai Shici immediately fell into a passive position.

With the addition of reinforcements, Sun Ce finally got out of the predicament and out of danger again.

After another round of fighting, the two armies were injured and the sky was getting dark, so they withdrew their troops and returned to camp.

Although Sun Ce was rescued by Han Dang and Zu Mao who rushed over at the critical moment.

But the coach was almost captured, and the vanguard general Liuzan also became a prisoner of the enemy.

The morale of the Jingzhou army was immediately hit.

Seeing this, Sun Ce was furious in the camp.

"Tai Shici, my son, the lonely king will capture you alive tomorrow and bring you back to the army to sacrifice the flag!"

Besides Liuzan, after being captured alive by Tai Shici, he would rather die than surrender, no matter how much he persuaded him, he would die rather than surrender.

However, Tai Shici saw that he was loyal and upright, and couldn't bear to kill him, so he simply ordered someone to send him to the base camp overnight, and was ready to make him submit.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After much difficulty, Sun Ce waited until the second day, when it was just dawn, he couldn't wait to lead his troops to rush forward, preparing to teach Tai Shici a good lesson today.

However, with the lessons learned from the ambush yesterday, Sun Ce finally did not dare to underestimate the enemy and rush forward this time.

He rushed with Zu Mao, Han Dang and other generals.

However, to Sun Ce's surprise, when he came to the place where he met yesterday, it was calm and there was no one there.

"Strange, why is there no one there?"

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